

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mistakes: Owning Up to the Past or You Ain't Ready for Enlightenment Until You Do

The news lately has been full of mea culpas, with a slight twist: "Yeah, I did it but so did everyone else." Look, I'm definitely not the moral authority or even anywhere near reaching an enlightened state (but I'm working on it!), but I have learned one thing from all my travels to the Otherworlds: Life Is A Lesson. All actions are karmic. The purpose of each action that you take is to ensure that you gain some sort of knowledge from that action and that you grow as an individual and as a much-valued figure for your community/ecosystem. The only way to become a more empathetic person - and with empathy comes Oneness - is to own up to what you did and not blame anyone else for your mistakes. Oh, yeah, there may have been others involved in aiding and abetting your transgressions against other beings, but you must be responsible for your own actions. So with that in mind, I'm writing a little note to certain people/institutions who have lately been in the news:

Paula Deen: Paula, I'm sure you're a nice woman as many of your friends and acquaintances have stated, and you may have grown up surrounded by racists and just couldn't/can't help yourself sometimes by becoming one yourself. But I grew up in that same era, and would never have dreamed of using the n-word back then, and today don't even think of a person in terms of race. Maybe you aren't as evolved yet, but with all your dealings with successful people of color (Oprah, Jesse Jackson, etc.), I can't imagine why you aren't color-blind, too. No excuse, Miss Belle, none. You wailed that you were innocent! Innocent! And you hate "liars and thieves" who have spread these malicious stories about you because of jealousy and trying to take your empire. Huh. I don't know 'bout those guys, but I actually read your deposition, and gurrrrrrllllll, you admitted that you are a racist. You were as a child, and you are as an adult - you're on record, on tape, on camera, admitting same, only apparently you still fail to grasp that. So, Paula, until you admit to yourself (and to whomever else you care about) that you are responsible for your own actions, the possibility that you could have turned this whole debacle around as a valuable learning tool for anyone who still may be using ugly words without realizing the impact on others, and you'll be eaten alive by the repercussions for a long, long time.

NSA, IRS, etc.: So, Mr. Snowden (and others) outed y'all. Wow - electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, spying on other countries whether allied or foes, trampling all over our right to privacy - all things many of us either suspected or knew but couldn't quite prove. Now it's been proven, and what do you do? You turn the tables to proclaim Mr. Snowden a traitor and enemy #1. You just blame the whole sorry outing on Snowden - it's called "misdirection." Same with the IRS and all the other government agencies who are caught in unethical conduct: everybody just loves to point fingers at everyone else. Well, until you admit your actions are what's bugging (pun intended) all of us, you, too, will fail to become the (I think) necessary institution that you were designed to be, you'll be vilified by the very people who are paying your salaries, and our little world - of which you all are a part! - will be that much drearier.

Congress and All Politicians: So y'all authorized the NSA to spy on all of us, and then, just as with the NSA, you, too, claimed foul and misdirected everyone straight to Snowden who, again, is now a traitor and enemy of the U.S. Hmmm, where was that outrage when Cheney et al. outed Valerie Plame? Seems to me those were traitorous actions that severely hurt vital assets in other countries, all because Dick Cheney didn't like Ms. Plame's husband's criticisms of Bush policy (note: Scooter Libby served a few months in prison for this, but I never heard anyone wanting his head or execution as they do with Snowden). As to all politicians, when you harm your constituents by passing, or failing to pass, certain laws, you claim it was the other guy who's to blame. When you're caught with your pants down, involved in scandal or ethics violations or illegal activities, same thing. "Those right wing haters are after me" or "The left wing is out to take over and ruin our homeland." Well, guess what? Until you each accept your actions as your own, you will not grow as a chosen representative into a "great statesman" and your constituents will lose any possibility of being represented in a fair and equitable manner.

Corporations: Oy vey. We are a capitalistic society. We all accept this, we just want you to act responsibly. Nothing wrong with making a good living, but how 'bout making that a good, decent living? Your actions have polluted our air and water and precious earth, you've poisoned all of us at one point or another, you make insane profits while many of us starve. And you blame it all on shareholders, employees, banking, consumers - you name it, you blame it. Here's an idea: why not turn that blame game right back onto yourselves. Karma's a bitch, Mr. Bigshot: your present day actions are causing distressing reactions all around you, and before you know it, you, too, will be unable to eat most of the available food, and the air and water you need for survival will be harming you as well. Take responsibility for your company's policies and quit bombarding the airways with heartwarming commercials making it seem as if you're the good guy and the rest of us are evil. We ain't the problem: you are. Since it seems as if you all can't quite admit your failings, I'm using my dollars to support local craftsmen and/or companies who have proven they care about their customers and the Earth and its denizens.

Religious Leaders: "God made me do it." "The Devil made me do it." "Atheists want us to suffer and become non-existent." Wow, so many outside influences over you who are supposedly in tune with the Oneness. I can assure you that nobody made you do anything except you. You decided to have an affair, you decided to bilk your congregation out of millions of hard-earned money, you decided to ostracize and alienate certain segments of our population, you preached ad nauseum about about moral obligations while ignoring or vilifying everyone else. So instead of blaming god and satan and gay marriage and extreme weather, how 'bout you just admit your actions caused attendance to suffer or people to stop using your religion as a crutch? I wish all religious leaders would wake up every morning with these words on their mind: Love and Acceptance. That's the lesson to be learned here.

The rest of us: The blame game and lack of taking responsibility doesn't stop with the above. We're each guilty of this, aren't we? Here's an idea: admit when you've screwed up. Just admit it. It's actually really, really freeing. And after you admit it, own/embrace it. Just own it and learn from it and use the next opportunity to prove to yourself that you have learned and are growing as a person and that your life can be better!