As my friends all know, I'm a psychic and a shaman/healer and a practitioner of all things holistic. As a shaman and a healer, I've been shown in visions many plants, herbs and minerals to use for well-being and treatment. When not dreaming (hahaha - riiiiiiight), whenever anyone has asked for my help in choosing proper natural, holistic treatments, I've been able to tap into the energy and almost immediately find what treatment will likely work best. As I'm researching, I'm also gathering all that data into my own data center (my brain), and since I have a photographic memory, I'm able to recall much of that information at a moment's notice.
So when I research, I don't just look at holistic websites - I also browse the CDC, manufacturers' material datasheets for chemicals, the Environmental Working Group, the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, pharmaceutical companies and on and on. I think it's vital to know the entire picture, and an illness can't be treated until one knows how it began.
I was just unfriended on FB by yet another person who is giving out erroneous information (I objected and poof! unfriended - certainly wasn't the first and certainly won't be the last). The subject was radiation or more specifically what to do when exposed? She's a big advocate of taking baking soda and salt baths daily and taking iodine supplements. These don't work, y'all.
From all my research (and yes, prodding by the universal energy), including going to the nuclear regulatory website, here's what I found DOES work:
1) Immediately after exposure to radiation OR chemicals, wash your body with baking soda and salt. If you wait too long, the baking soda and salt don't work. Baking soda is an acid neutralizer; it will neutralize the radiation or chemicals on your skin. I've read that some people also take baking soda internally (a tablespoon in a glass of water) to neutralize any harmful toxins that may have leached into their system. I'm sure it can't hurt, but if the chemicals have already been absorbed into your skin, they're in your bloodstream. You cannot neutralize anything already in your bloodstream - but you can help neutralize it if it's sitting in your digestive system, so maybe taking a couple of glasses of water and baking soda is at least a good idea. As to the salt, the salt acts to draw out the toxin. This is really helpful immediately after exposure. Again, if you wait too long, it's not as effective and in fact can dehydrate you by drawing out vital moisture. A daily bath of salts will leave you dehydrated. I've also read of ingesting earth (or clay) - don't do it, y'all. This particular "treatment" is worthless; dirt (clay) is best used externally (see below).
2) In the days following exposure take a bath with clay (kaolin, rhassoul, white clay, etc.) and activated charcoal powder. You can use some sea salt as a scrub, which will slough off the dead skin cells and allow the new skin to grow unencumbered. The clay and charcoal powder are the most powerful substances with which to draw out any lingering toxins from your skin. They'll help immensely in preventing or healing any lesions that may have formed on your skin. If your lesions are on a roll, make a paste out of the clay, charcoal powder, witch hazel (antiseptic), honey (anti-bacterial and forms a skin barrier preventing more toxins from entering), aloe vera (healing), tea tree oil (just a few drops - it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) and a few drops of lavender and/or chamomile (these will reduce the redness and aid in healing) essential oils. There are many other essential oils that aid in healing, but lavender is my go-to in all instances. If your skin is too dry, add some olive oil (or jojoba or coconut oil) to the mixture. Keep the paste on your skin until it either dries or for at least 30 minutes, then rinse off (don't wash it off with soap!).
3) If you think you're at high risk for radiation exposure, start taking pure kelp supplements or the actual plant itself. Be sure to read the label because not all kelp supplements are pure kelp - you don't want to add in any unnecessary ingredients (I've been taking Christopher's Original Formula Kelp for years). Kelp will keep your thyroid healthy so that if you are exposed, your thyroid can battle the radiation more effectively. Kelp is not a "cure" for radiation sickness; there is no cure for radiation poisoning - the KI tablets are to lessen the effects. If you're over 40, you cannot take the potassium iodide (KI) tablets. People over 40 are already at low risk for absorbing radiation because their thyroids have a natural ability to reject it, and taking KI can cause severe allergic reactions including death. So make sure your thyroid stays healthy before you get exposed, even with routine x-rays. And contrary to popular belief, taking iodine does nothing. It's not helpful - period.
4) Eat organic fruits and veggies (and sprouted beans and peas) and as little meat as possible. Meat has a tendency to sit in your gut longer than produce does, and the fat from meats can make a bad situation worse. The fruits and veggies will help your digestive system work properly so that your kidneys, liver and bowels are not overtaxed; add a little olive oil into your daily salad to get the needed fat or take some salmon or fish oil (not from the Gulf!) supplements for Omega 3 and 6 vitality.
Finally, as to all things holistic, never, ever believe anyone when they say they have a "cure." Holistic medicine is best (always!) used as a preventative so that you don't have to be "cured." Certain natural solutions are best used immediately after an incident. In the days that follow the incident, other solutions come into play. Still other solutions are best used so that you don't get an "incident" to begin with. So please don't accept anything as being a "cure" - our bodies often reject one solution over another. When asked for a treatment protocol, I always ask the person to give me feedback: did it help? did it work? If not, the problem may be too wide-spread at that point, so an alternative needs to be used. Often many disorders need immediate medical attention first, and then a holistic regimen can be employed afterwards. I'll also explain (ad infinitum) why a certain herb or plant may work better than another. For instance, sage is well-known for stopping excessive sweating, so since I'm a big-time sweating person (hot flashes!), I drink sage tea often (pour hot water over fresh sage leave and let steep for 3-5 minutes). But why does it help with excessive sweating? Sage is an anti-hyperintensive, along with being anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. If you're hyper, you sweat; if you have high blood sugar, you sweat; if you have an inflammation or bacterial infection, you start sweating. Sage helps with all of these disorders, and a side benefit stops the heavy sweating (it does not prevent you from sweating - just excessively - since it's helping to heal as it works). If someone touts a "cure", ask why those certain ingredients taken together will help.
In this day and age of the underinsured or not at all insured, we often don't go to a doctor until our condition has severely worsened. Make sure you're healthy to begin with - nip those smaller incidents in the bud before they become full-blown crises. And if you do have to see a doctor? Gather all the information you can, particularly as to the medications he/she may prescribe, read up on the contraindications of the medications, and start researching holistic alternatives. Sometimes nothing will do except an initial antibiotic, but you can always start a preventative program afterwards that will ensure your healing is fast and (relatively) painless ♥
NOTE: Well, I told you I'd go on and on ad infinitum (don't say you weren't warned!), but another "cure" that is being highly talked about is using a coffee or some other "natural" enema to wash toxins out of your body. Y'all, enemas are totally unnecessary and may actually be just as harmful as the poison in your body. An enema (especially a coffee enema) can dehydrate you to the point that your digestive system can be overworked and then shut down. When your body is having to unnaturally expel waste, it's working overtime, and working overtime puts a strain (no pun intended!) on your entire system. You can't heal very effectively internally if each organ is being overworked. Unless you have liver or kidney disease, your liver and kidneys already do a wonderful job of elimination on their own. Make sure that they keep functioning well by eating healthy foods!