

Friday, November 1, 2013

Updates on Several Prophecies, Plus My Gift is Changing - Again!

Back in December 2009, before the Gulf oil spill, I had a dream of a leukemia clinic, complete with the name of the clinic - see and when the Gulf spill happened, I warned everyone that they were now at risk for leukemia. I also said, after a vivid dream re the Gulf shortly after the spill, and before the oil hit the coastline, that "The Gulf is dead." I haven't touched any seafood caught from there, nor will I ever again. Sadly, all these prophecies came true. People! If you listen to nothing else I, and many other environmentalists, most of whom are scientists (I am not) say, be warned: you CANNOT keep defiling the earth for your own selfish gain without facing the consequences. It's an ages old karmic law: for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. If we have any chance to move forward as a country, as a continent, as a one-world ecosystem, we MUST find better alternatives, and find them yesterday. Heartbreaking and so very, very unnecessary. Article:

As I was researching my blog, I came upon a vivid dream of genocide from 2010. Now, I have to tell y'all that for years I was quite taken aback by my gift of prophecy, so much so that I seemed to have misinterpreted just about everything that I dreamed. Not misinterpreted so much as to the meaning of the dreams, but as to time-lines - it seems my prophecies are not just predicting near future events, but often several years into the future - and application to what all is happening in our world today. So, I just re-read this dream of genocide, and I realized that the guy leading people away was wearing "business casual clothes" which is a big tip off as to who he represented: Big Business. Think of what all Big Business is attempting to accomplish, especially through their paid-for GOP representatives in Congress: deregulating the EPA, deregulating food safety standards, deregulating worker safety (OSHA), pushing through GMOs, demanding more drilling/fracking/coal mining, in short they are demanding sacrificing our health and well-being so that they can make billions of dollars in short-term profits. They care not in the least for long-term sustainability and growth but instead are all for the short and nasty and lethal. Add to that our government's complicity as Big Brother, and, well, times are dire, indeed:

In June 2013 I felt a large earthquake. I blogged about it ( and forgot to update that. It turns out it wasn't an earthquake that I felt right then but instead volcanic activity became quite violent during that time period ( If the earth's shaking, I obviously am unable to distinguish between earthquakes and volcanoes, although I guess geologically if a volcano erupts, it shakes the earth and can trigger earthquake activity.

And all of this brings me to my gift is changing, yet again! I'm having much less visions in the way of prophecy and much more holistic visions of plant medicines and well-being. I reckon my guides from the Otherworld feel as if they've given me (and therefore all of you) as much warning as they can, beginning way back in 2009: Anything else is just repeating ad nauseum that which if you refuse to accept it, chances are you never will. And while that's a tragedy, those of us who are looking to change our world in a positive, much more eco-friendly way, will continue to forge ahead. As so often in the course of human history, we'll change the world, and you're more than welcome to come along for the ride, even if you have doubts! But I beg of you: please stop buying processed foods, anything made in China, supporting Big Ag - they treat their animals abysmally, feed them god-knows-what, and if the animals are unhealthy, you will be as well. Know your farmer! Purchase your food from known organic sources! Your body and mind will deeply appreciate it, and you'll be supporting your local community - always a win-win! Don't want to purchase organic fresh veggies because they spoil so quickly? Fine - buy the frozen organic veggies - my favorite brand is Columbia River Organics because the veggies and fruits come from the USA and I have never experienced freezer-burn using them, unlike many other frozen veggie and fruit producers. To cook: put a little bit of water in a saucepan, add the veggies, bring to a boil then simmer for a few minutes. As they're cooking, I like to add Celtic Grey Sea Salt and Cold Pressed Olive Oil to them - yummy! Short, simple, inexpensive; I think a package of their frozen vegetables are about $2.00. Your meat is going to cost more, and if you are gluten free, coconut flour and almond flour are expensive. But in all honesty, you only need a small amount of meat a day (if you're an omnivore), and the flour should only be consumed on occasion. I also buy a big container of organic coconut oil from Vitacost, which lasts for months, and I use organic coconut milk from Native Forest in my coffee and as a substitute for all things dairy. You can even make whipped cream from coconut milk: put an unopened can (which has no BPA, by the way, in Native Forest products) in the fridge, let harden overnight, then scoop out the solids the next day and whip up with a bit of vanilla extract and coconut sugar. Not only delicious, but a wonderful treat from time to time. Whole coconut milk DOES contain fat, so be careful in not overusing. I also buy the Native Forest light coconut milk - same ingredients, just watered down a bit, unlike low fat dairy products which have a slew of fillers thrown in but which are definitely unnecessary and often detrimental for a healthy life. The cost of one can is anywhere from $2.39 to $2.99 - check your local stores to see who has the best deal! And finally, I've replaced all soy products - who doesn't enjoy soy sauce from time to time? - with organic coconut aminos. I had never heard of this, was shopping one day at the grocery store, spotted it, bought it and brought it home and tried it. WOW - it is wonderful! And of all the coconut products I listed here, the only thing that tastes even remotely coconutty is the coconut oil. It can be used for everything from a skin moisturizer to frying to recipes that call for butter or shortening. I even use it to season my cast iron skillets - no mold forms, it seasons well, a small bit covers the whole pan. I happen to like the taste because it's not overwhelming when used as an ingredient in baking, however there is a very slight coconut flavor so if you aren't a fan of coconuts, you may be a bit taken aback. And fresh herbs for seasoning food or for general health can be frozen in a flash! Just rinse, let air dry, then pack tightly in a freezer bag or shred into ice trays with water, and you'll have fresh herbs all winter long. My favorite seasonings for everything I cook are garlic (either raw or granulated), onion (same thing), turmeric, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, marjoram, and a pinch of dried mustard when I want a little heat. I also love fresh cilantro on salads and in bean soups, and use kale in smoothies. I guess the whole point of this particular post is that you don't have to sacrifice flavor while using organics. You don't even have to sacrifice your pocketbook: if you think about it, organics don't really cost that much more, you don't have to worry if what you're ingesting is chemically-laden, many organics can be frozen or stored safely for future use. If you bake or crave processed food, make your own! Cooking doesn't have to be a chore - it can be fun trying out different herbs, different combinations of foods, and so on. And quick - one meal can be prepared quickly.

My gift is also changing in that I'm now zooming into people. As in metaphysically becoming a part of them. I haven't blogged about it because I'm unsure why I'm evolving (or changing) this way. I'm already an empath and have been much of my life, but this zoomin' in (it's the only way I know to describe it) is on a whole other level. Very disturbing, very revealing, and no, I do NOT take over that person's body; I do, however, experience exactly what they're feeling and thinking and seeing at that moment. I've been doing this in dreamtime for many years - thus all my "becoming" a murder victim, finding missing persons, etc. - but experiencing it while wide awake and just strolling through, say, a mall or a crowd of people or at the grocery store, is on a level unimagined by me. If I ever get a sense into why I'm doing this now, or what it means I'll be able to divine in the future, I'll definitely blog about it. But for a now, a mystery, as life often is.