I woke up this morning still dreaming of wild turkeys and buzzards gathered together in a small clearing in the woods.
The vulture is a symbol of death and rebirth and represents purification. They teach us how to use our own energy powerfully and efficiently and to soar without using too much energy - ride the winds instead of flapping. They're associated with the sense of smell, and aromatherapy is a good tool to use to connect with the vulture. No matter how difficult things are at the moment, rescue and change are imminent
Turkeys are a symbol of sacrifice - it gives life so that others may live. The turkey's message is that you have transcended self and act and react on behalf of others. This is not a sense of moralism or guilt, but a deep knowledge that all life is sacred. What you do for others, you also do for yourself. The turkey's gift may be spiritual, material or intellectual; through giving to others, your own goals are reached. The turkey is the symbol of Mother Earth and her abundant harvest. All of Earth's blessings and the ability to use them to their greatest
advantage are part of turkey's teachings.
When I work, whether with the paranormal or at the spa, I expend all my energy into healing my clients' emotional and physical woes. It has become so taxing on my own body that I'm literally crippled for a day afterward. I believe this message is telling me to continue my work in the paths that have chosen me, but that I can expend my energy in a different, less "brutal" way. If my guides can work with me to accomplish this successfully, I'll be able to joyfully have the best of all "worlds."