I was just asked by a friend if I think a revolution is coming to America. In light of the Egyptian protests and unrest here at home, it's certainly a reasonable feeling that a change is going to come, but here's my reply to her:
Yes, but I'm shocked by how many people either don't care or think all of this turmoil is caused by us liberals or caused by God or is a biblical prophecy, and would therefore rather hide in their bunkers and stock up on arms instead of act...ually taking action (like us liberals are doing)! They're blaming everyone but themselves for things that we CAN change, if only we try. So if you really want to know what I dream about when I foresee the future, it's that the world is dark and on fire and is toxic and we're facing an ice age of mammoth proportions if we don't change. This is why I'm so adamant about change and so feverish in my attempts to stop the holy rollers from doing yet further damage to the issues at hand; the buck stops with us - not God, not the government, US."
As anyone who is in contact with me knows, I am an outspoken activist and liberal thinker. I'm also Buddhist, and we abhor violence as much as we love "love." But for the past month or so I've been having many, many visions of our future world. Dark red skies, fire and smoke, polluted streams and oceans, sickness and illness, misery all-encompassing. The visions are so horrific that in the last three weeks, I have broken three teeth with the sheer pressure of my jaw. I've awakened three times to find my jaw clenched so tightly that I had to force myself to unlock it. When I could finally open my mouth, tooth particles fell out (and indeed I'm typing right now with a throbbing jaw from an abscess that formed in one of those teeth. Yeah, gotta call the dentist!).
So why do I still have so much hope for the future? Because I KNOW it can be changed. No future is set - it changes constantly by those of us who have the will and insight to change it. Change must begin at home, followed with one's community, the nation and the world. We don't have to set ourselves on fire, y'all! We don't have to accept as normal that GMO seeds will take over the fields. We don't have to accept that the military/industrial complex will continue to reap billions of our own money in order to wage illegal, fruitless wars abroad that only cause more hate and death to follow in their wake. We don't have to accept drilling and spilling more oil, gas, and coal dust into our precious waters. We don't have to accept a non-green future! We don't have to accept illness and misery as a normal fact of life. We don't have to accept billions of people starving from corporate malfeasance or from government neglect. We don't have to accept animal torture or environmental rape or man's inhumanity to man. WE CAN CHANGE.
Please! I'm begging, y'all! Please be the change that you want for our future! Please let my visions of utter destruction become a myth! If you have to write and call your government representatives every single day on important issues, DO IT. If you have to protest by marching or organizing a sit-in and shut-down of any corporation that is neglecting its responsibilities to our planet and to its citizens - human and non-human - DO IT. If it means that you have to pay a few dollars more for non-GMO seed to plant your gardens, DO IT. If it means that you can't get that product that you absolutely need because it was made in China, DO IT. Finally, if it means that you'll be placed on some type of Homeland Security anti-terrorist watch list, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
NO MORE FEAR. No more remaining silent. Or there will simply be NO. MORE. PERIOD.