

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Update on "Skin Disorders" Prediction

Another one of my predictions has come true: on February 22, 2014, I blogged, "Skin Disorders: Expect these, too, worldwide....I was shown people everywhere with small lesions on exposed body parts...." While I spoke in general terms re skin disorders (rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and so on) and ways to treat them and just briefly touched on photosensitivity, I did that because I wanted to ensure that everyone knows that there are solutions to most disorders. As with all my predictions, my interpretations are often milder than what's really going to happen, and in this case, it's skin cancer, ugh. While treatment for skin cancer is often left to medical professionals, I would also treat it by applying a topical cream of raw honey, aloe vera gel, and a few drops of lavender/helichrysum/frankincense essential oils. The honey, aloe vera and lavender will help heal the open sore, the helichrysum helps with whole body healing, and the frankincense helps repair the DNA. You can prevent skin cancer by wearing proper clothing - including a hat - not sunbathing, wearing a sunscreen with zinc oxide, eating a whole-foods diet. Tonight NBC ran a segment on skin cancer:

Monday, July 28, 2014

Message from Beyond and Two Odd Incidents

I was contacted last night in dreamtime by a gentleman who was singing, "To All The Girls I've Loved Before," the song sung by both Julio Iglesias and Will Nelson. If you've had a loved one who used to sing that song or who maybe was a bit of a ladies' man and this song always reminds you of him (!), just know that he's thinking of you.
We've had two odd incidents happen recently, and both were blackouts. I'm not talking electrical blackouts, but rather total blackness for a blip of a second. Thankfully Jeff was home when both occurred, and we were watching tv both times, and both occurrences happened at different times of the day. For a blip of a second it was if the entire world went black, no light whatsoever, and then everything returned to normal. We had our window blinds open, the sun was shining, although not directly into the windows, and we had no lights on. And I say "thankfully Jeff was home" because I'm always eager for witnesses to what I experience, and if anyone else has experienced this type of blackout, I would love to hear from you!