

Monday, December 8, 2008

I received a phone call this morning on my cell phone (unlisted number) from a woman in Georgia asking to speak to the spa manager.  I said, "I WORK at a spa, but...".  She then asked if this was the Skin Appeal Day Spa in Stafford [VA].  I looked up the spa, and its number is completely different from mine.  To me, this is a wonderful example of synchronicity - that we're all inter-connected :).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No music last night but this morning a red-headed woodpecker flew over me three times, each time emitting a strange little cry until finally settling down to peck our ancient maple tree.  The woodpecker's drumming is the heartbeat of the earth.  The woodpecker reflects new mental faculties are awakening, yet conversely to not neglect the physical body. Shamans ride the woodpecker's drummings into another dimension, space and time. Interesting!

Friday, December 5, 2008

For the last week, every evening I've felt someone gently running [her] fingers through my hair.  It's a very gentle touch, so I know it's a female entity.  Sadie has been watching my head in fascination while this is going on, so I'm pretty sure it's either my mother or one of my grandmothers who has been here.  I've also been hearing the turn-of-the-century music late at night while I'm trying to sleep - much muted chatter and laughter, too; this has been continuous for the last two weeks or so.