

Monday, December 8, 2008

I received a phone call this morning on my cell phone (unlisted number) from a woman in Georgia asking to speak to the spa manager.  I said, "I WORK at a spa, but...".  She then asked if this was the Skin Appeal Day Spa in Stafford [VA].  I looked up the spa, and its number is completely different from mine.  To me, this is a wonderful example of synchronicity - that we're all inter-connected :).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No music last night but this morning a red-headed woodpecker flew over me three times, each time emitting a strange little cry until finally settling down to peck our ancient maple tree.  The woodpecker's drumming is the heartbeat of the earth.  The woodpecker reflects new mental faculties are awakening, yet conversely to not neglect the physical body. Shamans ride the woodpecker's drummings into another dimension, space and time. Interesting!

Friday, December 5, 2008

For the last week, every evening I've felt someone gently running [her] fingers through my hair.  It's a very gentle touch, so I know it's a female entity.  Sadie has been watching my head in fascination while this is going on, so I'm pretty sure it's either my mother or one of my grandmothers who has been here.  I've also been hearing the turn-of-the-century music late at night while I'm trying to sleep - much muted chatter and laughter, too; this has been continuous for the last two weeks or so.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I was in the back room watching tv with The Girls when I suddenly got a whiff of two overwhelming perfume scents.  The first scent was a lavender-based scent, which I believe my grandmother Colleen wore.  I knew I had smelled the second scent before, and spent several minutes trying to figure out what it was.  Then it hit me - my mother used to wear Tabu perfume, and that's what the scent was.  So, my mother's still watching over me, which brings me much comfort!

Friday, November 21, 2008

At about midnight, I was at the computer and Jeff had already gone upstairs to sleep.  Our stairs are wooden and creak when we walk on them, and I distinctly heard Jeff come downstairs and go into the bathroom.  The computer desk is situated so that your back is to the stairs and bathroom when you're sitting at the desk.  Since I needed to get into the bathroom, I waited for Jeff to come out, but minutes went by with him still in there.  I finally got up, asked him to please hurry, and heard him snoring upstairs in bed.  I flipped on the bathroom light, and it was empty.  Since my back was to the stairs when the spirit came down, I didn't see who it was, but for once I'm glad :)!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I woke up this morning still dreaming of wild turkeys and buzzards gathered together in a small clearing in the woods.

The vulture is a symbol of death and rebirth and represents purification.  They teach us how to use our own energy powerfully and efficiently and to soar without using too much energy - ride the winds instead of flapping.  They're associated with the sense of smell, and aromatherapy is a good tool to use to connect with the vulture.  No matter how difficult things are at the moment, rescue and change are imminent

Turkeys are a symbol of sacrifice - it gives life so that others may live.  The turkey's message is that you have transcended self and act and react on behalf of others.  This is not a sense of moralism or guilt, but a deep knowledge that all life is sacred.  What you do for others, you also do for yourself.  The turkey's gift may be spiritual, material or intellectual; through giving to others, your own goals are reached.  The turkey is the symbol of Mother Earth and her abundant harvest.  All of Earth's blessings and the ability to use them to their greatest
advantage are part of turkey's teachings.

When I work, whether with the paranormal or at the spa, I expend all my energy into healing my clients' emotional and physical woes.  It has become so taxing on my
own body that I'm literally crippled for a day afterward.  I believe this message is telling me to continue my work in the paths that have chosen me, but that I can expend my energy in a different, less "brutal" way.  If my guides can work with me to accomplish this successfully, I'll be able to joyfully have the best of all "worlds."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I was vacuuming and saw a flash of light from underneath one of the massage tables.  Curious, I looked for any type of equipment that might be flashing and even got down on my hands and knees and looked everywhere around the table.  Nothing.  A few minutes later I was looking at the schedule on the computer when the letter "e" emitted a red and green glow.  I turned my head sideways in order to better look into the "netherworld" (it was a 3-D image, and I could see straight through).  Within a second, it returned to a normal, black "e" with a white background.  Obviously someone wants to make contact, but again, until he/she manifests, even in my mind mentally (which didn't happen), I can't help him/her.  Frustrating!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We now have a bear bedding down for the winter next to our property.  It's been munching the ink berries and leaving its scat :).  Bears are associated with trees, linking the heavens and earth.  It also teaches us to defend our beliefs (!) and encourages abilities as a natural healer.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

During my first facial, as I was squeezing a tube of mask ingredients, the tube suddenly "exploded" with ingredients; I looked like someone had splattered white goo all over my uniform :).  I felt a distinct chill near my neck and knew a spirit was present in the room.  Throughout the day I used that same tube, and it never "exploded" again.  During another facial, one of our high-frequency machine glass tubes with a filament inside, rose slightly out of
its holder, and the filament was pinging wildly against the glass.  It was so unexpected and loud that my client and I nearly jumped out of our skin, lol; of course I said, "Wow, that was odd!"  At the conclusion of that same facial I was patting the client's shoulders, and said, "Okay, we're finished...".  Before I could say, "I'll help you sit up," the IPod music in my room cranked up to full volume, and my words were drowned out.  I checked the IPod, and the volume was set at a normal rate.  Hmmmm, too funny!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I was running an errand when I spotted three hawks - two were at a distance, but the third hawk flew right over my car, turned, and flew so close to the driver's side window that I saw its eyes clearly as it gazed at me.  The hawk is a messenger and also signifies power, magic, and psychic
ability and vision (um, hellooooooo :) ).  For the rest of the day, I kept thinking of a friend of mine whose husband unexpectedly died several years ago; her husband's spirit was urging me to tell her that he's begging for her forgiveness. (NOTE: it's now 11/01, and I still haven't told my friend of her husband's request.  I can't seem to find the "right" moment; when I'm sure she's ready [can you ever, really, be ready to open old wounds?], I'll deliver the message.)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jeff and I were watching a DVD, and The Girls were sitting in the window (we have extra-wide window ledges, since the windows are built into the stone).  The Girls erupted into furious barking, with Gertie getting more and more excited - she began a high-pitched squeal, which is her signal that something fascinating is happening outside.  We looked out, and there was a
huge gathering of crows.  Crows are an omen of change; I looked at Jeff and said, "You're going to get your new job!" - he had been interviewing at another company, which would mean a great advancement in his career.  (NOTE:  On Wednesday, 10/29, Jeff was officially hired by the company.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I had several sightings throughout the day of the spirit of a man watching us in the hallways.  I have a feeling I know who that man is, but I need to speak with the person with whom I think the spirit is trying to reach.  In another instance, one of my co-workers heard her name being called,
yet she was alone, and we both heard footsteps outside in the hallway while we were together in one of the rooms - we both looked at each other wide-eyed and giggled. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Girls were barking furiously, and I looked outside and saw a black shape running by.  I went outside, and two black labs were jumping off our stone wall, then turned around to look at me.  I told them to keep moving (lol), and they turned and trotted down the driveway.  Why is this
unusual? This is the first time in 8 years we have had a strange dog(s) running through the property, so I'm embracing this sighting as a message.  Dogs are great spirit boosters and exhibit qualities needed for life, and they signify faithfulness and protection.  These dogs were retrievers, the same breed of Lucy - my best friend and protector.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My childhood nickname is K-K, although my immediate family members are the only people who still call me that.  I was outside with The Girls when I distinctly heard a woman's low whisper, "K-K," followed by a muted light floating toward us.  The Girls barked, and I immediately thought of my mother, who has been appearing to me in my recent dreams.  My mother died 20 years ago and only recently has been appearing to me (via dreams).  I took this sighting as confirmation that my mother is returning to me to convey her message - in my dreams, she's been telling me to be extra-vigilant of my health and eyesight.