The below is taken directly from a diary I kept in 2006; at the time I was a member of a yahoo group who encouraged me to write all my experiences down and my impressions of same. I thought some of y'all might find it interesting. Back then we were living in an old stone house in Bluemont, VA - a home made out of fieldstone of granite and quartz, both excellent energy conductors, and energy is certainly what I kept experiencing! The dates are listed, as well as the Sidereal Time, which is Star time - I wanted to see if there was a pattern as to when the events occurred. Apparently the events occurred at all hours of the day :D.
6-1-06 2:36:05 Tried sending e-mail to Jeff re AAEVP Conference in Atlanta; e-mail wouldn’t go through. Had to send on 6-2-06
6-04-06 I was meditating, dreaming of twirling a multi-colored rod, which then made me think of a circus, which THEN made me think of a bear riding a unicycle. Later, Jeff touched me to tell me a bear was in our backyard, and I grabbed the camera. I took two pictures of the bear – each time it was coming right to me (not Jeff) as if I was what it was there for, but was repelled by the flash.
6-6-06 14:21
18:06 “Someone” rubbed my left finger, then left arm (like a massage rub)
Severe headache, and my left knee & right hand fingers are being touched by an unknown presence
All background noise in the house has ceased with a high pitched squeal/scream replacing it for 12 minutes. I just noticed the hum is back
Went to the movie store – cost of movies: $6.66. Then went to get a prescription filled, and my waiting in line number was: 66.
6-8-06 17:35 Mouse acting up as if someone else’s hand is controlling it. As soon as I say aloud, “Okay – enough!” it acts normally again.*
6-11-06 16:44 I hear faint conversation, as if in a bubble or underwater (muffled)
6-16-06 03:00 I was walking Maggie, and we both heard a rhythmic clacking sound coming from the back area. I looked in the trees and all over the grounds but nobody was there (and it was RHYTHMIC, so it was NOT a woodpecker or groundhog or squirrel and didn’t sound like them in any event). Intermingled are squeals, similar to brake squeals (mechanical), so I also went to the back of the property, looked at Rt 7, no cars stalled or parked. A certain tree’s leaves were also “waving” frantically during this time.
6-19-06 15:00
19:02 After feeling uneasy for the last hour or so, I heard footsteps upstairs. I just came downstairs (about 10 min. ago) and KNOW none of the animals is up there (Jeff’s out of town)
I felt a presence right next to me – the EMF meter jumped to .09 (from base reading of .01), then fluctuated (went down to .07, then zoomed up to .29). It’s at .10 right now. It’s normally at .06 where I sit at the computer and .14 on top of the desk (it’s at .29 on the desk). Will recheck. Computer is on “the fritz” – freezing erratically (NOT normal)
EMF at .10 – can still feel the presence
6-21-06 Earlier in the week I noticed some plants growing in our last remaining fallow flower bed. I thought they were thistle and thought it odd that thistle would grow (no other thistle on the property). Today I noticed it was not thistle but is yarrow. What’s strange about this is that this spring I started saying I wished I had some yarrow to dry to use in skin potions and/or boil for tea. Yarrow is not on our property anywhere else, either. Like the bear, I was dreaming about it, and it became a reality.
6-22-06 17:25 I was just re-reading what I'd written to ID about shadow people, and I sat back, didn't touch the desk, and my mouse pointer started pointing to each tool on my e-mail toolbar, lit up (as if being touched), then stopped. EMF is 2.1. Gertie’s barking, too, and has been on and off for the last few hours.
6-22-06 15:34 Gertie’s barking at unseen things, and I feel a presence in the house.
6-23-06 15:11 Gertie’s barking again, and I feel a presence – cool breeze on my arm. EMF is .11
6-24-06 1:30 local
16:32 Jeff’s out of town and took the cell phone charger with him. I have a charger for the car and while running errands, plugged my cell into the charger and noticed the display said “Airplane Mode.” WHAT???? Of course, Airplane Mode means that I can’t receive or make calls from my cell phone. I had to go through about 5 or 6 steps in order to disable this (I do not fly, ever!), and I know there isn’t a shortcut key to enable it.
I had turned off the computer at 1:30 before I went to run errands and didn’t turn it back on until 6:00 tonight. When I tried to connect to AOL, I kept getting a message stating “Modem Blocked from Connecting.” WHAT???? I’ve never received this type of error message before. I made sure the phone was working (it wasn’t, but after plugging and unplugging many times, it finally was working again). I turned the computer off then back on, still got the message and tried two more times. Finally, after checking to ensure the modem was indeed plugged in correctly, I ran a diagnostic which said the modem was working correctly. I then went to AOL connection diagnostics, and my modem had been wiped out. I reset it, made sure it was on COM 3, and tried to connect again. Failure again. I went back into AOL diagnostics, and discovered that it was reading COM 1. After clicking, rechecking, clicking and rechecking ONE MORE TIME (lol), I logged into AOL, and this time it worked. Two (three!) different communication systems, and all were set NOT to work. This is the most disturbing event, I think, that’s happened to date.
Maggie’s barking hysterically – no one or creature around the house that I can see.
I’m really, really nauseous, although I ate 5 hours ago – I can also feel a presence sitting in the room with us (the girls and I)
6-25-06 15:49
5:50 local Jeff’s plane from San Diego to Dulles finally took off; it was supposed to depart at 4:00 EST but didn’t leave until 7:43 due to “Service Conditions.” Although the weather here is rainy, the storms are rapidly moving out and have been for some time, so I know it’s not the weather.
An approximately 4-5 ft. long black snake appeared on our front porch. I tried to take its picture, but every picture turned out fuzzy and clouded over. The screen is dirty, but after the snake left, I took first a picture of Gertie next to me on the couch (very clear), then two more pictures of the front porch, which were also clear (the dirt is evident but the porch is clearly visible). In the five years that we’ve lived here, I’ve only seen two other snakes, and both were green and in the yard – not near the house.
6-27-06 03:14 I had just unplugged the phone line in preparation for plugging in the modem. I touched the mouse to begin logging into AOL, and it was already dialing! I hadn’t even touched the desk up to that point. Mouse is out of control – I have to keep saying, “Let me have control back.” It works.
7-01-06 8:00 local I had an alert that I had a phone message, and saw on my Recent Call list that a friend had called. I called the voice mail and instead of saying I had one new message, it said, “You have two new messages.” The first was indeed my friend, but the next message said in an unfamiliar female voice, “Call me! You need to call me! I’m telling you to call!” My phone showed no record of anyone other than my friend calling, and this was NOT my friend.
7-05-06 15:39
19:20 Both dogs are barking like crazy – I have goose bumps all over my arms from the feeling of being “watched.” Maggie’s cowering under my feet, and Gertie’s jumping from room to room trying to find out “who” is here.
The computer is fading in and out – as if I had been ALT-TABbing between screens and is running very slowly with jumping cursor (just like the old DOS computers used to run). Cold breeze at my feet under the desk – EMF is .32
Something knocked loudly on the back door; the girls went nuts and Jeff’s still sound asleep. I went upstairs to look out the window, and it was pitch black outside. After I came back downstairs and sat back at the computer desk, the light on the side table turned from low to high (three-way bulb).
7-06-06 17:10 I was playing an on-line game with my cursor in the middle of the screen, hands not touching the keyboard, when the START menu popped up. No reason for this.
7-24-06 10:15 I was meditating and first dreamed of a mountain, then the Navajo words, “Key-lench, na-shi-co-nala”. I found the U.S. military site of Navajo language, the interpretation is: “KLESH NAH-JIH-CO-NAL-YA” or snake remove. Remove the snake? I also saw the mountain in my vision – it’s Navajo Mountain in Utah. I’m going to send an e-mail to the Navajo asking for another interpretation.
8-13-06 4:12:08 a.m. local I received a reply from a Navajo today, but the sender did not identify his/her self (the e-mail address is Here it is:
Hey Kerry,
I was reading my cousin's website, as I do often, just to see if there are connections in our universe and was astounded to read of your dream as it relates to my belief that there is something not in balance with our Navajo Nation. Your dream and your research only makes me believe even more of what my own thinking has been of late. I also wanted to tell you that I am of Irish descent as well and I can't help that with these "connections or coincidences" just give me the validation of my belief in the universe.
It so happens that my maternal grandmother was a true sister to Harrison Lapahie's father, Willie, and she married my grandfather, Lee Arthur Bradley, who is the one that was 1/2 Irish. Anyway, I'd often thought of trying to trace back to see where his father Arthur Bradley came from but it's like looking for a pebble in a big pond much less an ocean so I doubt this will ever happen but back to the dream.
Our tribe of 300,000 seems to be losing it's culture and language to the outside world, especially our children and it's sad but more so when our own government is seduced by the whims and antics of politics and it so happens that our nation's administrative office was situated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (federal government) in it's current site right under the famous Window Rock. Which, interestingly enough, even our current president espouses the story that the Window Rock is the opening of a great snake pit where a giant snake was housed in older days. I've heard this a lot as we've been experiencing hard times within our government and my thoughts have been, "duh, if that's the case, then why are we still sitting under that darn rock" seeing as it was the whitemen (no offense) that chose the site.
Hence, my thinking is that your dream is telling us that we need to get that office out of where the administration office is located and maybe things will come back in balance for us. Plus it'll only be a woman that does it and right now we have a woman running for the president's office and I'm hoping that she wins. I am thinking that this is a sign of great changes to come for our people and must thank you for sharing your dream. People will probably think I'm weird but least you felt it enough to send to us so...
Thank you.
8-13-06 n/a For the last two months I’ve been smelling a vanilla-minty smell. At first I thought it was one of the girls’ rubber toys, then I thought it was my cigarettes (which I quit smoking a couple of weeks ago), then I thought maybe I was experiencing clairgustance.
8-19-06 9:34 am local At about 5:00 pm local I noticed that I had a voicemail message on my phone. I first went to my recent call list to see who had called, and there was no entry. I then went to my messages, opened the one waiting for me, and it was in either complete gibberish or an unknown/unearthly language. It was an older male voice speaking with urgency, interrupted occasionally by a female. Both Jeff and I were awake by 9:34, and the phone did NOT ring.
8-25-06 10:00 am local It just occurred to me that the language on the 8/19 phone call could be Native American. I still have the message on my phone, so I’m going to let Jeff listen to it when he gets home from work tonight. He thought the language might be Southeast Asian.
8-29-06 For the second morning in a row, I’ve had a dream entirely in French. Heavy sigh. I don’t know why I’m dreaming in languages J. I was shown a holocaust, with planes crashing, buildings on fire and people fleeing through the streets. The only word I remember is “guerre” or “war.”
9-03-06 2:00 p.m. local I was on the computer and suddenly smelled a cigarette, as if someone was right next to me smoking. I asked if it was my mother (who smoked), but I got no reply.
9-9-06 1:00 a.m. Jeff’s mother died in Seattle, which would have been 10:00 pm PDT. I have no remembrance of her dying, but Jeff said she came to him.
9-11-06 08:20 Some entity tried to get into the house through the front door. It was the strangest thing – I saw movement outside on the porch, then saw an entity (light was displaced, but it was NOT a shadow person) trying to open the storm door. Just as I freaked out, the girls came slowly into the front room from the back, and we all went back into the back room. After a while, we all came back up front, and the entity was gone. When Jeff came home, I told him about the visitation, and he said it was his mother, that he had given his mother permission to visit us whenever she wanted.
9-17-06 13:46/
3:20 pm local Something just interfered with the satellite in the front room. The backroom satellite is fine; the front room went on the blitz – flipping through channels before the picture shook violently (like an earthquake), then a message came on saying “acquiring satellite signal” – it’s now back on and on the exact channel I had it on before it went nutso on me. It’s a beautiful day with no clouds and nothing in the sky to obscure the satellite dish – plus, the back room television is not having satellite difficulties.
9-19-06 6:30 pm local I was outside without the girls, just sitting near the side yard waiting for the deer to come into view, when a streak of light, rectangular (or rather prismatic) in shape, shot out from the maple tree near the house. It was still day light, and yet I saw this brilliant object quite clearly – it was NOT a moth, bird, butterfly, etc. – it was an OBJECT.
9-19-06 11.40 pm local I was looking out the upstairs window at the sky/stars just before getting into bed when I noticed a shooting star coming from the area of the oak tree in the side yard shooting upward – in essence in a WN direction. It moved too quickly for me to discern whether it was a meteor or actually coming from the oak tree.
9-24-06 8:31 local Modem problem again (see 6-24-06). This time the modem defaulted to COM 2, instead of COM 3. I reset the modem, it reverted back to COM 2, and I put it BACK to COM 3. Sheesh! Still not working. (Jeff said it worked fine the next morning – 9-25 – and it’s been working ever since)
10-8-06 10:00 local
11:32 local
12:30 am local I heard two distinct tones, then my ears went to a different frequency for about a minute. About an hour later, I received an e-mail stating that North Korea had launched its first nuclear test. I’m wondering if the tones were a type of alert system, much like the warning siren before a tornado?
Someone just blew in my ear and made a humming sound – I felt the breath on my ear and heard the sound. Creepy!
I heard the two tones again. What does this mean????
10-19-06 1:50 pm local I heard the two tones as I was meditating. The girls heard the tones too and started barking.
10-21-06 2:59 am local I couldn’t fall asleep, especially since the television was on – it was so loud! I thought Jeff had fallen asleep on the couch, but I heard him snoring in the bedroom, and meanwhile the tv was still so loud! I went downstairs to turn the tv off, and when I reached the middle stair, the noise ceased. As I reached the last step and turned toward the tv, I saw that it was off. Huh???
11-17-06 8:00-9:15 am local
12:25 I had to leave the house by 9:15 in order to get to the spa in time to give a facial. Starting at 8:00 (when I logged onto AOL), I noticed the computer clock was 20 minutes fast. I kept checking my watch and the other clocks in the house to ensure that I wasn’t going to be late leaving, and made a mental note to change the computer clock when I got home.
I’m home now, and the computer clock is perfectly accurate. Go figure :D
6-1-06 2:36:05 Tried sending e-mail to Jeff re AAEVP Conference in Atlanta; e-mail wouldn’t go through. Had to send on 6-2-06
6-04-06 I was meditating, dreaming of twirling a multi-colored rod, which then made me think of a circus, which THEN made me think of a bear riding a unicycle. Later, Jeff touched me to tell me a bear was in our backyard, and I grabbed the camera. I took two pictures of the bear – each time it was coming right to me (not Jeff) as if I was what it was there for, but was repelled by the flash.
6-6-06 14:21
18:06 “Someone” rubbed my left finger, then left arm (like a massage rub)
Severe headache, and my left knee & right hand fingers are being touched by an unknown presence
All background noise in the house has ceased with a high pitched squeal/scream replacing it for 12 minutes. I just noticed the hum is back
Went to the movie store – cost of movies: $6.66. Then went to get a prescription filled, and my waiting in line number was: 66.
6-8-06 17:35 Mouse acting up as if someone else’s hand is controlling it. As soon as I say aloud, “Okay – enough!” it acts normally again.*
6-11-06 16:44 I hear faint conversation, as if in a bubble or underwater (muffled)
6-16-06 03:00 I was walking Maggie, and we both heard a rhythmic clacking sound coming from the back area. I looked in the trees and all over the grounds but nobody was there (and it was RHYTHMIC, so it was NOT a woodpecker or groundhog or squirrel and didn’t sound like them in any event). Intermingled are squeals, similar to brake squeals (mechanical), so I also went to the back of the property, looked at Rt 7, no cars stalled or parked. A certain tree’s leaves were also “waving” frantically during this time.
6-19-06 15:00
19:02 After feeling uneasy for the last hour or so, I heard footsteps upstairs. I just came downstairs (about 10 min. ago) and KNOW none of the animals is up there (Jeff’s out of town)
I felt a presence right next to me – the EMF meter jumped to .09 (from base reading of .01), then fluctuated (went down to .07, then zoomed up to .29). It’s at .10 right now. It’s normally at .06 where I sit at the computer and .14 on top of the desk (it’s at .29 on the desk). Will recheck. Computer is on “the fritz” – freezing erratically (NOT normal)
EMF at .10 – can still feel the presence
6-21-06 Earlier in the week I noticed some plants growing in our last remaining fallow flower bed. I thought they were thistle and thought it odd that thistle would grow (no other thistle on the property). Today I noticed it was not thistle but is yarrow. What’s strange about this is that this spring I started saying I wished I had some yarrow to dry to use in skin potions and/or boil for tea. Yarrow is not on our property anywhere else, either. Like the bear, I was dreaming about it, and it became a reality.
6-22-06 17:25 I was just re-reading what I'd written to ID about shadow people, and I sat back, didn't touch the desk, and my mouse pointer started pointing to each tool on my e-mail toolbar, lit up (as if being touched), then stopped. EMF is 2.1. Gertie’s barking, too, and has been on and off for the last few hours.
6-22-06 15:34 Gertie’s barking at unseen things, and I feel a presence in the house.
6-23-06 15:11 Gertie’s barking again, and I feel a presence – cool breeze on my arm. EMF is .11
6-24-06 1:30 local
16:32 Jeff’s out of town and took the cell phone charger with him. I have a charger for the car and while running errands, plugged my cell into the charger and noticed the display said “Airplane Mode.” WHAT???? Of course, Airplane Mode means that I can’t receive or make calls from my cell phone. I had to go through about 5 or 6 steps in order to disable this (I do not fly, ever!), and I know there isn’t a shortcut key to enable it.
I had turned off the computer at 1:30 before I went to run errands and didn’t turn it back on until 6:00 tonight. When I tried to connect to AOL, I kept getting a message stating “Modem Blocked from Connecting.” WHAT???? I’ve never received this type of error message before. I made sure the phone was working (it wasn’t, but after plugging and unplugging many times, it finally was working again). I turned the computer off then back on, still got the message and tried two more times. Finally, after checking to ensure the modem was indeed plugged in correctly, I ran a diagnostic which said the modem was working correctly. I then went to AOL connection diagnostics, and my modem had been wiped out. I reset it, made sure it was on COM 3, and tried to connect again. Failure again. I went back into AOL diagnostics, and discovered that it was reading COM 1. After clicking, rechecking, clicking and rechecking ONE MORE TIME (lol), I logged into AOL, and this time it worked. Two (three!) different communication systems, and all were set NOT to work. This is the most disturbing event, I think, that’s happened to date.
Maggie’s barking hysterically – no one or creature around the house that I can see.
I’m really, really nauseous, although I ate 5 hours ago – I can also feel a presence sitting in the room with us (the girls and I)
6-25-06 15:49
5:50 local Jeff’s plane from San Diego to Dulles finally took off; it was supposed to depart at 4:00 EST but didn’t leave until 7:43 due to “Service Conditions.” Although the weather here is rainy, the storms are rapidly moving out and have been for some time, so I know it’s not the weather.
An approximately 4-5 ft. long black snake appeared on our front porch. I tried to take its picture, but every picture turned out fuzzy and clouded over. The screen is dirty, but after the snake left, I took first a picture of Gertie next to me on the couch (very clear), then two more pictures of the front porch, which were also clear (the dirt is evident but the porch is clearly visible). In the five years that we’ve lived here, I’ve only seen two other snakes, and both were green and in the yard – not near the house.
6-27-06 03:14 I had just unplugged the phone line in preparation for plugging in the modem. I touched the mouse to begin logging into AOL, and it was already dialing! I hadn’t even touched the desk up to that point. Mouse is out of control – I have to keep saying, “Let me have control back.” It works.
7-01-06 8:00 local I had an alert that I had a phone message, and saw on my Recent Call list that a friend had called. I called the voice mail and instead of saying I had one new message, it said, “You have two new messages.” The first was indeed my friend, but the next message said in an unfamiliar female voice, “Call me! You need to call me! I’m telling you to call!” My phone showed no record of anyone other than my friend calling, and this was NOT my friend.
7-05-06 15:39
19:20 Both dogs are barking like crazy – I have goose bumps all over my arms from the feeling of being “watched.” Maggie’s cowering under my feet, and Gertie’s jumping from room to room trying to find out “who” is here.
The computer is fading in and out – as if I had been ALT-TABbing between screens and is running very slowly with jumping cursor (just like the old DOS computers used to run). Cold breeze at my feet under the desk – EMF is .32
Something knocked loudly on the back door; the girls went nuts and Jeff’s still sound asleep. I went upstairs to look out the window, and it was pitch black outside. After I came back downstairs and sat back at the computer desk, the light on the side table turned from low to high (three-way bulb).
7-06-06 17:10 I was playing an on-line game with my cursor in the middle of the screen, hands not touching the keyboard, when the START menu popped up. No reason for this.
7-24-06 10:15 I was meditating and first dreamed of a mountain, then the Navajo words, “Key-lench, na-shi-co-nala”. I found the U.S. military site of Navajo language, the interpretation is: “KLESH NAH-JIH-CO-NAL-YA” or snake remove. Remove the snake? I also saw the mountain in my vision – it’s Navajo Mountain in Utah. I’m going to send an e-mail to the Navajo asking for another interpretation.
8-13-06 4:12:08 a.m. local I received a reply from a Navajo today, but the sender did not identify his/her self (the e-mail address is Here it is:
Hey Kerry,
I was reading my cousin's website, as I do often, just to see if there are connections in our universe and was astounded to read of your dream as it relates to my belief that there is something not in balance with our Navajo Nation. Your dream and your research only makes me believe even more of what my own thinking has been of late. I also wanted to tell you that I am of Irish descent as well and I can't help that with these "connections or coincidences" just give me the validation of my belief in the universe.
It so happens that my maternal grandmother was a true sister to Harrison Lapahie's father, Willie, and she married my grandfather, Lee Arthur Bradley, who is the one that was 1/2 Irish. Anyway, I'd often thought of trying to trace back to see where his father Arthur Bradley came from but it's like looking for a pebble in a big pond much less an ocean so I doubt this will ever happen but back to the dream.
Our tribe of 300,000 seems to be losing it's culture and language to the outside world, especially our children and it's sad but more so when our own government is seduced by the whims and antics of politics and it so happens that our nation's administrative office was situated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (federal government) in it's current site right under the famous Window Rock. Which, interestingly enough, even our current president espouses the story that the Window Rock is the opening of a great snake pit where a giant snake was housed in older days. I've heard this a lot as we've been experiencing hard times within our government and my thoughts have been, "duh, if that's the case, then why are we still sitting under that darn rock" seeing as it was the whitemen (no offense) that chose the site.
Hence, my thinking is that your dream is telling us that we need to get that office out of where the administration office is located and maybe things will come back in balance for us. Plus it'll only be a woman that does it and right now we have a woman running for the president's office and I'm hoping that she wins. I am thinking that this is a sign of great changes to come for our people and must thank you for sharing your dream. People will probably think I'm weird but least you felt it enough to send to us so...
Thank you.
8-13-06 n/a For the last two months I’ve been smelling a vanilla-minty smell. At first I thought it was one of the girls’ rubber toys, then I thought it was my cigarettes (which I quit smoking a couple of weeks ago), then I thought maybe I was experiencing clairgustance.
8-19-06 9:34 am local At about 5:00 pm local I noticed that I had a voicemail message on my phone. I first went to my recent call list to see who had called, and there was no entry. I then went to my messages, opened the one waiting for me, and it was in either complete gibberish or an unknown/unearthly language. It was an older male voice speaking with urgency, interrupted occasionally by a female. Both Jeff and I were awake by 9:34, and the phone did NOT ring.
8-25-06 10:00 am local It just occurred to me that the language on the 8/19 phone call could be Native American. I still have the message on my phone, so I’m going to let Jeff listen to it when he gets home from work tonight. He thought the language might be Southeast Asian.
8-29-06 For the second morning in a row, I’ve had a dream entirely in French. Heavy sigh. I don’t know why I’m dreaming in languages J. I was shown a holocaust, with planes crashing, buildings on fire and people fleeing through the streets. The only word I remember is “guerre” or “war.”
9-03-06 2:00 p.m. local I was on the computer and suddenly smelled a cigarette, as if someone was right next to me smoking. I asked if it was my mother (who smoked), but I got no reply.
9-9-06 1:00 a.m. Jeff’s mother died in Seattle, which would have been 10:00 pm PDT. I have no remembrance of her dying, but Jeff said she came to him.
9-11-06 08:20 Some entity tried to get into the house through the front door. It was the strangest thing – I saw movement outside on the porch, then saw an entity (light was displaced, but it was NOT a shadow person) trying to open the storm door. Just as I freaked out, the girls came slowly into the front room from the back, and we all went back into the back room. After a while, we all came back up front, and the entity was gone. When Jeff came home, I told him about the visitation, and he said it was his mother, that he had given his mother permission to visit us whenever she wanted.
9-17-06 13:46/
3:20 pm local Something just interfered with the satellite in the front room. The backroom satellite is fine; the front room went on the blitz – flipping through channels before the picture shook violently (like an earthquake), then a message came on saying “acquiring satellite signal” – it’s now back on and on the exact channel I had it on before it went nutso on me. It’s a beautiful day with no clouds and nothing in the sky to obscure the satellite dish – plus, the back room television is not having satellite difficulties.
9-19-06 6:30 pm local I was outside without the girls, just sitting near the side yard waiting for the deer to come into view, when a streak of light, rectangular (or rather prismatic) in shape, shot out from the maple tree near the house. It was still day light, and yet I saw this brilliant object quite clearly – it was NOT a moth, bird, butterfly, etc. – it was an OBJECT.
9-19-06 11.40 pm local I was looking out the upstairs window at the sky/stars just before getting into bed when I noticed a shooting star coming from the area of the oak tree in the side yard shooting upward – in essence in a WN direction. It moved too quickly for me to discern whether it was a meteor or actually coming from the oak tree.
9-24-06 8:31 local Modem problem again (see 6-24-06). This time the modem defaulted to COM 2, instead of COM 3. I reset the modem, it reverted back to COM 2, and I put it BACK to COM 3. Sheesh! Still not working. (Jeff said it worked fine the next morning – 9-25 – and it’s been working ever since)
10-8-06 10:00 local
11:32 local
12:30 am local I heard two distinct tones, then my ears went to a different frequency for about a minute. About an hour later, I received an e-mail stating that North Korea had launched its first nuclear test. I’m wondering if the tones were a type of alert system, much like the warning siren before a tornado?
Someone just blew in my ear and made a humming sound – I felt the breath on my ear and heard the sound. Creepy!
I heard the two tones again. What does this mean????
10-19-06 1:50 pm local I heard the two tones as I was meditating. The girls heard the tones too and started barking.
10-21-06 2:59 am local I couldn’t fall asleep, especially since the television was on – it was so loud! I thought Jeff had fallen asleep on the couch, but I heard him snoring in the bedroom, and meanwhile the tv was still so loud! I went downstairs to turn the tv off, and when I reached the middle stair, the noise ceased. As I reached the last step and turned toward the tv, I saw that it was off. Huh???
11-17-06 8:00-9:15 am local
12:25 I had to leave the house by 9:15 in order to get to the spa in time to give a facial. Starting at 8:00 (when I logged onto AOL), I noticed the computer clock was 20 minutes fast. I kept checking my watch and the other clocks in the house to ensure that I wasn’t going to be late leaving, and made a mental note to change the computer clock when I got home.
I’m home now, and the computer clock is perfectly accurate. Go figure :D
I'm go glad we became friends, Kerry. The more I know about you, the more connected to you I feel. Although I have no psychic gifts at all, I identify with people who do...additionally our politics seem to be similar.
ReplyDeletethank you, Nancy, and I'm so glad we became friends, as well!