

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Messages from Beyond & Earthquake(s)

1) A couple of nights ago I had a visit in dreamtime from Ken Muldare/Muldane/Mulder? - he was in a military uniform, either Air Force or Army. If this man is one of your loved ones, he just wants you to know he's still thinking of you.
2) Last night before my head had barely touched the pillow, I was immediately taken on a "flying" journey. The only other time I've "flown" before - and flying for me is more like zoomin' around above-ground - is when the man I call Grandfather, a Dine` medicine man, has visited me. Anyway, first we flew through a swamp, then fields, trees with moss, hardwood tree forest, then up a mountain and back down and stopped at a cabin/farmhouse. The whole time I was zooming, I kept telling my guide (unseen, unknown), "I'm not understanding. I'm not not getting your point." We went in the kitchen and there was a flowered, sheer curtain blowing in the breeze coming through the window, went further into the home, and I saw a man's body half in shadow laying on the floor. I could only see his legs, clad in blue-striped pajama pants, and he was wearing brown slippers. I got the impression he was elderly. After that, we flew again, through a really nice neighborhood that looked pretty new. The homes were not McMansions but rather more one-story, well-kept chi-chi. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I suck at interpretations because these visits are not meant for me, but of course I'm gonna throw out what it could possibly mean. The man came from a humble background but ended up being well-off OR vice-versa. He was either from the South or ended up there. He may have loved roller-coasters because at times it felt as if I was on a roller coaster, complete with that little tug the coaster does when you near the top. If any of this sounds as if this man may be your loved one, I want you to know he took me on quite an adventure! I also had the sense he was a happy man, and he's still zoomin' around in the Otherworld
3) I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks