

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Meteor over Russia

I have a metaphysical tale to tell re this: Yesterday evening I was outside star and moon gazing when I heard a far-off siren that sounded like a higher pitched air raid siren without a dip in tone. I listened and listened, thought about getting my recorder but sat on the deck straining to see if I could discern where the sound was coming from (couldn't tell but it sounded north east). When it ended a minute or so later, I ran inside to see if there were any news flashes. Nada. I told Jeff about what I heard and that I thought it was a case of clairaudience* as opposed to an actual air raid siren going off in D.C. Since my gift seems to be changing on a rather monumental scale - at least for me! - and I can no longer tell if what I'm hearing (and smelling re petroleum spills!) is an actual presently-occurring event or a future event, I gotta tell you I had major goose bumps with this one! The sound alone caused my skin to crawl and every hair to stand up on end; truly, truly freaky. I was going to blog about this last night, not only to have a written record of what I had heard, but as a prompt to keep googling "air raid sirens D.C. 2/14/13." As I've mentioned in several past blog posts, my short term memory is pretty much non-existent - the events themselves are always remembered, but a reminder to blog or write down what I witnessed are often forgotten, with the reminder hitting me at some future point (and then while I'm on my way to write it down or blog about it, I get distracted and forget again! oy vey). Luckily I was on the internet at about 1:00 am this morning when the first news reports came out about the meteor, and I immediately wrote about what I had heard on my Facebook Wall. But again, I'm writing this now, 17 hours or so after I wrote about it on Facebook, because Jeff asked me a few minutes ago, "Did you blog about hearing the sirens?" Extremely frustrating (but still makes me laugh because it's such an old lady cliche' to have "senior moments"). I think what is important to emphasize, though, is that according to the current news' reports on this meteor, I heard the sirens at the same time the meteor was falling and exploding over Russia. Truly, truly freaky, indeed.

If anyone reads of any event that happened in D.C. that would warrant a high pitched air raid siren, please let me know. Otherwise, I'm guessing what I heard was a case of clairaudience* of this meteor and the Russian emergency warning system being activated.

*"Clairaudience is the gift of hearing voices, music and sounds that are not audible to the normal ear and may not be of a physical form. "Clairaudience" comes from the French word meaning "clear hearing" and is often intermingled with other basic psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance and clairsentience. Yoga describes this as the siddhi and is experienced when the fifth chakra is acted with is located in the throat. Clairaudience is normally experienced in dreamtime and related states of consciousness.... Shaman, prophets, priests and so forth have been documented to have had clairaudience which would lead to certain events." Best definition of clairaudience that relates to what happened to me last night, from the website:

Here's a recent article about the meteor:

UPDATE 2/28/13: CNN just published an article titled, "Planet of Sound: Meteor Blast Resonated Around Earth" about the sound waves caused by the meteor. So, I reckon what I heard was the meteor, instead of an actual air raid siren with no dips in tone.