

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lots of Strange Goin's On

For the last week, so many odd events have happened.  A few days ago, The Girls were all asleep in the office while I was on the computer, and Jeff was asleep on the couch/watching tv in the den.  All of the sudden Gertie let out a blood-curdling howl, as if she had been visited by the dead.  The other Girls leaped up and stared at her, but she had already gone back to sleep and was snoring loudly.  I thought Jeff had died - I couldn't think of why else she would howl like that - but I was afraid to go into the den to find out.  I finally went in to check, and there was Jeff, sitting up, drinking tea and watching a movie on the tube.  Ha!  Good one, Gert!

Meanwhile, my computer has been on the fritz, particularly whenever I respond to someone else's paranormal happenings on Facebook.  My mouse refuses to cooperate, and typing is frustrating, at best (lots and lots of skipped letters to where my comments look like gibberish).  One paranormal author - Marie Jones - with whom I'm friends usually has many FB postings, but whenever I comment on anything she's written, she's suddenly removed from my list of friends and I can't see what anyone else has said as a comment to her post; the status stays that way for about two days.  I printed out her FB page the last time this happened, and here's what it looks like to me after I post a comment: 

Today when I meditated I dreamed of my brother, Ricky.  I haven't seen my brother in at least 20 years, although he lives not too far away in the great State of Georgia, and I have never dreamed about him before, ever.  We were supposed to be taking someone to the airport to fly away, and my sister Theresa and my husband Jeff were with us, as well.  We were all waiting at an outdoor area/outdoor cafe, and I kept finding single earrings - most had little diamonds in them.  At one point another woman (unknown to me) tried to snatch the earrings away from me, but I refused to let her see them.  Both Jeff and Ricky were dressed in somber, black-striped suits, but Theresa and I were dressed casually, and I kept asking if we were still going to all go.  Finally, Theresa shook her head and looked so sad and said, "No, K-K, we're not all going."  And with that, in this world, The Girls started pawing at me to come back to life; they have a habit of doing that whenever I dream of something that's disturbing, although I'm not sure the significance (if any) of this dream.  But my final glimpse of that other world was that of my brother standing by my table, searching the distance for ...something...someone.

I'm a huge fan of smudging, which is taking a bundle of sage, lighting it, blowing it out, and taking the now bundle of smoke to all the corners of the house and asking unfriendly spirits to leave.  My friend Pam, though, told me about another method in which you make a pyramid out of epsom salt (the salt acts as a conduit to releasing the negativity), make an indentation in the center and put about a thimble-full of alcohol in the crater, and then lighting it.  For each room, you have to make a new batch up, so disposable pie tins are probably a good thing to use.  The mixture changes to a black smoot whenever a negative energy is encountered - the darker the burn, the darker the energy.  So, I decided to try that today :D.  The den is negative-energy free, while the office had a small amount of black smoot.  Very interesting!  I'm taking that to mean that, as is normally the case, the active spirit(s) currently at home with me are just trying to get my attention but have no ill-intentions.

Another odd incidence is that today, after I meditated and wanted to write about my dream, FB was down (not so odd but it all adds up), blogspot was down and my website's Ghost Blog was down (I thought if I clicked on the link at the Ghost Blog that it would be faster than to retry to get into blogspot the usual way, but the entire page at my own website wasn't loading properly, although the rest of the site was normal).