For the last several days I was thinking about the electromagnetic field, more specifically that spirits often physically register their presence by recording a reading on an EMF (electromagnetic field) meter. When we lived in Bluemont, I often performed a base reading of various rooms in the house, and all the readings were normal. Then, whenever I felt a spirit near, I would turn on the meter, and sure enough, the meter would zoom like crazy. I used to watch Ghost Hunters on SyFy, and whenever they encountered large spikes of EMF readings, they'd naturally first check the electric grid in the house: were the wires exposed, giving off higher-than-normal readings, or was the electrical box out of date, etc. If the wiring is faulty on a home and causes a spike in EMF recordings, the home's occupants can suffer from a sense of being watched (paranoia), nausea, hallucinations, and other maladies. If the electrical grid can be ruled out, the Ghost Hunters reason that a spirit is causing the EMF meter reading to be elevated.
For whatever reason (y'all know I don't question why I get these thoughts - they seem to pop up out of nowhere), I was wondering if perhaps those maladies are real. For those of us who routinely deal with the other world, we know that spirits often manipulate electronic gadgets in order to gain our attention. The tv or radio may suddenly go on the blitz; for me, my computer mouse taking on a life of its own is usually my first physical sign that a spirit is close by. So if manipulation of electronics and a higher than normal EMF reading are verifiable signs that a spirit is present, and everything is considered to be made up of electrons, AND we can often connect to each other mentally through electric pulses in our brains, why can't it follow that a whacked-out electric box only heightens the awareness of the presence of a spirit? Even though a lot of us are ultra-sensitive to the other world, most people are not. Maybe having a faulty electric wiring problem in one's home could cause that person to suddenly be "tuned in" to the other world, instead of negating that spirits are truly present. If you've never believed in "ghosts" and then start experiencing what we sensitives experience on a routine basis, you, too would feel as if you were hallucinating, be nauseous, get headaches, and seriously consider that you were going a bit insane! Just something else to think about... .
I had a dream visit from an childhood friend named Sally. In the dream we were at a lodge with a big stone fireplace behind us as we sat on a couch chatting. She looked healthy, lovely and vibrant and was wearing apres-ski style clothes (sweater, jeans, boots). She kept a hand placed over her chest, much in the way some people do as they speak, although I had never known Sally to do that before (but I haven't seen her in years and years). She told me that she missed her children but could see that they were all doing well and were happy and that she was so pleased with how they had turned into such wonderful adults. She then went on to say that she wanted me to call her husband (who was also a childhood friend of mine) and tell him that he needed to be more in touch with his childhood friends than he currently is, that it was very important that he do so. I woke up thinking, "Is Sally dead?", so I messaged another friend who told me that Sally had suddenly and unexpectedly died 10-15 years ago of a heart/aorta problem. I was stunned, to say the least, but it explains why she kept her hand on her chest; I believe she was showing me how she died (I'm still learning what symbols spirits use to show me the message they're trying to get across).
On another topic, I use Breathe-Rite strips at night because my sinuses get blocked. I woke up the other morning to find my Breathe-Rite strip taping my right eye shut. I posted this on Facebook, and one of my dear friends wrote to tell me that at the same time I posted, she was in the middle of an interview for a security guard position and was explaining to the interviewer that she might not be a good fit for the position because she's technically blind in her right eye. I had no idea she was interviewing, much less that she's blind in that eye, but I find it very synchronistic that in my guides' own way, they were giving me a head's up. Now, if I can only be given NAMES to go along with the visions, I'd be a happy psychic, indeed :D!
Earlier in the week I was in a conversation with another friend of mine who was curious about my Navajo medicine man guide who started visiting me in my dreams back in 2005/2006 speaking in Navajo, which I then had to wake myself up in order to translate. One thing I haven't really touched upon in the years that I've written about him is that he's shown me numerous plants with which to use for healing. He's shown me what the plants look like in their natural state, how to crush them or eat them whole or make them into a tea, and what all they're useful for. When I've awakened from my visits with my guide, I've then gone on to research the plants on line to get further information. Here are a few of the plants that he's shown me (perhaps one day I'll write a book about all of it, and I'll include every bit of knowledge he's passed on to me):
Elderberry extract (ONLY the extract, not the juice) reduces the symptoms of flu and completely cures the fever. He showed me how ingesting the berries would cure cancer*. I woke up after one session with my guide, turned on the computer, and immediately googled "elderberry extract" without knowing why - soon found out though!
Clary sage which is, of course, used to smudge spirits away, but can also be used as a sort of incense during meditation. In its essential oil form, you can put a little in your palms, inhale while thinking about a problem, and the answer will be shown (he actually showed me crushing the sage and doing this, but I keep a lot of essential oils on hand and find it's just as effective).
Honey as an all-purpose healing agent for skin wounds and internal wounds. Though not a herb or root, he showed me the huge benefit of honey; I now use honey in my salves, toners, moisturizers and lotions - it's also wonderful mixed with clay, tea tree oil and lavender essential oils and used as a mask for oily/pimply skin. But its wound-healing properties are outstanding!
Clay - Clay was a big deal to him, as well - it's also a cure-all.
Yarrow - He showed me how to make a tea out of yarrow to stop a headache and cure bruising, and to mix it with clay and honey as a poultice to aid in wound healing. He told me that if you have cancer, you can make a tea out of yarrow and drink it as a substitute for other drinks, and your cancer can be cured.*
Pine Cones - He showed me how to crack open a pine cone to extract seeds to eat for protein and also that the inner bark of the tree can be eaten for vitamins.
* note: I have NO idea if this works as a cancer cure, and would encourage anyone who has cancer and reads this to please continue to see your doctor, although the yarrow tea and elderberry berries would be a wonderful addition to your treatment.