

Friday, February 8, 2013

Message from Beyond, Smudging, Dreamtime, A Celestial Event

Message from Beyond: A woman appeared before me in dreamtime and said, "Confirm for your Aunt Andrea Lowery that you've [lost weight? stopped smoking?]" The reason I'm confused about this is because I believe she said both of those - I wrote both phrases down, however I don't remember the inflection used to emphasize one over the other. AND, I actually googled "Andrea Lowery obituary" and came up with nothing. So now I'm thinking that there should be a comma after Aunt, as in "Confirm for your Aunt, Andrea Lowery...." Therefore (hahaha - clear as mud?) this message is either from an Aunt named Andrea Lowery OR for Andrea Lowery whose sternish, kind of judgmental aunt is doubting from the Otherworld your claims that you've lost weight and stopped smoking! Although it IS unusual to receive visitations from loved ones who cling to this world's judgments, opinions, and so on - in the Otherworld, everything JUST IS since, although we each have our own individual journey to experience, once we're in the Otherworld it all becomes part of the whole, the Universal One Energy - it does happen from time to time. My suggestion for anyone who receives these types of visits, which to me are more harmful than good (don't we get enough negativity in THIS world? Just don't need to hear it from the Otherworld, too!), is to smudge* their home. The sage will keep the negativity and negative beings from reaching you. You know what your vices are and are in charge of your own well-being and journey; I don't think you need one more voice, even if it is from beyond, passing judgment!

*To smudge: get a sage (called "smudge") stick, light the stick then blow it out so that it's smoking (like incense), begin at the right corner of your front door, and in a clockwise manner hold the stick to each corner you encounter as you smudge the entire home. As you hold the stick in the corners, talk to the negative beings saying something like, "You are not welcome here. Anyone who doesn't have my best interest and wellness at heart must leave. Everyone else is welcome!" End the smudging at the left corner of your front door. If the stick goes out while you're in the middle of smudging, just re-light it, blow it out, and continue smudging. This has not happened to me, I think it's because I let the stick burn for quite a few seconds before I blow it out. When you're finished smudging, dunk the stick in a bowl of water, shake it out and let air dry. When thoroughly dried, place in glass container to use again. Some practitioners won't use the same stick twice; I think that's a waste of sage, after all we're here to protect Mother Earth and her resources and use each resource sparingly. An object or being only has power if you allow it so; you're giving the sage new power during every use, regardless of whether it was used previously or not.

Dreamtime: I had a dream, and I thought it was "just a dream" as I was seeing it played before me (when I have visions, I almost always know that it's a vision and I need to pay attention), that I was speaking to some men in hazmat suits. I did not feel the least bit alarmed nor any sense of urgency, and instead of a chemical warfare attack - which is where my waking mind goes when I see hazmat suits - these guys were wearing the suits because of pesticides, herbicides and chemical spills. I asked one of the gentlemen, "Well, shouldn't we all have our own chem gear?" He answered affirmatively, and I started doing the math in my head: 330 million people times whatever amount each hazmat suit cost. As I was mentally multiplying, I awoke with a start and realized, "330 million people? The entire United States?" So my "just a dream" in that moment became another vision. One of pollution, toxicity and  chemical-filled nightmare. My heart broke right at that moment. We've gone past the point of no return, y'all. This is not an alarmist post, I promise! The U.S. has reached levels of toxicity as we saw by the 1950s/60s. We passed numerous laws and regulations and deployed countless numbers of workers and volunteers to clean up the toxic waterways and dump sites, and we can do it again. But this time is different in that Big Energy and Chem companies and Big Business have bought our politicians lock, stock and barrel. Instead of strengthening those laws and regulations ensuring clean air and water that were passed 50 years ago, our Republican-majority Congress, with the help of some Democrats, has slowly but surely disassembled much of which was giving us some sense of safety and protection from corporate greed and waste and pollution. As an example, this morning I found out that my U.S. Senator, Mark Warner, had signed a joint letter to the President urging he approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. I almost fainted; this was my confirmation that my "dream" was actually a vision. In case you don't know anything about Keystone (except it's controversial!), here is a good overview of what it's all about (hint: it won't benefit anyone except Transcanada and the Koch Brothers, and indeed will harm aquifers and pristine ecosystems): And here's an insightful piece:

So, I know you're asking, "but why do you think it's too late?" And the short answer is that we are entering an Earth cycle change. This is a cycle that happens every so often, but now it has a curve ball thrown into the mix: our precious Earth can't defend and repair itself against the onslaught of extreme weather that is happening now and is to be when she is already weakened, damaged and poisoned. It would be the same thing if you were to have cancer and then catch a cold: your immune system can't fight off those little bitty cold bacteria that any other person could handle with no problem. We're entering an age of great change, great upheaval, and that flows directly into:

A Celestial Event: My Navajo grandfather visited me several months ago (and continues to visit intermittently) and told me to "look to the night sky." As a note re my grandfather for those unfamiliar with him: he first visited me back in 2006 and was a Navajo medicine man in his life on Earth. We speak in the Navajo language (which I have to write down phonetically when I awaken and then translate using the Navajo Code Talkers website). He's shown me many future events, some of which have since occurred, and is my primary guide in the Otherworld. I'm uncertain whether or not he was actually my grandfather in a past life, but it seems as if he was since that's the sort of loving, familial relationship we have in dreamtime. Anyway, he told me to keep watching the night sky, that a great "celestial event" will occur that will give me proof that the new time is beginning. Now, unlike many seers and New Agers who think we are entering into a time of enlightenment, I disagree completely. There are millions of people right here in the U.S. who cling desperately to their present way of being and refuse to change, adapt or even consider the possibility that great harm is being done to them at the same time that great harm is happening to Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean and all their inhabitants. Our hatred, fear and loathing toward our fellow man and all other beings is palpable. Go to any conservative website, read the comments, and you'll get a good idea of what I'm talking about. Grandfather told me: This hatred must stop. This hatred toward all, including ourselves, must end. We cannot survive while harboring so much hate and greed. We cannot survive while killing Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean. We cannot survive massive greed to pervert Mother's gifts of minerals for our own selfish ends. Mother and Grandmother need healing. Mother and Grandmother are crying for help, and their tears are like salt in the wound of a gangrenous sore called humanity. It's imperative that we become a community again, y'all! I am not saying that I was shown the end of the world; quite the contrary, the world will not end in the near future. But our present way of living will end. We will see fire, drought and flooding (more earthquakes! larger storms!) unlike any we have seen in the past, and it will affect millions of people. We will see coastlines going under water, and a shift in population centers. We must come together as a community to help each other through the Earth changes: neighbor helping neighbor. We must insist that Congress strengthen and pass new environmental protection laws. We must stop the reckless use of throw-away objects that we never even gave a second thought to in the past. And first and foremost we must prevent further toxicity of our land, water and air. Mother and Grandmother need to heal; we cannot survive in future time unless they heal, it really is just that simple.

NOTE: Last week as I was reminding myself to write my visitations down in this blog, I was quite shocked to read that a comet - Comet ISON ( - is approaching the sun, is now being watched by astronomers and will be best viewed from November 2013-January 2014. I had no idea this comet was approaching, so that in itself proved to me that Grandfather was accurate (not that I ever doubt his teachings, but I like to have "proof" for all of you!).

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