Saturday evening I couldn't get to sleep; I had one vision piled on top of another - all pertaining to the world in which we live. My feet and hands were sweating, and my toes were curling under, going into spasms, because I couldn't bear to witness what I was being shown. It was hell, literally and figuratively.
I'll begin by saying that there are many people who think that there is a conspiracy by the powers to be to depopulate the Earth. They cite example after example of atrocious practices by big businesses with polluting and pillaging Earth's resources, including people, without a thought or conscience as to how those resources are acquired - well, without thought as to how resources are acquired as long as it's profitable. I've said time and again that it's not a case of genocide but rather greed; after all, how can a corporation make money if there are no buyers for its products? It always comes back to mega-profits, and how greedy the company and its shareholders (or partners) can be.
So Saturday evening's dreamtime was all about that greed. But I was shown and told what is REALLY happening in addition to the bottom line of money, and it may be, to some of us, worse than a scenario of genocide would be.
The companies are deregulating the EPA and risking lawsuits over sloppy/unsafe business practices because they're performing a type of ongoing experimentation: how much pollution and/or poisoning can the human body and the environment withstand before there are massive deaths? How much poison can be emitted into the water/air/ground and have life be sustainable? Which types of species - animal, plant, mineral - will be caused irreparable harm, and which types of species will continue to limp by? And if a species dies, how will that impact the whole? How will that impact human life? And finally, how will that impact future profits?
Instead of retrofitting a business to ensure safety and environmental compliance, these big businesses are willing to spend billions of dollars to see how far they can take their greed. If cancer clusters form in the human population, they don't want to know why the clusters are forming - they already know - but instead want to know how many are acceptable before that business must be shackled and moved to another location. How is the ecosystem in that location handling the poison? Can plants regrow on toxic soil, and if so, what specifically can grow?
Ever wonder why many companies have stellar labs and scientists working for them who specialize in health, safety and environment when the companies are so obviously out of compliance? This may be one of the reasons why: they're studying not the worst case scenario but rather ongoing effects of modern day poisoning and what it means to sustainability. Definitely not sustainability as we organic activists understand it, but sustainability as to how much before the entire ecosystem dies. I was shown the labs, I was shown the scientists, I was shown the results. I wept and kept weeping even after the vision ended.
This is not only unacceptable to me but a crime against nature, humanity and Mother Earth herself! The Wall Street/We Are the 99% protests are still in full gear. If you do nothing else in your life, I am begging you to support these protests. I am begging everyone who reads this blog to tell his or her State and Federal representatives that the EPA cannot be deregulated and instead must have stronger regulations. To allow any entity the power of choosing greed over life is NOT capitalism or democracy or fair and just; it is abhorrent, vile and an abomination against life for Earth. Please don't let my visions be in vain!!! I never, ever want to say, "I told you so."
I'll begin by saying that there are many people who think that there is a conspiracy by the powers to be to depopulate the Earth. They cite example after example of atrocious practices by big businesses with polluting and pillaging Earth's resources, including people, without a thought or conscience as to how those resources are acquired - well, without thought as to how resources are acquired as long as it's profitable. I've said time and again that it's not a case of genocide but rather greed; after all, how can a corporation make money if there are no buyers for its products? It always comes back to mega-profits, and how greedy the company and its shareholders (or partners) can be.
So Saturday evening's dreamtime was all about that greed. But I was shown and told what is REALLY happening in addition to the bottom line of money, and it may be, to some of us, worse than a scenario of genocide would be.
The companies are deregulating the EPA and risking lawsuits over sloppy/unsafe business practices because they're performing a type of ongoing experimentation: how much pollution and/or poisoning can the human body and the environment withstand before there are massive deaths? How much poison can be emitted into the water/air/ground and have life be sustainable? Which types of species - animal, plant, mineral - will be caused irreparable harm, and which types of species will continue to limp by? And if a species dies, how will that impact the whole? How will that impact human life? And finally, how will that impact future profits?
Instead of retrofitting a business to ensure safety and environmental compliance, these big businesses are willing to spend billions of dollars to see how far they can take their greed. If cancer clusters form in the human population, they don't want to know why the clusters are forming - they already know - but instead want to know how many are acceptable before that business must be shackled and moved to another location. How is the ecosystem in that location handling the poison? Can plants regrow on toxic soil, and if so, what specifically can grow?
Ever wonder why many companies have stellar labs and scientists working for them who specialize in health, safety and environment when the companies are so obviously out of compliance? This may be one of the reasons why: they're studying not the worst case scenario but rather ongoing effects of modern day poisoning and what it means to sustainability. Definitely not sustainability as we organic activists understand it, but sustainability as to how much before the entire ecosystem dies. I was shown the labs, I was shown the scientists, I was shown the results. I wept and kept weeping even after the vision ended.
This is not only unacceptable to me but a crime against nature, humanity and Mother Earth herself! The Wall Street/We Are the 99% protests are still in full gear. If you do nothing else in your life, I am begging you to support these protests. I am begging everyone who reads this blog to tell his or her State and Federal representatives that the EPA cannot be deregulated and instead must have stronger regulations. To allow any entity the power of choosing greed over life is NOT capitalism or democracy or fair and just; it is abhorrent, vile and an abomination against life for Earth. Please don't let my visions be in vain!!! I never, ever want to say, "I told you so."