As time goes on and my dreams/visions increase, I've been debating whether to record them or simply let them be. Since I'm typing this out now, I reckon recording won over my squeamishness, and I hope anyone who reads this will take a proactive, optimistic approach in coping with future events. In addition if you're a survivalist, I pity you, because I've been shown that you can't weather the coming years by yourself but need a community. "It takes a village." It's time to come together, y'all; we need to lay aside any past prejudices and embrace each other's unique human/humaneness so that we can all not only survive, but thrive. That said....
Violent Weather
NOTE: There's a reason I was a self-proclaimed Earthquake Whisperer for about a year or so when I felt just about every single earthquake happening in the world: we are in an earthquake era. Expect more - many more.
We're approaching Spring which always triggers storms in many parts of our country/world, and it's a normal seasonal happening that tornadoes and thunderstorms occur. What I've been shown lately, though, is that these storms in the coming years are going to be superstorms, that the hair-trigger weather is now our new normal. I've been shown devastation as far as the eye can see, crops and homes destroyed, people displaced, livestock sick and dying. Expect the tornadoes to be where you wouldn't have expected them to be: no more confined to Tornado Alley but instead wide-spread. If you can build a wind-proof shelter, I urge you to go ahead and do it, or at the very least encourage your community to have such a shelter. Store extra seed, start growing vertical gardens indoors, invent new ways to grow herbs, veggies and fruits, and do this as a community. As with any ecosystem, when one thrives, we all thrive, but if one fails, we all fail.
We're approaching Spring which always triggers storms in many parts of our country/world, and it's a normal seasonal happening that tornadoes and thunderstorms occur. What I've been shown lately, though, is that these storms in the coming years are going to be superstorms, that the hair-trigger weather is now our new normal. I've been shown devastation as far as the eye can see, crops and homes destroyed, people displaced, livestock sick and dying. Expect the tornadoes to be where you wouldn't have expected them to be: no more confined to Tornado Alley but instead wide-spread. If you can build a wind-proof shelter, I urge you to go ahead and do it, or at the very least encourage your community to have such a shelter. Store extra seed, start growing vertical gardens indoors, invent new ways to grow herbs, veggies and fruits, and do this as a community. As with any ecosystem, when one thrives, we all thrive, but if one fails, we all fail.
Global Warming
Yes it's real; seriously, if you believe the bullshit spouted by captains of industry and regurgitated by many of our elected officials that climate change is a hoax, you are in for a rude awakening. We just had the hottest January on record globally - see, warming isn't just US-centric, it's world-centric. We have a devastating drought occurring in the US in the West, and the jet stream has now gone so far out of its "normal" flow that polar air has been dipping down into the Eastern half. The UK is being flooded out. I warned y'all about this years ago when I dreamed we'd have flooding, drought, extreme heat, extreme cold - we had it just recently - and my husband and I purchased arctic-worthy outerwear in order to be prepared, thank goodness. As our world warms up, though, we'll see less and less coldness in the depths of winter, but those cold snaps are going to be freezing indeed. So be prepared!
If you garden or farm - and yes, you should - pay attention to your land and your weather. The old planting guides should be thrown out because you need to be planting at a different time now. I like to plant by the moon phases, as do many gardeners, and thank goodness it's easy to find out what the moon's current phase is. But in many parts of the US if you plant lettuces, broccoli, etc., you're going to find that unless you plant in February-March, you won't be harvesting your cool-weather veggies. Farming/gardening is a type of meditation: you look, listen and watch the watcher (yourself). I urge you all to meditate during growing season on soil conditions, weather, garden placement (need more shade for herbs), growing patterns, and so on. And for goodness' sake, be organic! Research and learn organic farming, seek out your local experts and learn from them. Big Ag is going to suffer devastating losses in the coming years because they have no desire to be sustainable but instead only care about the current growing season, subsidies and getting the maximum profits from current market commodities. In short, they don't care about being sustainable. If you can't grow your own food or if your community hasn't implemented a community garden (why not? Start one!), please buy from local organic, sustainable farms - you can find one nearest you by going to Support your local farms, y'all! Ask if they have classes - most do, and you can learn everything about sustainable growing in order to start your own mini-farm or garden.
I was shown people who had oil dripping down their faces. What I interpret this to be is to expect many more oil spills, whether from pipelines or well accidents. So many in fact that this, too, is our new normal. Toxic water, toxic air, loss of ecosystems are all consequences of spills; form a community watch dog group to check pipelines in your community. Patrol often - the next spill may indeed happen in your own backyard.
Yes, expect these, too, worldwide. Pay attention to those around you: are you seeing/hearing about more cases of rosacea, or small "bumps" on people's arms/legs? I was shown people everywhere with small lesions on exposed body parts; again these can be as small as a bout with rosacea (which is bacterial) or as large as psoriasis outbreaks can be. Here's one solution to treat these disorders: tea tree oil. There are many essential oils useful for treating bacterial/fungal/viral outbreaks on the skin, but tea tree is relatively inexpensive and the best. Mix a few drops tea tree oil into some coconut oil (or olive/jojoba/grapeseed), add aloe vera gel and a small amount of raw honey (I prefer buckwheat), add a little lavender or chamomile essential oil (it adds the benefit of taking out redness), and you have an instant skin balm.
So why are skin disorders going to be prevalent? Not only global warming - the sun is making us photosensitive - but pollution will be widespread which is what happens when you deregulate Clean Air & Water standards. Still believing industry's claim that Clean Air & Water is job-killing and too restrictive/expensive? STOP! It costs 7% of operating costs to retrofit a plant with pollution safe-guards. That's 7%, when we're talking about the biggest polluters making profits of billions of dollars. In other words, refitting a plant or outfitting a new plant with pollution safeguards costs them nothing. Yesterday there was an article detailing how Exxon's CEO has filed a lawsuit asking the court to halt fracking operations near his land in Texas. Exxon is the world's largest fracker, y'all, and while its CEO may be telling you that fracking is perfectly safe and a joyous thing for all to behold, in private he's suing to stop the process from happening to him. His main reason is that property values will plummet on his million dollar property caused because if you can't drink your water or breathe the air, your property has zero value. Stop supporting Big Energy and the politicians who do their bidding (yeah GOP, I'm talking to you!). Just...stop. All that money ain't gonna do nobody no good if they can't breathe or drink clean water. Period.
I have been shown scene after scene of violence and upheaval and war. Explosions and fire surround us all. I've been seeing these images for quite a while and haven't wanted to record it because it's horrifying to me. I'm recording it now so that you'll be prepared. In the Spring before 9/11 I started having terrifying visions including one in which an airplane propeller went slicing through crowds of people running down streets in a large urban city. I was so frightened that in June of 2001 I researched Catholic saints and bought my husband and I saint medallions to carry in our wallets for protection. This is significant because my husband and I are atheists. But fear drove me back to my youth at a time when I felt helpless (the 1960s) and the coping mechanism I had back then was to wear multiple religious icons on a chain. I gotta say I love religious icons; although I no longer believe in what they represent to those in their respective religions, I find comfort and peace that at its heart, an icon is meant to give one joy in a time of stress, and stressed out is often how I am. So here we are in 2014, and I feel the same way now that I felt back in the Spring of 2001: a bit doomed. No religious icon-ordering for me this time, though; I'm much more aware of the universal energy and the value in being prepared. Plus, in all these years there is one universal truth from which none of us can escape: Everything just is. We have dark, we have light, sometimes one is more prevalent than the other, and it just is. The cycle changes from one to the other and combines them both: it is what it is and no use wailing about how unfair it all is. Because, actually, it's very fair: each balances the other - yin and yang. What isn't fair is that we've let the corporate world determine our course of history. The upheavals? All prompted and paid-for/started-by/manipulated-by/for-the-benefit-of big industry. The Ukraine: the people want to align with Europe instead of Russia; who benefits most? Corporate world. Venezuela: A civil war with one issue at the heart: Venezuelan oil. Who benefits most? Big Energy. Afghanistan: minerals and oils. Anywhere in the Middle East: Big Energy. The rest of the world: US Interests, meaning US Big Business.
So what can we do? Again, stop supporting big businesses. They can't have any influence or power or money if no one buys their goods and their propaganda. Make your own meals, shop local, recycle, etc. Especially don't buy anything made in China! Those are all products made with jobs that used to be here in the US; why on earth do we want to purchase anything that we used to make ourselves? Some companies have announced they're coming back to the US - wonderful! But for the rest of the companies who won't and aren't, screw you. We need jobs, we need a living wage. If you still believe Big Business company line that living wages kill jobs and industry, stop it. These businesses that spend millions of dollars lobbying and advertising and buying your local politicians are making billions in profit. Their CEOS make millions of dollars a year, and I'm wondering why on earth we aren't demanding to know why they're worth millions a year but their employees are worth only $14,000 a year each. And that's on top of billions in profits - billions! So the shareholders win, the top management wins, and the employees get nada, not even a living wage. So the consequences of this are that people suffer, the economy suffers, the ecosystems suffer, but the 1% thrive. And thrive from polluting our air and water, and making work hazardous as well as poverty-driven, and don't even get me started on healthcare. Yes, now most of us are insured, but what no one's talking about is that even with insurance, healthcare is too expensive for most of us to afford. That means I pay my deductible, I'm still expected to pay 20% of remaining costs, and I can't afford that. So I don't. If I have an emergency, I don't treat it as an emergency but rather hope I can see my doctor during normal office hours in order to avoid ER costs. It means my condition may deteriorate rather rapidly in the intervening hours I have to wait, but wait I will. Because I cannot afford to be bankrupt over medical bills caused by a greedy, for-profit healthcare industry made up of insurance companies, big pharma and the doctors who own them. Here's the solution: employ all-body wellness. Do everything you're able to do now to avoid medical costs in the future. Eat whole foods; cook at home from fresh or frozen produce; use whole fats such as olive oils, coconut oil, butter (but only from organic cows); eat meat that's been humanely and sustainably raised. Expensive? Yes, but you can find many deals in your local supermarket AND on your local farms. It's well worth it and actually may save your life in the long run.
Holistic and homeopathic medicine is not a quick-fix or cure for anything. It takes a while to build up your immunity, and once your immunity is in full gear, you must maintain it. But it's so very, very worth it! It's taken me years to find out what my husband and I need for our well-being, and I'm learning new changes I must make for myself all the time. It's called life on a continuing education basis :D. Live well, and live smartly, y'all! If you eat a Twinkie and feel like crap afterwards, learn from that. Learn that there are other flours with which to bake besides wheat: coconut, almond, arrowroot, rice, and so many others. Each has its own unique properties - experiment! Buy a small bag, look up recipes, learn! Buy some different spices, sprinkle on your meals, make your own combinations of goodness. Buy and/or grow fresh herbs, and incorporate those into your foods - herbs are medicinal! Learn which herbs will help you at that present time, and learn which herbs should be consumed on an ongoing basis (garlic, onion, basil, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc.). Being healthy doesn't have to mean being deprived.
There's good news in all of this: in order to change and move forward, the past has to be left behind. Violence, war, pollution, insanity - all of these too shall pass. If you can find a cohesive community who will stand up for the rights of all within, you'll be just fine. Those who still remain in the past and fight so hard to return to the past will be disappointed and ostracized and left to fend for themselves. For the good of the community must come in one-mindedness, one-purpose, and in times of upheaval, the one is the all. The one is for all. The one is one ecosystem, equality and health of all living beings whether plant, animal or mineral.