

Monday, September 29, 2014

Update on Earthquake(s) Prediction

I don't think the earth shaking cycle is finished yet; as a matter of fact, I feel that some really strong quakes are just around the corner, although I can't give an approximate time frame for them, I just feel the large earthquakes will happen between now and November.

Meanwhile on September 4, I wrote the following: "I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks." see

Since then, there have been several newsworthy earth movements:

California earthquake swarm:

Alaska 6.2 quake:

Japan volcano eruption:

Oklahoma 4.1:


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Side Effects Your Doctor May Not Know About/Warn You About re Pharmaceuticals

I have a hell of a time taking pharmaceutical medicines (and am a cancer survivor), which is why I've done so much research into holistic medicines and changed my life drastically at the age of 52 when I left the legal career field and became a licensed esthetician and certified aromatherapist and herbalist. If a prescription drug has side effects - and what drug doesn't? - I'm pretty much guaranteed to have them.
Most side effects are just bothersome, with the benefit of the drug outweighing the side effect(s). But some side effects are quite stunning and fall into the "who knew this could happen?" category. For instance I have high blood pressure (hereditary) and diet and exercise have not improved this, so my doctor has given me several different medications to try. Here are the results (I can't remember the medications' names, except for the final one):
1) First medicine: Dry cough. Doctor noticed it when I went for a 6 month check up and immediately took me off that medication (the cough was severe)
2) Second medicine: Upper respiratory illness, just like the flu but without the fever. Lasted one day, usually once a week. I finally looked up the side effects, and sure enough: upper respiratory illness was a side effect. Doc took me off of that one and put me on another.
3) Third medicine: Urinary tract infection. I had not had a UTI since before my hysterectomy in 1996. I got three within 3 months of each other, looked up the side effects, and bam! UTI was a side effect. Doctor gave up looking for an alternative, but increased slightly the diuretic I had been taking for several months (I suffer from edema, sometimes grossly so).
4) The diuretic: Chlorthalidone. I had been taking this for about a year, and when I was having issues with all the other medications, this one seemed perfect - no side effects, no dehydration, no nuthin'. Except for the last several months I've been having bouts of pancreatitis. The pain begins in your upper abdomen (usually upper right quadrant) and radiates to your entire upper/middle back. It's crippling, and nothing makes it abate except heating pads or hot baths help. I had a severe bout yesterday that I felt was coming on Sunday evening, but by mid-morning, I was bedridden (again!). Finally out of desperation because I needed to know if it was drug-related or should I go to the doctor today and possibly be hospitalized, I googled "chlorthalidone pancreatitis" and found this lovely bit of news from the NIH (see below). Damn! I also found other articles that stated that of all the incidences of diuretic-related pancreatitis, the symptoms began after taking the drug(s) for at least 6 months. I didn't take the diuretic yesterday or this morning (and won't be taking it again, ever), and I feel much better already, thank goodness.
My whole point in writing this is as a warning: if you're on prescription meds and little (or large!) illnesses keep popping up on you, it may just be your meds' fault. I mean, who knew that you could get a UTI or an upper respiratory infection or dry cough or even potentially fatal pancreatitis from meds? I didn't! As for my high blood pressure, I'm still working on it from a holistic treatment viewpoint, because obviously I can't take the prescription stuff.
If you're suffering a wonky illness and are taking meds, google the drug's name followed by the illness, like I did with "chlorthalidone pancreatitis." You just may be a bit surprised at what pops up.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Note on the 13th Anniversary of 9/11

NOTE: From June 2001 until September 11, 2001, I had dreamtime visions of a hellish scenario: crowds running down a large city's streets, airplane propellers flying overhead the crowds, slicing into people. I was filled with dread in those months, a dread that I've been feeling again lately, although this dread is more universal - like, globally - as opposed to US-centered. I honestly thought a nuclear war was going to happen back then, and as the day of 9/11 wore on, I kept waiting for the nukes to go off. Thank the universe that never happened. Now with Putin telling the US to back off, Israel announcing their new nuke-capable submarine, and other countries going ballastic, my dread is like a lead curtain draped on my back. But I still refuse to live in fear, y'all: if our leaders don't start growing up and thinking as adults, we are, quite simply, doomed to repeat what has gone before - but we can gather our communities together to weather the coming storm(s).
Been watching MSNBC's re-airing of their 9/11 coverage. At that time we lived in Bluemont, on the side of Mt. Weather, which is where FEMA's main facility was located and which has underground bunkers for the high and mighty in times of national emergencies. The road leading to those facilities was directly above ours, and after I was told to go home from work and was climbing the mountain toward home, I saw that the road to FEMA was barricaded and blocked and numerous helicopters were flying all over the place. Our road was fine, but the cacophony of all that emergency traffic plus the ongoing news footage was pure hell - I can't even imagine how people felt working at or near the Pentagon or the Twin Towers that day.
Anyway, pure hell, and my heart grieved for those who were killed, as well as for our country. As I was watching the re-airing today, one thing struck me: the call for retaliation. "Retaliate" was spoken over and over in 2001. So we subsequently found out the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia mostly, with a few from Pakistan, and we "retaliate" two years later by invading Iraq and Afghanistan and lord only knows where else. We spent billions of dollars on "retaliation," bringing our country to its knees financially and thousands of dead soldiers and civilians, and the wounded soldiers came home to little resources, almost zero healthcare, no jobs, no hope, no skills except the art of "retaliation."
Now our country is calling for more "retaliation." This time it's against ISIL for beheading two journalists. The most outspoken advocate - besides Dick Cheney - is John McCain, who was photographed just last year shaking hands and smiling with those same ISIL members, and who said yesterday that the US is not safer now after 9/11. Really? We have spent billions of dollars (again) on homeland security and have given up many precious civil rights because of that security. So what the hell was that money spent on, and why did y'all insist on funding these safeguards (we sure could have used that money to help our own and repair infrastructure)? Of course he and his cohorts are just drumming up the fear factor among the common folk, and they're doing a really, really good job. Here's the truth, y'all: no country is ever 100% safe from terrorists - if someone is determined and lucky enough, the job will get done, so I'd suggest just stop being afraid; if it happens, we'll deal with it as a community because our politicians sure ain't gonna give a rat's ass about the common people - they'll want to "retaliate."
Our policy is to throw money and weapons at anyone who we think will topple a dictator who won't do business with Big Energy, et al - meanwhile, those overthrowers once in power in turn refuse to do business with the US, so we send in Big Money's henchmen - the US military - to "retaliate." When the President and Congress and the talking heads like Cheney talk about "protecting US Interests," they're actually talking about private business, not US citizens. When they talk about the "need for retaliation," they're talking about private business being pissed because all of the sudden their oil or minerals or factory using slave labor or whatever is being taken away by a citizenry who's sick and tired of being shafted, raped & pillaged by US private business OR US private business has discovered there's a shitload of oil, minerals, slave labor in that country, and they want it. All of it. They want it, demand it, feel entitled to it, and US sends in the henchmen. And forget the talking points that the US needs those resources; on the contrary, we don't. We export more oil than we use. We haven't been able to export liquid gas yet so we have a glut of it. As to the minerals, I would bet we probably have more than enough of those, as well, although I really haven't seen stats on that. Stop putting our military at harm, stop killing civilians, stop big business from taking over a country's assets, just stop. I weep and shudder thinking about that day 13 years ago here at home; can you imagine how all those people in the Middle East feel seeing their own versions of 9/11 play out every single day just because US private businesses want to own their countries?
What's one of our first lessons that we're taught as children? Seeking revenge/retaliation is morally wrong and psyche-crushing. Our country is formed to seek justice, not revenge, and our court system is set up to ensure (yeah, I know, it's fallible) that justice is served. So I'm not sure when the dialogue changed - all of the 9/11 reporters used the word "retaliate" - but it's been with us for far, far too long, and our politicians remind me of children having a snit fit. The worst? Dick Cheney. He made over $4 billion on Iraq, no telling how much on Afghanistan, and no telling how much he stands to gain monetarily on the current "crisis." To me, he is the epitome of what Hannah Arendt called "The Banality of Evil' - a pathetic old entitled power-mad, greed-filled thug who, when all the myths are stripped away, is a nobody. A nothing. Not even human (he lacks what it means to be human - he's lost his humanity).
As for me? I refuse to live a fear-filled life. I refuse to support war or fighting or whatever it's called by the power brokers, no matter what their argument is because I know it's bullshit. I'll stick with justice: if someone attacks us, do your forensic jobs, do your detective and intelligence work, and demand through international diplomacy that whatever country is holding the terrorist(s) extradite him(them) to stand trial. If they refuse, cut 'em off financially, ideologically, internationally. I live for justice, not retaliation.

Message from Beyond

During dreamtime I saw through the eyes of a victim, as I so often do. This future event was about the brakes on a car. I/the victim was driving down a hill when the car sped up and the brakes failed. I thought to myself, "Damn it. I should have gotten those brakes repaired when they first started faltering!" So if anyone reading this has faulty brakes right now, get them repaired immediately! This precog did not end well, so please, please get your brakes repaired. 

NOTE: We have a new car with no brake issues - or any other issues - so that's how I know this dreamtime vision wasn't a subconscious reminder to myself.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Messages from Beyond & Earthquake(s)

1) A couple of nights ago I had a visit in dreamtime from Ken Muldare/Muldane/Mulder? - he was in a military uniform, either Air Force or Army. If this man is one of your loved ones, he just wants you to know he's still thinking of you.
2) Last night before my head had barely touched the pillow, I was immediately taken on a "flying" journey. The only other time I've "flown" before - and flying for me is more like zoomin' around above-ground - is when the man I call Grandfather, a Dine` medicine man, has visited me. Anyway, first we flew through a swamp, then fields, trees with moss, hardwood tree forest, then up a mountain and back down and stopped at a cabin/farmhouse. The whole time I was zooming, I kept telling my guide (unseen, unknown), "I'm not understanding. I'm not not getting your point." We went in the kitchen and there was a flowered, sheer curtain blowing in the breeze coming through the window, went further into the home, and I saw a man's body half in shadow laying on the floor. I could only see his legs, clad in blue-striped pajama pants, and he was wearing brown slippers. I got the impression he was elderly. After that, we flew again, through a really nice neighborhood that looked pretty new. The homes were not McMansions but rather more one-story, well-kept chi-chi. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I suck at interpretations because these visits are not meant for me, but of course I'm gonna throw out what it could possibly mean. The man came from a humble background but ended up being well-off OR vice-versa. He was either from the South or ended up there. He may have loved roller-coasters because at times it felt as if I was on a roller coaster, complete with that little tug the coaster does when you near the top. If any of this sounds as if this man may be your loved one, I want you to know he took me on quite an adventure! I also had the sense he was a happy man, and he's still zoomin' around in the Otherworld
3) I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Update on "Skin Disorders" Prediction

Another one of my predictions has come true: on February 22, 2014, I blogged, "Skin Disorders: Expect these, too, worldwide....I was shown people everywhere with small lesions on exposed body parts...." While I spoke in general terms re skin disorders (rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and so on) and ways to treat them and just briefly touched on photosensitivity, I did that because I wanted to ensure that everyone knows that there are solutions to most disorders. As with all my predictions, my interpretations are often milder than what's really going to happen, and in this case, it's skin cancer, ugh. While treatment for skin cancer is often left to medical professionals, I would also treat it by applying a topical cream of raw honey, aloe vera gel, and a few drops of lavender/helichrysum/frankincense essential oils. The honey, aloe vera and lavender will help heal the open sore, the helichrysum helps with whole body healing, and the frankincense helps repair the DNA. You can prevent skin cancer by wearing proper clothing - including a hat - not sunbathing, wearing a sunscreen with zinc oxide, eating a whole-foods diet. Tonight NBC ran a segment on skin cancer:

Monday, July 28, 2014

Message from Beyond and Two Odd Incidents

I was contacted last night in dreamtime by a gentleman who was singing, "To All The Girls I've Loved Before," the song sung by both Julio Iglesias and Will Nelson. If you've had a loved one who used to sing that song or who maybe was a bit of a ladies' man and this song always reminds you of him (!), just know that he's thinking of you.
We've had two odd incidents happen recently, and both were blackouts. I'm not talking electrical blackouts, but rather total blackness for a blip of a second. Thankfully Jeff was home when both occurred, and we were watching tv both times, and both occurrences happened at different times of the day. For a blip of a second it was if the entire world went black, no light whatsoever, and then everything returned to normal. We had our window blinds open, the sun was shining, although not directly into the windows, and we had no lights on. And I say "thankfully Jeff was home" because I'm always eager for witnesses to what I experience, and if anyone else has experienced this type of blackout, I would love to hear from you!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Message from Beyond and a Dream of Torture

I was visited in dreamtime last night from a woman who wanted me to contact her family and assure them that she was no longer in pain, was happy and was still watching over them. When I asked her name, she started humming and then singing a song. I didn't recognize the song, and she said, "It's an old Jimmy Dill song." So if this rings a bell with anyone whose loved one has passed, please know that she's still humming/singing and continues to watch over you!

NOTE: I had never heard of Jimmy Dill, so I googled "Jimmy Dill song" and discovered that he's a gospel singer and has released a cd titled "Let It Go." Here's a link:

I had a dream of torture two nights ago. As with all my visions involving "me" as the central character, I'm merely inhabiting another person's body - I'm viewing the events through the victim's mind. I try to grab as many details that I can so that hopefully one day the crime can be solved, but so far it just seems not to be. With that said, here's the dream/vision:

I was being interrogated in a red brick basement with a window high up on the left side of the wall. It looked like an old 1800s building's basement, except the wiring and lighting dated to standard 1950s school building (or perhaps military). The man who was interrogating me was white, dark headed, scruffy beard and quite large-chested. Apparently I wasn't giving him the answers he sought because he turned red-faced and exasperatedly blew out some air and then pressed her thumbs into my upper thighs - not inner thighs exactly, but more toward the inner-upward. Sorry, I don't know how to describe the location but I could certainly show you if I could! Anyway, the pain was the most intense I had ever experienced. It was as if a million volts of electricity were charging through my body, and my head snapped back, and I suffered whiplash. I woke up then, and I realized I had snapped my head back in real time, had a bit of whiplash, too, and I was bathed in sweat. I do not know pressure points - with the exception of the carotid artery in the neck - so I asked my husband, who is a former Navy rescue swimmer and helicopter crew chief and went through extensive survival training (including prisoner-of-war camp) if there was, indeed, a pressure point on the thighs that would cause pain like I experienced. He confirmed there was. I have no idea who was being tortured - she was definitely a woman - but I got the sense it was happening right here in the US. Horrifying, truly.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Life Lessons from a Now Older Than Dirt Woman

Today I'm officially older than dirt (I turned 60 at 1:02 am Pacific time 'cause I'm a California born girl). So, being the not-so-wise-yet-still-rockin'-it old lady that I am, I'd thought I'd share a few lessons I've learned over the years:

1) If you find something unbelievable, research it. Get all sides, check all references, then form your opinion. For instance (hey! I didn't say I wasn't gettin' political in this post!) I've discovered Ukraine is now run by neo-nazis in their top government positions, Putin is, indeed, a bully, and the Ukraine has the third largest gas deposit in Europe, not to mention they farm wheat that goes into those delicious breads and pastries for which much of Europe is known. John Kerry speaks double-speak and hasn't shown proof of any of his allegations on any countries he wants us to invade. In the past all of our modern wars have been fought strictly for Big Oil et al (yes, there's really proof of this) and big business (defense industries, duh). So the question is, why would we care so much about Iran & the Ukraine? Iran is a huge oil producer, and the Ukraine has the potential to be huge in gas (and wheat). My formed opinion: A war with Iran and/or the Ukraine ain't about terrorism or "freedom" or whatever, it's all about keepin' the oil guys and defense contractors happy and swimming in monies. At the expense of our military/own well-being. Business as usual.

2) Always tie stuff in a square knot. To this day I whisper to myself: "right over left, left over right"

3) If you can't tie stuff, buy slip-on shoes. Find a better way to suit your needs and don't be dismayed at those who laugh at you for not being able to make a knot. After all, it's the exploration and discoveries that are infinitely more valuable than the knot-tying itself.

4) Practice a little restraint. I want to end every single one of my status updates with, "That's my opinion, bitches!" And I want my tombstone to read "I'm outta here, bitches!" except I think I want my body donated to the Body Farm so perhaps a plaque will do - I find ending a sentence with "bitches" hilarious because it's just sensorily delicious to me. And yet, so far, I practice a little restraint. I'm not guaranteeing that I'll continue to do so because as you get older, you just really don't give a shit oops damn oops flip what comes flyin' out of your mouth. 

5) If you can't physically beat 'em, use snark and/or a personal experience to shut 'em up. The other day I got in a twitter war with a couple of 20 year old angry feminists who were pissed that Gloria Steinhem didn't talk about intersectionality in feminism thus she's worthless. So, because I was a bit shocked, I said that back then we thought of women's lib as including all women as a class with no special subsections because we are all, well, a class for the purpose of ERA. Intersectionality, btw, means all subgroups together but with each having its own something-blah-blah-blah (and that is an example of snark). Anyway, it deteriorated to where one precious angel called me a "motherfucking cunt." I gotta tell you, first I blushed, then I laughed and laughed and laughed and wrote back: "I had a radical hysterectomy way back in 1996, thus technically I can't be a cunt. But thank you anyway." Yep. Stopped 'em in their tracks, and the war was over.

6) When you work with someone, even if you dislike that person, smile and be pleasant. You aren't being a hypocrite but rather defusing a potentially volatile situation. My biggest regret is that I didn't learn this lesson until it was too late. My suggestions, though, if work is hell: take a moment, write every single one of your frustrations down, then walk around the building/block, sit back down and smile. You'll have expressed your inner-most dismay without hurting a soul, and more importantly, without hurting yourself. I never took my personal issues to work - always kept that separate - but if you have a happy event happening in your life, share, and if you have an awful event going on, just confide to a few. Just don't be surprised if not everyone is as elated or as sorry for you as you are (this is a hard truth to learn).

7) We may have many lives, but we only have One Earth. Do your part, take action locally on laws that you can have a hand in changing. Don't be complacent about the environment on a local level! We all know Big Business is, indeed, the boss of us, Congress is totally complicit with them, as are most states. You can change things locally because the issues are now in your own ecosystem, and within that ecosystem lies the city council or county government or whatever in which there are usually not only town hall meetings but local get-togethers. Gather your facts, become the change you want to achieve. And if all else fails, sue the bastards :D

8) Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy life! Laugh out-loud-obnoxiously and as often as is humanly possible! When you enjoy life, you enjoy yourself and others around you. Everybody benefits from a good old fashioned belly laugh

9) If something is bothering you, no matter how small, step in and take charge. Quit whinin' 'bout the dirty dishes or laundry piled up or files still not put away and get that elbow grease flowin' to tackle that annoyance. You may be gritting your teeth & cussing under your breath at first, but I promise by the time you finish, you'll be smiling. Remember, it's only an annoyance to you, it IS your problem, no one else cares because if they did they would have cleaned the mess to begin with. And if you're just sick to death of cleaning up other people's messes, why then, this leads us to:

10) Let stuff go. Let the annoyances go, let the anger go, let all of it go and let the love blow outward. This doesn't mean put blinders on but rather make a mental note of it and file it back into "stuff I can't control" in your brain. I often post many injustices happening in our country of which I'm saddened, horrified, shocked, whatever. Y'all may think I dwell on these things - all the horror I can't change - but surprisingly, I don't. The only reason I post most of the things I do is so that you, too, hopefully will make a mental note of it, file it away, and when the time comes when we CAN change it, we will. All progress seems to be achieved with baby steps

11) Do no harm. Just don't. Sounds so easy, and yet it's the hardest thing I've been learning this whole lifetime. Physics teaches us that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, and metaphysics teaches us that the reaction is sent zooming around the universe and is there for any one to pick up on. For the last two months or so every night my subconscious mind has taken one incident in my life in which I behaved poorly and thrown it into my consciousness. Damn. I thought we were all supposed to re-live our lives upon death, didn't you? Apparently not with me - I have zero clue if any other old people are experiencing this, but if so I haven't heard about it. So each night I close my eyes and BAM! there I am in 8th grade being bullied and bullying in return, or there I am in front of one of the many lawyers for whom I've worked and I'm having a melt down. Every night a different moment in my life - no two repeat - every night more eye-opening and humiliating than the last. Looking back I realize I handled just about everything in the wrong way, and every bit of it was my own damn fault. Yes, someone else usually started "it" but the way I handled the event was as one who was ill-equipped to face unwarranted criticism and lack of respect. Now, I've always had a very healthy sense of self, but when blind-sided by events out of my control, I've behaved quite poorly (lashing out instead of blowing it off). I thought back then that if my work was exceptional and brilliant, that's all that should matter. TRUST ME: you have to do no harm, no matter how harmed you feel you're being, because it becomes YOUR issue when you do harm in return. And while I'm learning my lesson every single night in living color in dreamtime when I have so many other things I'd rather dream about (conversations with those who have passed on, for instance!), maybe someone who reads this will have a much easier time from now on.

12) Meditate. Even if it's only for 5-10 minutes while you're in the shower, just do it. Osho says the 3 ways to enlightenment are: 1) Watch. Watch everything. Watch the butterfly land on a flower. Watch your boss walk back to his/her office. Watch without judgment, watch without forming any opinion whatsoever, just soak up the details as intimately as you can. That way, the next time you see life unfolding before you you'll be non-judgmental, more empathetic, more understanding that "everything is." 2) Listen. Go sit outside and listen. Listen to the neighbor's dog barking, listen to the birds walking across the lawn or leaves, listen to strangers' conversations, all, again, without judgment. You'll learn dogs have different barks for different situations, birds have unique scratching sounds, conversations are filled with love and hope and anger and more emotions than you thought were possible. When you listen closely to the world, you find that it, too, means "everything is." 3) Watch the watcher. This means go outside yourself and look at yourself as you practice the first two. Watch yourself without judgment (see the theme here?), experience the now and immediacy of the moment, and discover how "everything is." If you can get to the point where you can do all three, without judging, without emotion, you'll be enlightened. I cannot do all three without judging, obviously. I care deeply and passionately about the environment and women's issues (and others) but I judge every time another regulation is deregulated and another law is passed restricting one's right to her own body. So, as in all lessons I'm learning and in tandem with my nightly "This is Your Life!" freakshow, I'm slowly, SLOWLY, abandoning my zeal and replacing it with the old adage, "Change that which you can change" and rolling my eyes at that which I can't. Rolling eyes is still being judgmental, so I have a way to go before I'm enlightened. Not being judgmental and accepting that "everything is" does not mean you can't be empathetic or loving; it means that death happens, we pay taxes, corporations are the boss of us, and there are always people filled with darkness who think not of the rest of us whatsoever. "Everything is" doesn't mean changes can't occur but rather that acceptance without judgment of what is occurring right at this moment is the point - "We are a Corporatocracy so let's change that paradigm" rather than "I hate all those motherfucker corporate narcissists who are ruining this country." I have seen time and again in dreamtime that those who are in the Otherworld know that "everything is" - when giving me conversations to pass onto their loved ones here in this world, they all want their loved ones to know that yes, they're still a part of their lives, and yes, they may see the loved one suffering but that's how life/the universe is: we have dark, we have light, we have a balance of the two at times and an imbalance at others but it's all part of the flow, the yin and yang. It just is and the darkness shall pass or the light shall pass or the two shall intertwine, and it's a universal truth

There are many other lessons I've learned but these seem to keep coming back to me to haunt me. And with that, I'm fixin' to go listen to/sing to/dance to/break a hip to Aretha - I'm outta here, bitches!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Air Raid Siren/Steady Tone

On February 15, 2013, I blogged about hearing via clairaudience an air raid siren: see

About 15 minutes ago I heard that same sound. As with the incident last year, there were no emergency alert warnings on media, and I'm once again flummoxed as to what this could mean.

I'm noting this for the record in case there is, indeed, a disaster happening right now that would merit such a warning, and I'll post updates either below this entry or in a new separate entry with reference to this post.

UPDATE: I started writing the above post sometime before 11:00 am ET (I was watching The Today Show while I was researching through past posts to find the one I referenced from last year). I just looked at my email (11:45 am) and found a breaking news alert from CNN re a 7.5 earthquake that struck near Mexico City at the same time I heard the siren. So now I know for future events that when I hear that siren/steady tone, a disaster is happening at the same time; it doesn't really help anyone who happens to be living where the disaster is taking place, though .

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I went into a fugue state yesterday while, thankfully, sitting down. I was reading an article at the Southern Poverty Law Center's website about the white supremacist who shot three people in Overland Park, KS, because he thought they were Jewish (they weren't). As I was reading the article, what I can only describe as a psychic smell, and no, I can't describe the actual smell - it was neither sweet nor foul, but it was overwhelmingly strong - invaded my senses, I became totally exhausted and oh-so-sleepy, and I passed out into a fugue state and had a vision: expect many more shootings like this one. I woke up with a start, recorded my vision and was just extremely grateful I hadn't been standing up when it happened.

So we should expect more hate shootings. Gee, y'all, I'm begging you all to each please do your part in convincing people you know or encounter that violence is never the solution! We can't stop the hate - education, social disapproval and so on may change a few minds, but I would think that many haters will just go back underground - but we can certainly stop the violence. And stopping the violence is definitely a step in a healthy, peaceful solution for all of us. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Leave Room For Nature

I was told in dreamtime this morning that "The cleansing has begun," and I was then shown violent storms, wars, toxic spills and dumping, earthquakes, flooding, fires. Although I have certainly dreamed this before and have shared these dreams before, I felt a sense of urgency this morning, kind of like one last warning, perhaps. And while this may have seemed hopeless and gloomy and dire to anyone else, to me it felt refreshing and necessary because:

We're overpopulated on Mother Earth, and we have used and abused just about all of Her natural resources. We've accelerated climate change, we've dumped tons of poisons/chemicals into river and stream beds and the oceans and even into the earth itself with fracking. We've seen species' extinctions during our lifetime, and we've seen endless war with others and fighting among ourselves.

We in the United States are so divided that it seems impossible to overcome our differences, but overcome them we must. Everyone on Earth will be affected in the coming years - every one. The only way to truly survive and thrive will be if we come together as a community. Don't like gays? Well, when that tornado hits, a gay person may be the one digging you out. Don't like blacks/hispanics/asians/Middle Easterners/whites? When your home is flooded, it may be a recent immigrant who is manning the boat, picking you up from your roof. Put aside your prejudices and embrace the difference in your fellow man/woman. Stop thinking of another human being as someone to be afraid of or to loathe and instead think of your fellow man as a brother or sister, part of your human family. Personalities differ, looks differ, levels of intelligence differ, but we are all one in the human family - stop the fear, the loathing, the madness! You won't have time for thinking along those lines in any event after a tragedy, so you might as well stop thinking that way now.

Prejudice, inequality, class division, nothing matters after a tragedy except coming together as a community to bury the dead, rebuild for the present and think forward to a new future. A new future together as a whole. Money has very little value when everyone is hurting; the value lies in salvaging materials that are immediately available, knowing where a food and water source are available, having shelter, being with your family/friends/neighbors/community members.

As we set up our communities in the future, I definitely hope that we pay heed to the Georgia Guidestones and follow the advice:

the message of the Georgia Guidestones





Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gardening In A New Way

On 2/22/14 I wrote, "Store extra seed, start growing vertical gardens indoors, invent new ways to grow herbs, veggies and fruits...." Well, you know how it goes: ask, and the Universe will find a way to deliver! I've seen two new choices to traditional veggie/herb gardening, and I'm sharing them here.

The first is a vertical wall with veggies and herbs planted within. Here's the picture: 

The second choice is to plant your seeds in the potting mix bags, which are placed on a stand (how-to is explained below). What I especially love about this idea is that they can be moved under shelter or indoors if inclement weather comes your way, and if it's just too damn hot where the sun is broiling those plants, move to a partial shady area. Just remember to buy organic potting mix, y'all!

Here's the second method:
This worked well for me for many years - it's a simple, weed-free way to grow lettuce, spinach and even radishes. Take a 2 cubic feet bag of potting soil (I used Miracle Grow), rumple it around quite a bit to loose the soil, poke quite a few holes in the back side for drainage, then lay the bag on a smooth surface that will allow drainage and not get too hot, and cut out the top, leaving about a 4 or 5 inch border all around. Lightly rake through the soil to even it out and loosen it even more, then carefully, and evenly sprinkle the seeds around. I put my salad green seeds in an old spice bottle with large shaker holes, added some cornmeal, shook it all up to mix well and sprinkled them out of it. I put the cornmeal in there to allow me to see that I had covered the soil evenly. If doing radish seeds or spinach, just make lines the depth mentioned on the seed pack, plant the seeds and cover appropriately. For salad greens I sprinkled a lite covering of soil over the cornmeal and seeds and then spray-misted to water them in. I put my bags on metal sawhorses and grates to make them waist level. This kept the bags off the hot concrete and I didn't have to bend over when cutting my salad. When harvesting, just use a pair of scissors and cut what you need - don't pull the plants out. Same goes for spinach - they will grow back almost magically overnight, and you can't tell where you cut. Spray mist the seeds and plantlings at first when watering, until they are established, then you can water more vigorously as the plants mature. You will probably need to water more often, since the depth of the bags are not as deep as a regular in-ground garden. I just kept mine moist, but not sopping wet.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

More Visions, Less Time

As time goes on and my dreams/visions increase, I've been debating whether to record them or simply let them be. Since I'm typing this out now, I reckon recording won over my squeamishness, and I hope anyone who reads this will take a proactive, optimistic approach in coping with future events. In addition if you're a survivalist, I pity you, because I've been shown that you can't weather the coming years by yourself but need a community. "It takes a village." It's time to come together, y'all; we need to lay aside any past prejudices and embrace each other's unique human/humaneness so that we can all not only survive, but thrive. That said....

Violent Weather

NOTE: There's a reason I was a self-proclaimed Earthquake Whisperer for about a year or so when I felt just about every single earthquake happening in the world: we are in an earthquake era. Expect more - many more.

We're approaching Spring which always triggers storms in many parts of our country/world, and it's a normal seasonal happening that tornadoes and thunderstorms occur. What I've been shown lately, though, is that these storms in the coming years are going to be superstorms, that the hair-trigger weather is now our new normal. I've been shown devastation as far as the eye can see, crops and homes destroyed, people displaced, livestock sick and dying. Expect the tornadoes to be where you wouldn't have expected them to be: no more confined to Tornado Alley but instead wide-spread. If you can build a wind-proof shelter, I urge you to go ahead and do it, or at the very least encourage your community to have such a shelter. Store extra seed, start growing vertical gardens indoors, invent new ways to grow herbs, veggies and fruits, and do this as a community. As with any ecosystem, when one thrives, we all thrive, but if one fails, we all fail.

Global Warming

Yes it's real; seriously, if you believe the bullshit spouted by captains of industry and regurgitated by many of our elected officials that climate change is a hoax, you are in for a rude awakening. We just had the hottest January on record globally - see, warming isn't just US-centric, it's world-centric. We have a devastating drought occurring in the US in the West, and the jet stream has now gone so far out of its "normal" flow that polar air has been dipping down into the Eastern half. The UK is being flooded out. I warned y'all about this years ago when I dreamed we'd have flooding, drought, extreme heat, extreme cold - we had it just recently - and my husband and I purchased arctic-worthy outerwear in order to be prepared, thank goodness. As our world warms up, though, we'll see less and less coldness in the depths of winter, but those cold snaps are going to be freezing indeed. So be prepared!

If you garden or farm - and yes, you should - pay attention to your land and your weather. The old planting guides should be thrown out because you need to be planting at a different time now. I like to plant by the moon phases, as do many gardeners, and thank goodness it's easy to find out what the moon's current phase is. But in many parts of the US if you plant lettuces, broccoli, etc., you're going to find that unless you plant in February-March, you won't be harvesting your cool-weather veggies. Farming/gardening is a type of meditation: you look, listen and watch the watcher (yourself). I urge you all to meditate during growing season on soil conditions, weather, garden placement (need more shade for herbs), growing patterns, and so on. And for goodness' sake, be organic! Research and learn organic farming, seek out your local experts and learn from them. Big Ag is going to suffer devastating losses in the coming years because they have no desire to be sustainable but instead only care about the current growing season, subsidies and getting the maximum profits from current market commodities. In short, they don't care about being sustainable. If you can't grow your own food or if your community hasn't implemented a community garden (why not? Start one!), please buy from local organic, sustainable farms - you can find one nearest you by going to Support your local farms, y'all! Ask if they have classes - most do, and you can learn everything about sustainable growing in order to start your own mini-farm or garden.


I was shown people who had oil dripping down their faces. What I interpret this to be is to expect many more oil spills, whether from pipelines or well accidents. So many in fact that this, too, is our new normal. Toxic water, toxic air, loss of ecosystems are all consequences of spills; form a community watch dog group to check pipelines in your community. Patrol often - the next spill may indeed happen in your own backyard.


Yes, expect these, too, worldwide. Pay attention to those around you: are you seeing/hearing about more cases of rosacea, or small "bumps" on people's arms/legs? I was shown people everywhere with small lesions on exposed body parts; again these can be as small as a bout with rosacea (which is bacterial) or as large as psoriasis outbreaks can be. Here's one solution to treat these disorders: tea tree oil. There are many essential oils useful for treating bacterial/fungal/viral outbreaks on the skin, but tea tree is relatively inexpensive and the best. Mix a few drops tea tree oil into some coconut oil (or olive/jojoba/grapeseed), add aloe vera gel and a small amount of raw honey (I prefer buckwheat), add a little lavender or chamomile essential oil (it adds the benefit of taking out redness), and you have an instant skin balm.

So why are skin disorders going to be prevalent? Not only global warming - the sun is making us photosensitive - but pollution will be widespread which is what happens when you deregulate Clean Air & Water standards. Still believing industry's claim that Clean Air & Water is job-killing and too restrictive/expensive? STOP! It costs 7% of operating costs to retrofit a plant with pollution safe-guards. That's 7%, when we're talking about the biggest polluters making profits of billions of dollars. In other words, refitting a plant or outfitting a new plant with pollution safeguards costs them nothing. Yesterday there was an article detailing how Exxon's CEO has filed a lawsuit asking the court to halt fracking operations near his land in Texas. Exxon is the world's largest fracker, y'all, and while its CEO may be telling you that fracking is perfectly safe and a joyous thing for all to behold, in private he's suing to stop the process from happening to him. His main reason is that property values will plummet on his million dollar property caused because if you can't drink your water or breathe the air, your property has zero value. Stop supporting Big Energy and the politicians who do their bidding (yeah GOP, I'm talking to you!). Just...stop. All that money ain't gonna do nobody no good if they can't breathe or drink clean water. Period.


I have been shown scene after scene of violence and upheaval and war. Explosions and fire surround us all. I've been seeing these images for quite a while and haven't wanted to record it because it's horrifying to me. I'm recording it now so that you'll be prepared. In the Spring before 9/11 I started having terrifying visions including one in which an airplane propeller went slicing through crowds of people running down streets in a large urban city. I was so frightened that in June of 2001 I researched Catholic saints and bought my husband and I saint medallions to carry in our wallets for protection. This is significant because my husband and I are atheists. But fear drove me back to my youth at a time when I felt helpless (the 1960s) and the coping mechanism I had back then was to wear multiple religious icons on a chain. I gotta say I love religious icons; although I no longer believe in what they represent to those in their respective religions, I find comfort and peace that at its heart, an icon is meant to give one joy in a time of stress, and stressed out is often how I am. So here we are in 2014, and I feel the same way now that I felt back in the Spring of 2001: a bit doomed. No religious icon-ordering for me this time, though; I'm much more aware of the universal energy and the value in being prepared. Plus, in all these years there is one universal truth from which none of us can escape: Everything just is. We have dark, we have light, sometimes one is more prevalent than the other, and it just is. The cycle changes from one to the other and combines them both: it is what it is and no use wailing about how unfair it all is. Because, actually, it's very fair: each balances the other - yin and yang. What isn't fair is that we've let the corporate world determine our course of history. The upheavals? All prompted and paid-for/started-by/manipulated-by/for-the-benefit-of big industry. The Ukraine: the people want to align with Europe instead of Russia; who benefits most? Corporate world. Venezuela: A civil war with one issue at the heart: Venezuelan oil. Who benefits most? Big Energy. Afghanistan: minerals and oils. Anywhere in the Middle East: Big Energy. The rest of the world: US Interests, meaning US Big Business.

So what can we do? Again, stop supporting big businesses. They can't have any influence or power or money if no one buys their goods and their propaganda. Make your own meals, shop local, recycle, etc. Especially don't buy anything made in China! Those are all products made with jobs that used to be here in the US; why on earth do we want to purchase anything that we used to make ourselves? Some companies have announced they're coming back to the US - wonderful! But for the rest of the companies who won't and aren't, screw you. We need jobs, we need a living wage. If you still believe Big Business company line that living wages kill jobs and industry, stop it. These businesses that spend millions of dollars lobbying and advertising and buying your local politicians are making billions in profit. Their CEOS make millions of dollars a year, and I'm wondering why on earth we aren't demanding to know why they're worth millions a year but their employees are worth only $14,000 a year each. And that's on top of billions in profits - billions! So the shareholders win, the top management wins, and the employees get nada, not even a living wage. So the consequences of this are that people suffer, the economy suffers, the ecosystems suffer, but the 1% thrive. And thrive from polluting our air and water, and making work hazardous as well as poverty-driven, and don't even get me started on healthcare. Yes, now most of us are insured, but what no one's talking about is that even with insurance, healthcare is too expensive for most of us to afford. That means I pay my deductible, I'm still expected to pay 20% of remaining costs, and I can't afford that. So I don't. If I have an emergency, I don't treat it as an emergency but rather hope I can see my doctor during normal office hours in order to avoid ER costs. It means my condition may deteriorate rather rapidly in the intervening hours I have to wait, but wait I will. Because I cannot afford to be bankrupt over medical bills caused by a greedy, for-profit healthcare industry made up of insurance companies, big pharma and the doctors who own them. Here's the solution: employ all-body wellness. Do everything you're able to do now to avoid medical costs in the future. Eat whole foods; cook at home from fresh or frozen produce; use whole fats such as olive oils, coconut oil, butter (but only from organic cows); eat meat that's been humanely and sustainably raised. Expensive? Yes, but you can find many deals in your local supermarket AND on your local farms. It's well worth it and actually may save your life in the long run.

Holistic and homeopathic medicine is not a quick-fix or cure for anything. It takes a while to build up your immunity, and once your immunity is in full gear, you must maintain it. But it's so very, very worth it! It's taken me years to find out what my husband and I need for our well-being, and I'm learning new changes I must make for myself all the time. It's called life on a continuing education basis :D. Live well, and live smartly, y'all! If you eat a Twinkie and feel like crap afterwards, learn from that. Learn that there are other flours with which to bake besides wheat: coconut, almond, arrowroot, rice, and so many others. Each has its own unique properties - experiment! Buy a small bag, look up recipes, learn! Buy some different spices, sprinkle on your meals, make your own combinations of goodness. Buy and/or grow fresh herbs, and incorporate those into your foods - herbs are medicinal! Learn which herbs will help you at that present time, and learn which herbs should be consumed on an ongoing basis (garlic, onion, basil, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc.). Being healthy doesn't have to mean being deprived.

There's good news in all of this: in order to change and move forward, the past has to be left behind. Violence, war, pollution, insanity - all of these too shall pass. If you can find a cohesive community who will stand up for the rights of all within, you'll be just fine. Those who still remain in the past and fight so hard to return to the past will be disappointed and ostracized and left to fend for themselves. For the good of the community must come in one-mindedness, one-purpose, and in times of upheaval, the one is the all. The one is for all. The one is one ecosystem, equality and health of all living beings whether plant, animal or mineral.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year's Resolution, Autoimmune Disorders & My Biggest Fear

A New Year's Resolution: Every time I cook a meal or whip up a dessert that's especially yummy, I take a bite, look at my husband Jeff, make a sour face and proclaim, "OHMYGOD that's really, really bad. You might as well save yourself from trying it, and just let me take care of the rest of it." Sometimes I'm overly dramatic and pretend I'm gagging. And then I burst into laughter - that's when Jeff knows it's a hoax. So for 2014 I'm vowing to keep a straight face at least once and let Jeff think the food is actually disgusting. Which it isn't. Which leaves more for me... ha!

Autoimmune Disorders: I have psoriasis, and it's usually not uncontrolled because I eat healthily and make an organic scrub and body lotion that keeps it well under control. But a few weeks ago my feather mattress topper started to fail. Feathers were poking out of the top, through the sheet, and poking me wherever I laid. The result of all this poking is that I'm now in a full-blown psoriasis event - ugh. I have never experienced so many multiple lesions on so many different parts of my body, and I gotta say it's making me miserable! So we threw the mattress topper away but my body is still in crisis mode; it will probably take another month to get the situation under control and make my body think there aren't any foreign invaders to defend, and being an impatient person, this is my idea of Hell!

I'm sharing this experience so that those of you who also suffer from an autoimmune disorder can hopefully learn to look for triggers, especially if you have your disorder pretty well under control. I rarely use the word "cure" for any disease, disorder, whatever-ails-you because any one of our cells can go wonky at any given moment given the right (wrong?) environment, and having an autoimmune disorder means never being "cured." But we can certainly keep our disorders under control through a whole foods diet and using meditation as a stress-reliever and moving our muscles whether walking or strenuous exercise. But when the autoimmune triggers go into overdrive, we should become detectives and search for what set it off. In my case it was clearly the feathers - and one of my dogs has a bad habit of jumping on my bare legs to claw at me when she's hungry! - but nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes - not sweet potatoes, though - and so on) can also trigger autoimmune responses in many people. Petroleum products in skincare lotions - Vaseline is a petroleum product, for instance - trigger awful reactions in many of us who are autoimmune, as do certain medications. So think about what you may have eaten, or used ala personal products, or even what you may have worn since many fibers used in clothing are also petroleum based, stop eating/using/wearing that product, and see if your disorder becomes more manageable. The results won't be instant but will be well-worth the exclusion of your trigger!

My Biggest Fear: My biggest fear is not death. Since I've had the privilege of traveling to the Otherworld, I know death is not final but rather a beginning of yet another life-phase. Nope, my biggest fear is being homeless. I can't imagine not having adequate shelter or a clean bathroom complete with bath and shower, or a refrigerator, or heat or airconditioning, or a comfy bed, etc. So I've taken that fear and made a plan: if Jeff and I ever experience the horrendous fate of being homeless and completely poor, we'll take his last paycheck and buy a tent. Between the car and tent, we should be fine as far as shelter is concerned, and we'll park/pitch on unused land...somewhere. We haven't thought that part through :D. Jeff is quite concerned about our retirement years that are coming up quickly on us, but when I told him about my biggest fear and my thoughts concerning shelter, he actually has been much more calm about our future. I reckon I gave him a small measure of hope, as bleak as that may sound right now as I type this from my desktop computer in my nice, warm home with supper cooking on the stove.

So take your biggest fear and make a worse-case scenario plan. Embrace it, own it, hope to the universe that it never, ever happens but if it should, you'll have a backup plan. Hopefully the backup plan will alleviate any future concern - even just a little! - and you can live your life to its fullness without being constantly afraid of the next crisis. Because the next crisis is just around the corner - it's all part of life, and stress and worry are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, aren't they? How many times have you gone through a crisis and thought, "Survived another one - ha! Don't know why I was so worried about that...!" Take the fear, plan for it, hope it doesn't happen, place it in the back of your thoughts, and live a wonderful life!

And I have nothing but the best, most loving thoughts toward each of you reading this - let's make 2014 a year in which we've healed each other and our way-too-chaotic world~