

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Future Loss?

I had a conversation in the Otherworld with an older man last night who told me: "1640 BC is being repeated," to which I replied, "What happened in 1640 BC?" He said, "You tell ME what happened in 1640 BC." Okay. I have been researching this all day. I found Egyptian and Chinese Dynasties and Kingdoms and nothing rings remotely "true" to this age. The ancient past is NOT my forte, and although I've watched the NatGeo & History Channels like everyone else, I don't retain dates, only events. A few minutes ago I researched again, and found that a Greek/Minoan volcanic eruption happened back then, destroying an island that many believe may have been Atlantis. The meaning of the vision is not mine to make (I'm like the Pythia at the Oracle of Delphi - yep, told ya I've been researching :D) but in the next year either we have a large eruption or loss of culture or something along those lines...

UPDATE: Tonight, 12/22/11, the National Geographic channel is going to air a segment called "The Truth Behind: Atlantis." Since this is so synchronistic to my vision, I'll be watching to see what the "experts" think Atlantis and its demise was all about and how it might be relevant to what we''re facing in the coming year.

UPDATE: Here's what I found out from the program, and since I've never fully researched the whole Atlantis myth (believe it or not hahaha!), much was new to me. The program investigated three different sites that people think could be Atlantis: Bimini, Crete and the island of Thera (where the volcano eruption happened in 1640 BC). According to Plato, Atlantis had the world's greatest military, citizens of enormous wealth and the best technology - sound familiar re the USA??? Anyway, the program ended with scholars postulating that Plato took a grain of truth about a great civilization and then fictionalized the rest as a morality tale. The "Greatest Nation on Earth" (again, familiar???) was destroyed because of their greed by the volcanic eruption. While I don't think we'll be destroyed, I do believe my vision was a precog of a volcanic eruption that will cause loss of lives and devastation sometime in the near future. Let's just hope and pray it is NOT Yellowstone! I may be completely wrong on what the vision meant in any event since I SUCK at interpretation. Maybe it does, after all, have to do with what happened in Egypt when everyone was miserable under the new regime - just as we are now with our newly elected Congress. I like this last scenario the best - it means there's hope because they can all get voted OUT ♥

Monday, November 28, 2011

Odd Experiences from 6-1-06 thru 11-17-06

The below is taken directly from a diary I kept in 2006; at the time I was a member of a yahoo group who encouraged me to write all my experiences down and my impressions of same. I thought some of y'all might find it interesting. Back then we were living in an old stone house in Bluemont, VA - a home made out of fieldstone of granite and quartz, both excellent energy conductors, and energy is certainly what I kept experiencing! The dates are listed, as well as the Sidereal Time, which is Star time - I wanted to see if there was a pattern as to when the events occurred. Apparently the events occurred at all hours of the day :D.

6-1-06 2:36:05 Tried sending e-mail to Jeff re AAEVP Conference in Atlanta; e-mail wouldn’t go through.  Had to send on 6-2-06

6-04-06 I was meditating, dreaming of twirling a multi-colored rod, which then made me think of a circus, which THEN made me think of a bear riding a unicycle.  Later, Jeff touched me to tell me a bear was in our backyard, and I grabbed the camera.  I took two pictures of the bear – each time it was coming right to me (not Jeff) as if I was what it was there for, but was repelled by the flash.

6-6-06 14:21
18:06  “Someone” rubbed my left finger, then left arm (like a massage rub)

Severe headache, and my left knee & right hand fingers are being touched by an unknown presence

All background noise in the house has ceased with a high pitched squeal/scream replacing it for 12 minutes.  I just noticed the hum is back

Went to the movie store – cost of movies: $6.66.  Then went to get a prescription filled, and my waiting in line number was:  66.

6-8-06 17:35 Mouse acting up as if someone else’s hand is controlling it.  As soon as I say aloud, “Okay – enough!” it acts normally again.*

6-11-06 16:44 I hear faint conversation, as if in a bubble or underwater (muffled)

6-16-06 03:00 I was walking Maggie, and we both heard a rhythmic clacking sound coming from the back area.  I looked in the trees and all over the grounds but nobody was there (and it was RHYTHMIC, so it was NOT a woodpecker or groundhog or squirrel and didn’t sound like them in any event).  Intermingled are squeals, similar to brake squeals (mechanical), so I also went to the back of the property, looked at Rt 7, no cars stalled or parked.  A certain tree’s leaves were also “waving” frantically during this time.

6-19-06 15:00
19:02 After feeling uneasy for the last hour or so, I heard footsteps upstairs.  I just came downstairs (about 10 min. ago) and KNOW none of the animals is up there (Jeff’s out of town)

I felt a presence right next to me – the EMF meter jumped to .09 (from base reading of .01), then fluctuated (went down to .07, then zoomed up to .29).  It’s at .10 right now.  It’s normally at .06 where I sit at the computer and .14 on top of the desk (it’s at .29 on the desk).  Will recheck.  Computer is on “the fritz” – freezing erratically (NOT normal)

EMF at .10 – can still feel the presence

6-21-06 Earlier in the week I noticed some plants growing in our last remaining fallow flower bed.  I thought they were thistle and thought it odd that thistle would grow (no other thistle on the property).  Today I noticed it was not thistle but is yarrow.  What’s strange about this is that this spring I started saying I wished I had some yarrow to dry to use in skin potions and/or boil for tea.  Yarrow is not on our property anywhere else, either.  Like the bear, I was dreaming about it, and it became a reality.

6-22-06 17:25 I was just re-reading what I'd written to ID about shadow people, and I sat back, didn't touch the desk, and my mouse pointer started pointing to each tool on my e-mail toolbar, lit up (as if being touched), then stopped.  EMF is 2.1.  Gertie’s barking, too, and has been on and off for the last few hours.

6-22-06 15:34 Gertie’s barking at unseen things, and I feel a presence in the house.

6-23-06 15:11 Gertie’s barking again, and I feel a presence – cool breeze on my arm.  EMF is .11

6-24-06 1:30 local
16:32 Jeff’s out of town and took the cell phone charger with him.  I have a charger for the car and while running errands, plugged my cell into the charger and noticed the display said “Airplane Mode.”  WHAT????  Of course, Airplane Mode means that I can’t receive or make calls from my cell phone.  I had to go through about 5 or 6 steps in order to disable this (I do not fly, ever!), and I know there isn’t a shortcut key to enable it.

I had turned off the computer at 1:30 before I went to run errands and didn’t turn it back on until 6:00 tonight.  When I tried to connect to AOL, I kept getting a message stating “Modem Blocked from Connecting.”  WHAT????  I’ve never received this type of error message before.  I made sure the phone was working (it wasn’t, but after plugging and unplugging many times, it finally was working again).  I turned the computer off then back on, still got the message and tried two more times.  Finally, after checking to ensure the modem was indeed plugged in correctly, I ran a diagnostic which said the modem was working correctly.  I then went to AOL connection diagnostics, and my modem had been wiped out.  I reset it, made sure it was on COM 3, and tried to connect again.  Failure again.  I went back into AOL diagnostics, and discovered that it was reading COM 1.  After clicking, rechecking, clicking and rechecking ONE MORE TIME (lol), I logged into AOL, and this time it worked.  Two (three!) different communication systems, and all were set NOT to work.   This is the most disturbing event, I think, that’s happened to date.

Maggie’s barking hysterically – no one or creature around the house that I can see.

I’m really, really nauseous, although I ate 5 hours ago – I can also feel a presence sitting in the room with us (the girls and I)

6-25-06 15:49
5:50 local   Jeff’s plane from San Diego to Dulles finally took off; it was supposed to depart at 4:00 EST but didn’t leave until 7:43 due to “Service Conditions.”  Although the weather here is rainy, the storms are rapidly moving out and have been for some time, so I know it’s not the weather.

An approximately 4-5 ft. long black snake appeared on our front porch.  I tried to take its picture, but every picture turned out fuzzy and clouded over.  The screen is dirty, but after the snake left, I took first a picture of Gertie next to me on the couch (very clear), then two more pictures of the front porch, which were also clear (the dirt is evident but the porch is clearly visible).  In the five years that we’ve lived here, I’ve only seen two other snakes, and both were green and in the yard – not near the house.

6-27-06 03:14 I had just unplugged the phone line in preparation for plugging in the modem.  I touched the mouse to begin logging into AOL, and it was already dialing!  I hadn’t even touched the desk up to that point.  Mouse is out of control – I have to keep saying, “Let me have control back.”  It works.

7-01-06 8:00 local I had an alert that I had a phone message, and saw on my Recent Call list that a friend had called.  I called the voice mail and instead of saying I had one new message, it said, “You have two new messages.”  The first was indeed my friend, but the next message said in an unfamiliar female voice, “Call me!  You need to call me!  I’m telling you to call!”  My phone showed no record of anyone other than my friend calling, and this was NOT my friend.

7-05-06 15:39
19:20 Both dogs are barking like crazy – I have goose bumps all over my arms from the feeling of being “watched.”  Maggie’s cowering under my feet, and Gertie’s jumping from room to room trying to find out “who” is here.

The computer is fading in and out – as if I had been ALT-TABbing between screens and is running very slowly with jumping cursor (just like the old DOS computers used to run).  Cold breeze at my feet under the desk – EMF is .32

Something knocked loudly on the back door; the girls went nuts and Jeff’s still sound asleep.  I went upstairs to look out the window, and it was pitch black outside.  After I came back downstairs and sat back at the computer desk, the light on the side table turned from low to high (three-way bulb). 

7-06-06 17:10 I was playing an on-line game with my cursor in the middle of the screen, hands not touching the keyboard, when the START menu popped up.  No reason for this.

7-24-06 10:15 I was meditating and first dreamed of a mountain, then the Navajo words, “Key-lench, na-shi-co-nala”.  I found the U.S. military site of Navajo language, the interpretation is: “KLESH NAH-JIH-CO-NAL-YA” or snake remove.  Remove the snake?  I also saw the mountain in my vision – it’s Navajo Mountain in Utah.  I’m going to send an e-mail to the Navajo asking for another interpretation.

8-13-06 4:12:08 a.m. local I received a reply from a Navajo today, but the sender did not identify his/her self (the e-mail address is  Here it is:
Hey Kerry,

I was reading my cousin's website, as I do often, just to see if there are connections in our universe and was astounded to read of your dream as it relates to my belief that there is something not in balance with our Navajo Nation.  Your dream and your research only makes me believe even more of what my own thinking has been of late.  I also wanted to tell you that I am of Irish descent as well and I can't help that with these "connections or coincidences" just give me the validation of my belief in the universe.  

It so happens that my maternal grandmother was a true sister to Harrison Lapahie's father, Willie, and she married my grandfather, Lee Arthur Bradley, who is the one that was 1/2 Irish.  Anyway, I'd often thought of trying to trace back to see where his father Arthur Bradley came from but it's like looking for a pebble in a big pond much less an ocean so I doubt this will ever happen but back to the dream.

Our tribe of 300,000 seems to be losing it's culture and language to the outside world, especially our children and it's sad but more so when our own government is seduced by the whims and antics of politics and it so happens that our nation's administrative office was situated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (federal government) in it's current site right under the famous Window Rock. Which, interestingly enough, even our current president espouses the story that the Window Rock is the opening of a great snake pit where a giant snake was housed in older days.  I've heard this a lot as we've been experiencing hard times within our government and my thoughts have been, "duh, if that's the case, then why are we still sitting under that darn rock" seeing as it was the whitemen (no offense) that chose the site.

Hence, my thinking is that your dream is telling us that we need to get that office out of where the administration office is located and maybe things will come back in balance for us.  Plus it'll only be a woman that does it and right now we have a woman running for the president's office and I'm hoping that she wins.  I am thinking that this is a sign of great changes to come for our people and must thank you for sharing your dream.  People will probably think I'm weird but least you felt it enough to send to us so...

Thank you.

8-13-06 n/a For the last two months I’ve been smelling a vanilla-minty smell.  At first I thought it was one of the girls’ rubber toys, then I thought it was my cigarettes (which I quit smoking a couple of weeks ago), then I thought maybe I was experiencing clairgustance. 

8-19-06 9:34 am local At about 5:00 pm local I noticed that I had a voicemail message on my phone.  I first went to my recent call list to see who had called, and there was no entry.  I then went to my messages, opened the one waiting for me, and it was in either complete gibberish or an unknown/unearthly language.  It was an older male voice speaking with urgency, interrupted occasionally by a female.  Both Jeff and I were awake by 9:34, and the phone did NOT ring.

8-25-06 10:00 am local It just occurred to me that the language on the 8/19 phone call could be Native American.  I still have the message on my phone, so I’m going to let Jeff listen to it when he gets home from work tonight.  He thought the language might be Southeast Asian.

8-29-06 For the second morning in a row, I’ve had a dream entirely in French.  Heavy sigh.  I don’t know why I’m dreaming in languages J.  I was shown a holocaust, with planes crashing, buildings on fire and people fleeing through the streets.  The only word I remember is “guerre” or “war.”

9-03-06 2:00 p.m. local I was on the computer and suddenly smelled a cigarette, as if someone was right next to me smoking.  I asked if it was my mother (who smoked), but I got no reply.

9-9-06 1:00 a.m. Jeff’s mother died in Seattle, which would have been 10:00 pm PDT.  I have no remembrance of her dying, but Jeff said she came to him.

9-11-06 08:20 Some entity tried to get into the house through the front door.  It was the strangest thing – I saw movement outside on the porch, then saw an entity (light was displaced, but it was NOT a shadow person) trying to open the storm door.  Just as I freaked out, the girls came slowly into the front room from the back, and we all went back into the back room.  After a while, we all came back up front, and the entity was gone.  When Jeff came home, I told him about the visitation, and he said it was his mother, that he had given his mother permission to visit us whenever she wanted.

9-17-06 13:46/
3:20 pm local Something just interfered with the satellite in the front room.  The backroom satellite is fine; the front room went on the blitz – flipping through channels before the picture shook violently (like an earthquake), then a message came on saying “acquiring satellite signal” – it’s now back on and on the exact channel I had it on before it went nutso on me.  It’s a beautiful day with no clouds and nothing in the sky to obscure the satellite dish – plus, the back room television is not having satellite difficulties.

9-19-06 6:30 pm local I was outside without the girls, just sitting near the side yard waiting for the deer to come into view, when a streak of light, rectangular (or rather prismatic) in shape, shot out from the maple tree near the house.  It was still day light, and yet I saw this brilliant object quite clearly – it was NOT a moth, bird, butterfly, etc. – it was an OBJECT.

9-19-06 11.40 pm local I was looking out the upstairs window at the sky/stars just before getting into bed when I noticed a shooting star coming from the area of the oak tree in the side yard shooting upward – in essence in a WN direction.  It moved too quickly for me to discern whether it was a meteor or actually coming from the oak tree.

9-24-06 8:31 local Modem problem again (see 6-24-06).  This time the modem defaulted to COM 2, instead of COM 3.  I reset the modem, it reverted back to COM 2, and I put it BACK to COM 3.  Sheesh!  Still not working.  (Jeff said it worked fine the next morning – 9-25 – and it’s been working ever since)

10-8-06 10:00 local
11:32 local
12:30 am local I heard two distinct tones, then my ears went to a different frequency for about a minute.  About an hour later, I received an e-mail stating that North Korea had launched its first nuclear test.  I’m wondering if the tones were a type of alert system, much like the warning siren before a tornado?

Someone just blew in my ear and made a humming sound – I felt the breath on my ear and heard the sound.  Creepy!

I heard the two tones again.  What does this mean????

10-19-06 1:50 pm local I heard the two tones as I was meditating.  The girls heard the tones too and started barking.

10-21-06 2:59 am local I couldn’t fall asleep, especially since the television was on – it was so loud!  I thought Jeff had fallen asleep on the couch, but I heard him snoring in the bedroom, and meanwhile the tv was still so loud!  I went downstairs to turn the tv off, and when I reached the middle stair, the noise ceased.  As I reached the last step and turned toward the tv, I saw that it was off.  Huh???  

11-17-06 8:00-9:15 am local
12:25 I had to leave the house by 9:15 in order to get to the spa in time to give a facial.  Starting at 8:00 (when I logged onto AOL), I noticed the computer clock was 20 minutes fast.  I kept checking my watch and the other clocks in the house to ensure that I wasn’t going to be late leaving, and made a mental note to change the computer clock when I got home.

I’m home now, and the computer clock is perfectly accurate.  Go figure :D

Monday, October 31, 2011

Earthquake and Explosion visions

On Saturday, October 29 I posted the following to Facebook at 11:32 a.m.: "felt yet another quake last night then went to bed and was awakened at 4:30 by a heavy explosion (metaphysically) that shook the bed. The Girls - all of whom sleep in bed with me - didn't even blink. Another series of tremors, ending with someone shouting, "Kerry!" Clueless what it means - Iasked several times! - but as with all the others, we'll find out when we're meant to know. I think whoever shouted my name was just trying to hit the point home.... And yes, just as with all the other times I begged to know GPS coordinates - all to no avail (sorry y'all)" The earthquake is yet to be but an explosion happened in Kansas Saturday night that killed 6 people.

UPDATE: as I stated above, on October 31 the explosion happened in Kansas, and today, November 5, a 5.6 quake hit Oklahoma. It seems as if my visions are almost (almost, though not always) one week prior to the actual event, and this is true to that.

On October 26 at 8:16 p.m. I posted: "Earthquakes (plural). Just felt 'em - don't know where except I flashed on California but don't we ALL flash on California when we think of a quake???? And yes, last week I DID feel the earthquake in Turkey but quite honestly the visions are changing from shaking to tremors and I'm not sure if I'm getting Parkinson's or not :D. Stay tuned..." At 2:37 a.m. on October 27 a 5.2 quake struck near Sacramento CA.

In early October (I can't find my Wall post re this particular vision) I posted that I had another quake vision and the words "fog" and "Yogi Bear" were shown to me. On October 13 a 5.9 quake struck off the coast of Oregon. At around the same period a quake hit Colorado. The fog of course meant Oregon, but "Yogi Bear" to me meant Yellowstone. Colorado is close enough :D.

NOTE: I just put "Search this Blog" at the top of the left-hand column so that from now on if anyone is interested in reading past/current earthquake postings, they can just type in "earthquake" in the search field!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Environmental Holocaust

Saturday evening I couldn't get to sleep; I had one vision piled on top of another - all pertaining to the world in which we live. My feet and hands were sweating, and my toes were curling under, going into spasms, because I couldn't bear to witness what I was being shown. It was hell, literally and figuratively.

I'll begin by saying that there are many people who think that there is a conspiracy by the powers to be to depopulate the Earth. They cite example after example of atrocious practices by big businesses with polluting and pillaging Earth's resources, including people, without a thought or conscience as to how those resources are acquired - well, without thought as to how resources are acquired as long as it's profitable. I've said time and again that it's not a case of genocide but rather greed; after all, how can a corporation make money if there are no buyers for its products? It always comes back to mega-profits, and how greedy the company and its shareholders (or partners) can be.

So Saturday evening's dreamtime was all about that greed. But I was shown and told what is REALLY happening in addition to the bottom line of money, and it may be, to some of us, worse than a scenario of genocide would be.

The companies are deregulating the EPA and risking lawsuits over sloppy/unsafe business practices because they're performing a type of ongoing experimentation: how much pollution and/or poisoning can the human body and the environment withstand before there are massive deaths? How much poison can be emitted into the water/air/ground and have life be sustainable? Which types of species - animal, plant, mineral - will be caused irreparable harm, and which types of species will continue to limp by? And if a species dies, how will that impact the whole? How will that impact human life? And finally, how will that impact future profits?

Instead of retrofitting a business to ensure safety and environmental compliance, these big businesses are willing to spend billions of dollars to see how far they can take their greed. If cancer clusters form in the human population, they don't want to know why the clusters are forming - they already know - but instead want to know how many are acceptable before that business must be shackled and moved to another location. How is the ecosystem in that location handling the poison? Can plants regrow on toxic soil, and if so, what specifically can grow?

Ever wonder why many companies have stellar labs and scientists working for them who specialize in health, safety and environment when the companies are so obviously out of compliance? This may be one of the reasons why: they're studying not the worst case scenario but rather ongoing effects of modern day poisoning and what it means to sustainability. Definitely not sustainability as we organic activists understand it, but sustainability as to how much before the entire ecosystem dies. I was shown the labs, I was shown the scientists, I was shown the results. I wept and kept weeping even after the vision ended.

This is not only unacceptable to me but a crime against nature, humanity and Mother Earth herself! The Wall Street/We Are the 99% protests are still in full gear. If you do nothing else in your life, I am begging you to support these protests. I am begging everyone who reads this blog to tell his or her State and Federal representatives that the EPA cannot be deregulated and instead must have stronger regulations. To allow any entity the power of choosing greed over life is NOT capitalism or democracy or fair and just; it is abhorrent, vile and an abomination against life for Earth. Please don't let my visions be in vain!!! I never, ever want to say, "I told you so."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Past lives and living in the present

This morning on The Monroe Institute's website I read an article that "renowned British psychologist Roger Woolger, Ph.D" has been researching past lives and the present life phobias attached to same: So it got me thinking about two of my phobias: heights and drowning.

I've been swimming since before I can remember. My mother was a beach babe, and I was born and spent the first 6 years of my life in Coronado, California. My earliest memory of swimming was in the Hotel Del pool, diving off the board and hearing someone remark, "Oh my god! That toddler is diving! How old is she? Only two?" I can remember my stepfather telling me after he took me to the deepest part of the pool to hold my breath, he was going to take me to the bottom of the pool, and when he released me, for me to just float to the top. He told me that we always float back up as long as we don't panic. So we went to the bottom of the pool, he released me, I floated to the top, and I learned my first water safety lesson.

We moved to Jackson, MS when I was six, and we had a backyard pool in which we swam constantly. Then when I was seven we moved to Montgomery, AL, and built a backyard pool two years after that. In Montgomery we all took advanced swimming and diving lessons at the YMCA, and all four of us children attended summer camp every year for the next seven years. At the Y, the only dive I never performed was one off the high dive - I was terrified of heights with no reasonable explanation. My siblings weren't afraid, my parents weren't afraid, my friends dived with impunity off the high dive. I couldn't do it.

We went to Lake Jordan and Panama City Beach every summer too, often for a week or so every time. I was water skiing by the time I was in third grade and snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico at that age. At Auburn when I took the required swimming class for credit, the instructors chose me to be the demonstrator of the various strokes and treading water. I could tread water for hours - it's as natural to me as breathing.

But I'm terrified of the water, specifically being stranded in the ocean or the boat flipping over in the lake. I've been on several deep sea fishing expeditions and all that water skiing required that I ride in the boat, but the unreasonable fear of drowning was constant until my anxiety level amped up to where it is now as an older adult: it gives me the willies to have to even ride on a ferry. When my mother died, we had her cremated and spread her ashes in the Gulf, which meant riding about two miles out into the sea. Luckily it was a beautiful day, beautiful ceremony - we each took a handful of her ashes and threw them into the wind, then threw in red roses afterwards - and my thoughts were firmly centered on the loss of my mama; and yet there was that nagging feeling in the back of mind of somehow drowning because we were so far from shore.

When Jeff and I lived in Seattle, he wanted to take the ferry to Victoria BC, and I refused. I desperately wanted to go to Victoria, but the rough waves, foul weather and certainty of drowning kept me from going. Jeff and I spent several days in Burlington VT a few years ago, and we had to cross Lake Champlain in the ferry so that we could go home by a scenic route. I stayed in the car the entire time while Jeff walked all over the ferry and took pictures. Of course it didn't help that I just knew the sea monster was going to rear his awesome head and crush me if I fell into the Lake!

As an adult I've often wondered why I suffer from these two phobias. I've had several nightmares in which I'm pushed off a cliff and drown in the sea below. I don't know if I'm reliving a past life experience or not, but since my visions always have some basis of reality in them, I would think that's probably the most plausible explanation. For the last ten years I've suffered from crippling vertigo in addition to the fear of heights; it's now so prevalent that I can no longer ride escalators (I feel as if I'm going to tumble backward, and getting on and off of them presents its own problem with dizziness and loss of balance). 

So once again I'm earth-bound. Solidly earthbound. Circle of life, y'all

Friday, September 2, 2011

Activism from This Shaman's Point of View (and earthquake vision)

Before I get into the activism portion, just wanted to say I had another earthquake vision at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31. This particular vision awakened me from sleep, and I thought it was much more a plain ol' dream as opposed to a true vision. But I posted it on Facebook anyway with the disclaimer that I wasn't sure whether it was real or not. It was real it turns out: in quick succession there was an earthquake in Alabama, California and Alaska. Interesting :D. And during the hurricane, I placed a huge bubble of protection - much like a figurative dome - around my neighborhood. Although this area had over a million customers who lost electricity and had numerous trees that fell and flooding, we never lost our electricity and the storm damage was negligible. So I'm giving a shout-out to my always present protective peeps who are part of my whole!

I've never spoken about political issues on my blog before but ain't no two ways about it, I'm an ardent activist. I attend protests and routinely write and call State and U.S. legislative leaders on various issues - most notably pertaining to environmental issues, human and animal rights, workers' rights, war, defense spending, religious freedom, social services and so on. It's not only my right and duty as an American to support or to protest so freely but as a sentient being and Shaman.

I know that all these issues on which I speak about so loudly may seem separate. But if you look at the core values of each, you'll realize they're all connected just as everything else is connected in our slice of the Universe. So I'm going to take each issue that I'm so passionate about, briefly explain each issue (I know I'm leaving out many, many atrocities that happen but anyone who's curious about following up can start his or her own journey of research) and hopefully you'll understand why it's the only stance to take, not only for someone like me who is so very connected to our Earth but for all of us.

1) Environmental issues: We have one Earth. One. There ain't any others floatin' nearby that we can use and abuse at our whim and leave to go to the next. Fact: drilling, whether it's for gas, coal or oil, causes groundwater contamination, poisoning of the surrounding plant life, and is toxic in the extreme. Yes, because of our present dependence for all three energy sources, drilling is thought of as an acceptable known contamination. But what's happening now goes way beyond acceptable (if it ever truly was): gas fracking causes earthquakes and extreme water contamination; coal mining not only mutilates the land ala mountaintop removal, but the coal ash is highly toxic and contaminates not only water sources but the land abutting those sources; oil drilling - let's just point to lack of adhering to safety standards with oil (and coal!) drilling, including continuing leaks from all the oil platforms in the Gulf and the recent discovery of a huge oil flow from the supposedly sealed Macondo well. The Gulf is DEAD y'all. There have been scores of dolphin and aborted dolphin fetuses washing up on shore in the last year, not to mention the turtle, fish and bird carcasses. The oysters are not spawning, the shrimp are still covered in black goo, the fish contain all sorts of toxins stored in their meats. I dreamed about this in May right after the oil spill, and I'm sorry that my vision was correct (see blogpost of May 27, 2010). Although I didn't mention this in the post (because I was still new to blogging and hesitant in posting how I really felt about what I "see"), I did write on Facebook that the feeling of dread and death was just as overwhelming as the oil smell itself.  In December 2009 I had a profound vision of a leukemia clinic (see blogpost of December 3, 2009); oil and dispersant toxicity often leads to leukemia or any of a number of other cancers, as does gas and coal. So how can I not be an advocate of funding for wind, solar or other non-invasive, green solutions to our energy needs? When you literally see the entire world dead and dying, it's not a choice. And since I'm connected to all beings, whether they're animal, plant or mineral, I feel their pain and hear their anguished cries for help. So I say that no life is expendable; it's unacceptable to consider harming one for the greed of another.

2) Animal and human rights: I have three dogs - The Girls. They are without a doubt my family and companions and guardians of my soul. But there are rabbits and chipmunks and squirrels and foxes, not to mention the birds and all other living beings, who are part of my neighborhood family. I would no more think of poisoning any of them than I would my own family - unacceptable. The plant life in my immediate vicinity are also my family: my veggie garden provides my food, my herb garden provides food and medicine and teas and perfume, the trees provide shade and shelter and the grass provides a safe place for all to wander. Helping to eat the veggies and herbs are the wildlife, the insects and the birds (not that I'm especially fond of them helping themselves, but hey! it happens lol); the earthworms feed below the surface, recycling decaying matter; the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds gather the pollen and nectar from the blossoms; the trees and bushes offer their own food and benefits. So you could say my neighborhood is its own rather complete ecosystem. All beings are connected; each activity of one goes to the benefit of the next, including me! So I see and feel this connection on a daily basis, and I see and feel this connection when I go out of my ecosystem and enter the larger system. The people and animals that many in our country feel are unworthy of our compassion or aid or even time are part of our larger ecosystem. Each is connected to us, each becomes a part of us. I would no more refuse them than I would the beings in my personal ecosystem. To refuse to acknowledge and accept someone because they are gay or a different color or a different religion or a different gender than you are is absurd. "Gay", "Colored", "Different Religion" are just labels - I see none of that but instead a human being who is part of me, part of my ecosystem, part of my whole. I've heard time and again the fear expressed by those who are frightened of Islam extremism. I agree - I too find any religion that elevates one class while subjugating another unfathomable. This applies to Christian fundamentalism/extremism and every other religion that goes strictly by words and not by inner-connectivity. Until those people realize that all those people they are excluding are actually part of their whole, they will keep exclusion in the forefront and thereby deny that they, themselves, are in an ecosystem. Hate of any kind is just plain contrary to our natural ecosystem. When you exclude one group, you upset the balance of the whole - a balance that may be very delicate to begin with - and catastrophe always follows, which may be a large reason why our country and world is so very fragile right now.

3) War: completely, utterly senseless. Who profits from a war? Those who manufacture and sell weapons and those who seek to take over a country's resources. The act of killing another human being for any reason is an abomination. Yes, I admit it - if someone tried to kill me personally, I would defend myself, but I'm pretty certain that's a natural instinct of self-preservation, and I have no doubt that my act of defensiveness would haunt me for the rest of my life in this existence. But our present-day wars have nothing to do with self-defense. The 9/11 terrorists were all from Saudi Arabia, so we reward Saudi Arabia and invade Iraq. We need oil and minerals and poppy from Afghanistan and proclaim that terrorists are training and plotting in that country when in fact Pakistan is a haven for anyone with a hate-filled mind. So we reward Pakistan and kill as many living beings in Afghanistan as we can. And it goes on and on and on: the fear, the hatred, the killing, the maiming, the raping of a country's natural resources, not to mention the killing and maiming of our own country's precious children who are now soldiers. There is nothing glorious about being a U.S. soldier today - nothing. They are NOT protecting our freedom - they are protecting U.S. Business' interests in a foreign land with the complicity of the U.S. government. The are dying for BUSINESS. And here's the deal: again, when one side excludes another, the entire ecosystem is unbalanced. What these wars are accomplishing, besides putting huge riches in the pockets of Business, are bankruptcy for our country, lack of aid for those who need it, hatred by other countries for the U.S., and a vicious cycle of never-ending war. Our personal freedoms, of which we were once so proud, are almost nil - invasive body searches, once-illegal wiretapping, lists lists and more lists of ordinary Americans now considered "homegrown" terrorists for speaking out, voter suppression, etc.

4) Social services: in Christianity, Jesus taught that even the lowliest of the low was worthy of His love and compassion and help. In Buddhism, the Buddha teaches that since we are all one, it is our duty to ensure that our less-prosperous brothers and sisters do not suffer needlessly. In Shamanism, we Shamans know that sharing is as natural as breathing. The present climate in our country toward privatizing and/or doing away with Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, emergency services, etc. is abhorrent y'all! The purpose of a government is to protect its people; the purpose of the people is to thrive within their chosen community. We cannot be whole until we are all whole. Yes, some people who receive government assistance are scammers, but so what? They're in the minority, and the majority of people who are desperate for help are really, truly needy. How can anyone turn away even one hungry soul? How can anyone turn his or her back on those less fortunate in their greatest time of need? What you do each time you turn away from those less fortunate is to turn away from yourself. You are denying a part of your existence which is vital to your own well-being. All those needy people are a part of you - you cannot thrive while they starve. The whole ecosystem is out of balance when one group lives while the other group dies.

5) Business and workers' rights: Contrary to what most may think, I'm not at all against making a profit nor do I think having a comfortable existence is wrong. What I am against is making a profit from others' misery. There are so many industries that can be eco-friendly and worker-friendly at the same time. To pay workers a living wage and provide decent benefits is not only fair, but with the record-breaking profits from the big businesses lately, it's more than justified and do-able. How far could those businesses have gotten without the workers? I'm not seein' the CEO on the assembly line, nor in the sales office, nor in the accounting department, legal department, etc. Yep, it's the CEO's responsibility for the whole, but the business is not producing anything without all the other workers involved. So we're back to the whole yet again: take away the workers, and the balance is upset. Giving only some all the profits and benefits while the majority suffer equals a less than thriving ecosystem, an ecosystem whose balance is broken; it's only a matter of time before the entire ecosystem dies. I go further with this thinking by claiming that our stock market and banking systems are tearing down our ecosystem as well: the outrageous profits while everyone else suffers are often a direct result of shareholders' and stock market projections and greed. I think the stock market is just one big legal bookie system - place your bets! With present day regulations (and now Republican Congressmen are calling for further deregulation), it's a giant insider Ponzi scheme of whom can out-bet and undermine whom. Same thing for the gold and silver markets - remember the crashes of the 1970s? Meanwhile the workers suffer and the balance is upset. For those businesses who have pulled out of the U.S. and now employ slave labor in underdeveloped nations and are therefore making even more record profits, I find this particularly loathsome. To treat others so disdainfully is to treat yourself as less than.

Obviously I could continue for hours ad nauseum but I think you get my point: each issue is connected to the next. We are all One; we each live in a small ecosystem enclosed within a larger ecosystem. When One suffers, we ALL suffer. To deny even one bee the right to pollinate our flowers is to deny our entire ecosystem of the right to thrive (yeppers, that's an allegory :D).

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Earthquake and Hurricane Predictions Up Close and Personal, and Other Things on My Mind

On August 18 on Facebook, I wrote the following: "Speaking of crazy, while meditating today I felt a LONG rolling earthquake and thought "local" meaning U.S. Never hurts to be prepared y'all even if it doesn't happen." When I had meditated that afternoon, I not only felt the "long rolling earthquake" but a persistent thought of "local" kept running through my mind. Since D.C. never gets earthquakes, I thought "local" meant U.S. as opposed to all those quakes in Japan.

On August 19 I posted this on Facebook: "so I was right about the earthquake but it certainly wasn't in the U.S.: 6.8 earthquake hit Japan." I was a bit surprised that it wasn't in the U.S. because the "local" thought was so insistent, but I felt validated at my prediction (okay, half-way validated!).

On August 23 at 10:09 a.m. I posted this on Facebook: "My friend just sent me validation of my "local" (U.S.) earthquake vision: a 5.3 in Colorado. Another prediction: for those on the Southeast coast re Hurricane Irene, batten down the hatches y'all. Right at this moment I'm freaked about this storm, although hurricanes are notorious for changing course (let's all vibrationally veer it off-course, shall we?)." And then at 1:53 p.m. this: "omg - we just had an earthquake FOR REAL in my neighborhood - I can't stop shaking."

We did indeed have a "local" earthquake - up close and personal. And it was HELL. I first heard a loud rumbling sound, a cross between a freight train/thunder/preamble to an explosion. My first thought: earthquake, followed by: gas leak complete with thinking the house was about to blow sky high, then my final thought: D.C. is under attack and we're being nuked. And in the second it took for all three scenarios to cross my mind, the house started rolling in - yep - a "LONG rolling" and shaking motion that lasted almost 45 seconds. I watched my neighbors running outside but I stayed inside because 1) I was trying to stay upright and 2) I couldn't get the harnesses on my dogs because I couldn't keep my balance (I wasn't about to evacuate without The Girls). When the quake ended and I was finally able to go outside to talk to my neighbors, I realized the quake had affected my neurological system. My head wouldn't stop bobbing like one of the Bob-It Dolls. As I was speaking to my neighbors, I had to hold my face with both hands (I tried to make it look as if I was just putting my hands to my face, but they definitely looked at me questioningly). And my legs felt as if I was a puppet on a string - no coordination whatsoever. But I knew I wasn't in shock because I didn't have the shivers nor any other sign of shock other than my head and my legs not cooperating. I've had a muscular-neurological disorder for the last 12 years, and the quake just set it off BIG time; I'm still not back to "normal" and am having all sorts of issues walking. The horrible part about all this is that my head kept bobbing for almost TWO hours after the quake - completely freaky and uncomfortable and frustrating.

But I had a flash of when my disorder began - it was when we lived in Seattle from 1997-2000. My doctor referred me to a neurologist at the University of Washington who specialized in multiple sclerosis. I had a spinal tap and MRI of my brain and spinal column, and to everyone's huge surprise, I didn't have the typical lesions that are evident with MS sufferers. So my condition remains a "neurological-muscular disorder" without a defining name to accompany it, although the doctors all agree it's very real and very evident because of the other tests that confirmed it was MS (and which it's obviously not). Anyway, the reason I'm bringing this up is because I realized only today while driving with Jeff to get a wi-fi cellphone router that Seattle is earthquake prone. There WAS a small (noticeable) earthquake that happened while we lived there, although that quake happened after I was diagnosed (but that area has multiple seismic abnomalies on a routine basis). So today I thought oh, wow, I wonder if my disorder is actually caused by seismic activity or somehow related to the Earth's energy (as a living being)? Jeff pointed out that we haven't been in earthquake-prone area since Seattle (well, before this week, in any event) so that didn't make sense. But we lived in Bluemont VA until two years ago, and Bluemont is covered in quartz. Quartz is a conductor of energy. Even here in Falls Church I've found many quartz rocks in our backyard. What if the Earth's energy is affecting my neurological and muscular systems?

I obviously have some sort of really deep, profound connection to our Earth. I have felt and accurately predicted the earthquakes in Japan up to a week before they occurred. And I felt (and described the earthquake exactly as it came to be) our local earthquake in that same time frame. The reason I started thinking about my connection to the Earth with my disorder is because I read earlier today an astrologer's blog that Japan's earthquakes are happening on the 37th parallel - Virginia is on the 37th parallel as well. So am I able to feel everything that happens on the parallel in which I live? If I moved to another parallel would I then NOT be able to feel any earthquakes on the 37th but would instead feel anything happening on the new parallel? As to my connection to the Earth, I have said since as early as I can remember that I am of the Earth, that I am Earth-bound. I've tried to astral travel, and I'm sure on a dream level I often do. But I cannot for the life of me consciously astral travel. I've shrugged it off as being solely connected to Earth. Now I'm beginning to think there's a hell of a lot of validity to that. Another instance: I suffer from an agonizing vertigo. I've always been afraid of heights, but this goes way beyond that phobia. I now cannot even get on an escalator - I have to take an elevator, even in the Mall - without feeling as though I'm going to fall backwards by the third step. And the vertigo didn't start in earnest until, yep, you guessed it, we lived in Seattle. So I'm stuck firmly on Earth - literally stuck here. I refuse to fly for many reasons, but one is my vertigo.

On to the hurricane prediction of August 23 at 10:09: the hurricane should reach us tomorrow, and time will tell whether or not that's an accurate prediction. My feeling now is that it's valid; I believe we'll get massive flooding with at least some wind damage. I don't believe it will be along the lines of Hurricane Andrew in Homestead FL, but then I never did think that - after all, I didn't say "run!" but instead "batten down the hatches." As to loss of life, only the Universe is in charge of that, and I'm never shown bodies in natural disasters - only pictures of the disaster itself. Stay tuned...!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes, Holistic Healing, Plus Those Damn Insects That Bite!

As most of us do, I'm changing. I grew up in a Deep South conservative home during the 1960's during a time of protests, the Viet Nam War, Civil Rights, Women's Lib, assassinations and the hippie scene. As a high school senior, I proudly announced that I was going to join the Peace Corps; it seemed to me even back then that we all had a duty to help and teach our poorer neighbors. My stepfather heard my announcement and said, "Oh, that's rich! You'll be making $2 a day and probably get some god-awful disease. Plus 'those people' don't have working sewage systems, there's no water and you won't be eating anything but worms and bugs." I knew the Peace Corps helped build water systems and sewage treatment alternatives so that didn't faze me. Neither did the "god-awful disease" 'cause I was young and invincible, and eating worms and bugs was, I was certain, a huge exaggeration on his part (he was prone to lying). But what did bother me was the $2 a day, but not the way you may think. The $2 to my stepfather meant that I was less than successful, and in our home we were thought of being the lowest of the low if we weren't a success. So I didn't join and instead went to college and entered the never-ending cycle of working for someone else - just as millions of us do. But I never forgot my desire to change the world one person, one community, one country at a time.

Now it's 40 years and many life happenings later, and I still want to help. I've been given the awesome gift of clairvoyance and an ability to connect with many unseen worlds ("the Otherworld"). I have spirit guides who pull me in the direction that I need to go, and I have 40 years of researching, experimenting and lessons learned ready to release to whomever wants to receive it. But I've noticed an odd thing (and I've blogged about this before): many people don't want to know and indeed become down right offended if I suggest that their "remedy" is less than viable. It seems odd to me because I soak up any and all information I can find on a particular treatment and always use myself as a guinea pig before I recommend it to anyone else as a real deal - if untested or unknown, I simply say, "Well, these plants are purported to be helpful...." But if someone knowingly posts false and misleading information about a remedy, I can't not comment - and trust me, I've tried to shut up and it's impossible! There are way too many false holistic prophets trolling the web right now, and as I keep changing, I'm finding it more and more a mission for me to correct these fallacies. The worst part about my self-imposed "mission" is that I'm gaining quite a backlash in the online world from those who push these false "cures" (and again, there are no cures for anything - every cell in our body is prone to relapsing into an unstable state at any given exposure to an invading toxin; combating a condition and being successful is a whole-body wellness treatment and consequent healing - way different from "cure" which implies a permanent outcome). So irregardless of any backlash this blog will now be about holistic remedies as well as paranormal events - in my life it's the paranormal world that enables me to use the knowledge the universal energy guides me toward in order to heal myself and everyone else.

So why am I blogging about this? Yesterday I came across someone on Facebook posting article after article about being bombarded by radiation. Personally, I'm not really concerned about it because we've been constantly bombarded by radiation since the first radio waves were sent into the great ionosphere, and unless a reactor blows up in my neighborhood, the chances of my - or anyone else's - accumulating more radiation than normal is low. So I didn't say anything because after all people will fear what people want to fear. But then she posted that she was safe because she applied Betadine daily to her skin, and so I answered with "the iodine won't work, but eating kelp or taking kelp supplements will" and then listed why: kelp not only ensures that the thyroid is healthy so that any radiation is rejected by the body, but is very low in cholesterol, a good source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid, Zinc and Copper, and a very good source of Vitamin K, riboflavin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. It's a good thing to eat y'all! What won't work against radiation is applying iodine on your skin - it doesn't work, period, and in fact can be toxic. Oh! And I just read that some other alt health site is promoting coffee enemas to expel radiation. OH DEAR GOD. Seriously, don't take a coffee enema - it won't work and will royally screw up your digestive system! Anyway, long story short, she declared that I was making her read too much, but she found website after website promoting iodine and taking epsom salt and baking soda baths.   As I've already blogged re the salt & baking soda baths, this is only effective immediately after exposure to remove any lingering radiation or chemical poisoning on your skin. To keep taking those baths can dehydrate the body and the baths are ineffective at best.

Just because ten alternative health sites may promote a particular "cure" (there's that word again!!!!) doesn't mean that they're correct y'all. The holistic, homeopathic field is overrun by charlatans - never forget that! And as much as my critics may try to label me as a know-it-all half-wit, I can't remain silent when I see lies, particularly when one's health may truly depend on being given the correct healing treatment. I have never been a fan of needless suffering, and I don't intend to back off now.

The one reference book I continuously rely on is A Modern Herbal by M. Grieves. This book was written in the 1930s and is an invaluable source filled with illustrations of the plants, what conditions the plants are known for healing, and recipes for preparing the concoctions. I usually go to this book first, then do online research to see if anything more current is known, and invite the universal energy to help out in research, knowledge and healing (ha!). It hasn't failed yet :D!

So on to the homeopathic remedies:

One of The Girls is a chihuahua named Maggie. Maggie's a shakin' fool when thunder or fireworks go off and is impossible to comfort. I've given her remedies/mixtures in the past that I found at either health food stores or our local organic pet food store, and absolutely nothing has worked. As the 4th of July approached, I was starting to become a shakin' fool wonderin' what on earth I was gonna do with Maggie during the explosions that we always have in this neighborhood. So I tapped into the universal energy, asked for guidance, and suddenly I remembered I had Valerian Root and passion flower in my stash of remedies. So I researched whether or not it's safe for pets to ingest either of these herbs and found that they're perfectly safe, although dosage obviously should be reduced from a human dosage level. Since the passion flower I have is in tincture form and contains alcohol, I chose the Valerian Root in a capsule to give to Maggie. I sprinkled about 1/4 of the capsule (human dosage is 3 capsules) on her dinner at 5:30, and when the fireworks went off at 9:00, she was totally unfazed. Didn't even blink when the booming started! She napped a little, but all three Girls nap at nightime while Jeff and I watch tv, so her behavior was normal. So the next time we get a thunderstorm warning, I'll sprinkle a little Valerian Root on some peanut butter and give it to her ahead of the storm; I'm also thinking that she and our yorkie Sadie - who dreads riding in a car - will benefit from this when we take our next road trip. Don't you just love it when a safe, natural alternative can be found for life's little problems????!

About the insects:

I mowed the grass yesterday and a swarm of biting gnats followed me the entire hour-and-a-half it took to mow. I got bitten on both sides of my face, 4 times on my left arm, once on my right arm, and once on my left wrist area. I have a quite severe reaction to gnat bites in that I swell and have huge red areas surrounding the bite, and although I usually take Benadryl to reduce the swelling/allergic reaction, I've been meaning to find an alternative to getting bitten in the first place (whole body wellness y'all - avoid the bug before it becomes an issue!). This morning when I walked The Girls, I was again followed by a cloud of those damn gnats. So I asked for help from my friendly energy guides and found out that patchouli essential oil and spearmint essential oil are good gnat repellants. Lavender essential oil is also a wonderful all-purpose repellant. I had the patchouli ess. oil and I had the lavender ess. oil (but no spearmint - must remember to get some!), and since I was heading back out to walk without The Girls, I applied drops of patchouli and lavender to my wrists, ankles and neck/throat. Mmmmmm - I smelled wonderful, to me at least! But guess what? This actually worked. The gnats were still dive-bombing me, but it's as if they hit an invisible barrier and turned away at the last second. Aha! Eureka! So my suggestion is for anyone who wants to repel insects, to use the below list as a guide, and apply the oils to your wrists, ankles, neck/throat and waist band (if going into the woods). If you're going on a long, several-hours or all day hike/trek, I'd suggest carrying the appropriate oil with you to reapply during the day since essential oils do wear off after a couple of hours. Some of the oils should be mixed with a tiny bit of olive or coconut oil before applying to the skin as they can be irritating - particularly the mints:

Specific Oils for Specific Insects 
ANTS Peppermint, Spearmint
APHIDS Cedarwood ,Hyssop, Peppermint, Spearmint
BEETLES Peppermint, Thyme
CATERPILLARS Spearmint, Peppermint
CHIGGERS Lavender, Lemongrass, Sage, Thyme
CUTWORM Thyme, Sage
FLEAS Peppermint, Lemongrass, Spearmint, Lavender
FLIES Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage
GNATS Patchouli ,Spearmint
LICE Cedarwood, Peppermint, Spearmint
MOSQUITOES Lavender, Lemongrass
MOTHS Cedarwood,Hyssop, Lavender, Peppermint, Spearmint
PLANT LICE Peppermint, Spearmint
SLUGS Cedarwood ,Hyssop ,Pine
SNAILS Cedarwood, Pine, Patchouli
SPIDERS Peppermint,Spearmint
TICKS Lavender,Lemongrass, Sage, Thyme
WEEVILS Cedarwood, Patchouli ,Sandalwood

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Herb Garden ...and Yet Another Vision

This is my herb garden as of this morning. All the herbs were planted from organic seed, with the exception of the giant sage which is a transplant two years ago from my former home in Bluemont, VA, and is at least 8 years old. I've planted cilantro, sage, basil, holy basil, echinacea, chamomile, oregano, thyme and chives, and have lemon balm and lavender growing in the front flower beds. I also planted some mint, which usually overgrows almost everything else, but I have yet to see it, so I reckon I'll have to re-seed.

I love herb gardens! I've planted one every year for the last 11 years. I use the herbs in medicinal teas, as a food flavoring, as a snack, and perhaps most importantly of all as a mood reliever. Each time I take The Girls (our dogs) outside, I walk over to the herbs, snap off a leaf and inhale deeply. The basil is blooming right now, and the little flower buds are intoxicating! One of these days I'd love to own a distiller and make my own essential oils, especially of the basil with its clove-like spiciness and gentle floral scent. I'm already making my own perfume, and adding my very own essential oils would truly be a dream come true.

But I mention the herb garden because last Thursday while Jeff and I were at yoga, I had another vision. We were in the yoga meditation phase, and our instructor was guiding us to relaxation of our bodies: "Feel your toes, flex each toe and feel the muscles against your bones. Feel your feet, and feel each muscle...." By the time she finished with the abdomen and moved to the chest and rib cage, I was suddenly transported into the body of a cow being slaughtered. Oh the anguish and pain and fear was unbearable! I started weeping silently, copious tears running down my face, and could not get that poor creature's suffering out of my mind. Meanwhile, Jeff was fidgeting next to me as the instructor kept intoning gently, "Relax. Relax." After the class was over, Jeff said he couldn't relax when all he could think about was doing hard core exercise with the sweat and pain like he used to do when he was a Navy Search and Rescue swimmer, and yoga just wasn't doin' it for him. HA! I do believe he's missing the whole point of gentle yoga. But then he noticed my tear-stained face, and I told him about my vision. I stated, "I will never, ever eat meat again." Although Jeff's a committed omnivore, I've been a primarily raw vegan for several years now, eating meat only occasionally - and all of our meat products are from The Organic Butcher in McLean, VA. (the Butcher's source of meats are from local organic, humane, self-sustaining farms such as Polyface Farm, which is featured predominately in the movie Food, Inc.). So no more meat for me, ever again. Jeff's on his own!

Thank you herb garden for providing a much needed lift to my days and for providing the much needed medicine and nutrients my body craves! Thank you veggie garden for the abundant lettuces and snap peas and green beans you've provided me this summer, with carrots still growing (although I DID munch on a baby carrot yesterday - thank you!). The simplest things in life can bring great joy in the midst of sorrow to remind me that life is sweet and precious, indeed.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Holistic Practitioning or What To do If Chemically/Radioactively Exposed

As my friends all know, I'm a psychic and a shaman/healer and a practitioner of all things holistic. As a shaman and a healer, I've been shown in visions many plants, herbs and minerals to use for well-being and treatment. When not dreaming (hahaha - riiiiiiight), whenever anyone has asked for my help in choosing proper natural, holistic treatments, I've been able to tap into the energy and almost immediately find what treatment will likely work best. As I'm researching, I'm also gathering all that data into my own data center (my brain), and since I have a photographic memory, I'm able to recall much of that information at a moment's notice.

So when I research, I don't just look at holistic websites - I also browse the CDC, manufacturers' material datasheets for chemicals, the Environmental Working Group, the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, pharmaceutical companies and on and on. I think it's vital to know the entire picture, and an illness can't be treated until one knows how it began.

I was just unfriended on FB by yet another person who is giving out erroneous information (I objected and poof! unfriended - certainly wasn't the first and certainly won't be the last). The subject was radiation or more specifically what to do when exposed? She's a big advocate of taking baking soda and salt baths daily and taking iodine supplements. These don't work, y'all.

From all my research (and yes, prodding by the universal energy), including going to the nuclear regulatory website, here's what I found DOES work:

1) Immediately after exposure to radiation OR chemicals, wash your body with baking soda and salt. If you wait too long, the baking soda and salt don't work. Baking soda is an acid neutralizer; it will neutralize the radiation or chemicals on your skin. I've read that some people also take baking soda internally (a tablespoon in a glass of water) to neutralize any harmful toxins that may have leached into their system. I'm sure it can't hurt, but if the chemicals have already been absorbed into your skin, they're in your bloodstream. You cannot neutralize anything already in your bloodstream - but you can help neutralize it if it's sitting in your digestive system, so maybe taking a couple of glasses of water and baking soda is at least a good idea. As to the salt, the salt acts to draw out the toxin. This is really helpful immediately after exposure. Again, if you wait too long, it's not as effective and in fact can dehydrate you by drawing out vital moisture. A daily bath of salts will leave you dehydrated. I've also read of ingesting earth (or clay) - don't do it, y'all. This particular "treatment" is worthless; dirt (clay) is best used externally (see below).

2) In the days following exposure take a bath with clay (kaolin, rhassoul, white clay, etc.) and activated charcoal powder. You can use some sea salt as a scrub, which will slough off the dead skin cells and allow the new skin to grow unencumbered. The clay and charcoal powder are the most powerful substances with which to draw out any lingering toxins from your skin. They'll help immensely in preventing or healing any lesions that may have formed on your skin. If your lesions are on a roll, make a paste out of the clay, charcoal powder, witch hazel (antiseptic), honey (anti-bacterial and forms a skin barrier preventing more toxins from entering), aloe vera (healing), tea tree oil (just a few drops - it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) and a few drops of lavender and/or chamomile (these will reduce the redness and aid in healing) essential oils. There are many other essential oils that aid in healing, but lavender is my go-to in all instances. If your skin is too dry, add some olive oil (or jojoba or coconut oil) to the mixture. Keep the paste on your skin until it either dries or for at least 30 minutes, then rinse off (don't wash it off with soap!).

3) If you think you're at high risk for radiation exposure, start taking pure kelp supplements or the actual plant itself. Be sure to read the label because not all kelp supplements are pure kelp - you don't want to add in any unnecessary ingredients (I've been taking Christopher's Original Formula Kelp for years). Kelp will keep your thyroid healthy so that if you are exposed, your thyroid can battle the radiation more effectively. Kelp is not a "cure" for radiation sickness; there is no cure for radiation poisoning - the KI tablets are to lessen the effects. If you're over 40, you cannot take the potassium iodide (KI) tablets. People over 40 are already at low risk for absorbing radiation because their thyroids have a natural ability to reject it, and taking KI can cause severe allergic reactions including death. So make sure your thyroid stays healthy before you get exposed, even with routine x-rays. And contrary to popular belief, taking iodine does nothing. It's not helpful - period.

4) Eat organic fruits and veggies (and sprouted beans and peas) and as little meat as possible. Meat has a tendency to sit in your gut longer than produce does, and the fat from meats can make a bad situation worse. The fruits and veggies will help your digestive system work properly so that your kidneys, liver and bowels are not overtaxed; add a little olive oil into your daily salad to get the needed fat or take some salmon or fish oil (not from the Gulf!) supplements for Omega 3 and 6 vitality.

Finally, as to all things holistic, never, ever believe anyone when they say they have a "cure." Holistic medicine is best (always!) used as a preventative so that you don't have to be "cured." Certain natural solutions are best used immediately after an incident. In the days that follow the incident, other solutions come into play. Still other solutions are best used so that you don't get an "incident" to begin with. So please don't accept anything as being a "cure" - our bodies often reject one solution over another. When asked for a treatment protocol, I always ask the person to give me feedback: did it help? did it work? If not, the problem may be too wide-spread at that point, so an alternative needs to be used. Often many disorders need immediate medical attention first, and then a holistic regimen can be employed afterwards. I'll also explain (ad infinitum) why a certain herb or plant may work better than another. For instance, sage is well-known for stopping excessive sweating, so since I'm a big-time sweating person (hot flashes!), I drink sage tea often (pour hot water over fresh sage leave and let steep for 3-5 minutes). But why does it help with excessive sweating? Sage is an anti-hyperintensive, along with being anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. If you're hyper, you sweat; if you have high blood sugar, you sweat; if you have an inflammation or bacterial infection, you start sweating. Sage helps with all of these disorders, and a side benefit stops the heavy sweating (it does not prevent you from sweating - just excessively - since it's helping to heal as it works). If someone touts a "cure", ask why those certain ingredients taken together will help.

In this day and age of the underinsured or not at all insured, we often don't go to a doctor until our condition has severely worsened. Make sure you're healthy to begin with - nip those smaller incidents in the bud before they become full-blown crises. And if you do have to see a doctor? Gather all the information you can, particularly as to the medications he/she may prescribe, read up on the contraindications of the medications, and start researching holistic alternatives. Sometimes nothing will do except an initial antibiotic, but you can always start a preventative program afterwards that will ensure your healing is fast and (relatively) painless ♥

NOTE: Well, I told you I'd go on and on ad infinitum (don't say you weren't warned!), but another "cure" that is being highly talked about is using a coffee or some other "natural" enema to wash toxins out of your body. Y'all, enemas are totally unnecessary and may actually be just as harmful as the poison in your body. An enema (especially a coffee enema) can dehydrate you to the point that your digestive system can be overworked and then shut down. When your body is having to unnaturally expel waste, it's working overtime, and working overtime puts a strain (no pun intended!) on your entire system. You can't heal very effectively internally if each organ is being overworked. Unless you have liver or kidney disease, your liver and kidneys already do a wonderful job of elimination on their own. Make sure that they keep functioning well by eating healthy foods!  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Casey/Caylee Anthony AND Cleaning House

Casey & Caylee Anthony

The day after Caylee Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother, I had a vision, one of which I'll never, ever forget. Keep in mind that when I dream of myself, I'm actually substituting for the victim/perpetrator: I was shopping. Actually on a shopping spree and delighted to be buying multiple little trinkets for The Girls (my dogs). I was in a full state of bliss and overjoyed to have money in which to splurge. As I was standing at the checkout counter, paying for my purchases, I suddenly remembered that I had left my (human) toddler in a car seat in the car and had spent over an hour in the store. I panicked, rushed outside where it was hot and humid, opened the car door, and my baby was dead, sweat rolling down her face, her hair stuck to her head, her precious, lovely little face stark white with red blotches. Too overcome with grief (I was sobbing and screaming in real life as I was seeing this vision), I made myself change the ending - kinda like rewind! - to one where I found the toddler alive, but with the physical description the same, and she looked at my stricken face and said, "It's okay, Mommy. I know you didn't mean to do it." A few days later Caylee showed me where her little body was buried - again in a vision, seemingly out of the blue. It was a shallow water area, and it reminded me of the little inlets that abound on Lake Martin/Lake Jordan in Alabama - secluded, marshy, filled with plant matter. When I awoke, I looked on a map of Orlando to see if I could pinpoint the spot, but if you've ever seen a Google Earth picture of Orlando, you notice that there are hundreds of such spots all over.

So fast forward to the trial this week of Casey Anthony for the murder of her daughter Caylee. Casey claims that the baby died accidentally in a pool drowning, and somehow her father was instrumental in paying off a meter reader to bury Caylee's body. We know for a fact that Caylee had duct tape on her mouth before she died. We know she was buried in a water-filled area of some woods near Casey's home and had plant matter growing through the plastic bag(s) that covered her body. We know for a fact that Casey's mother, Cindy, thought Casey was a negligent and horrible mother and was trying to adopt Caylee before Casey took Caylee and left her home. We know Cindy Anthony also had a violent confrontation with Casey right before Casey took Caylee and left. We found out months later that Casey went on a shopping spree the day her daughter supposedly died, and the money she used on that spree was stolen from her grandmother's bank account.

So what really happened? I honestly think Casey left Caylee in her car, with duct tape over her mouth to prevent her from crying out loud, went shopping, completely forgot about her daughter, and by the time she returned, Caylee was dead. I also think Casey was overwhelmed with grief at the discovery of her daughter. So why all the lies and coverups? Casey was terrified of her mother Cindy; if Cindy ever found out that Casey has negligently killed Caylee, Casey just "knew" Cindy would have her tried for murder and, most importantly of all, never forgive her nor love her again. So Casey did what she does best: she lied, lied and lied some more and tried to bury her daughter in a place close to home but covered up, nonetheless. And now Casey's dragging her father through the mud, laying the blame on him, because she cannot bear to accept the responsibility for her own actions.

Does the above make Casey a murderer? No (although it's definitely her fault). Does it make her a negligent mother? Yes. And she's still a liar above all else, constantly deflecting her own guilt onto others. But what I gained from the first vision was that Casey did suffer overwhelming grief, albeit not long enough to satisfy those who want an outwardly sign of justice for Caylee. So y'all, once again there's a moral to this story: even if someone is reprehensible in his or her actions, those actions transfer into karma, and Casey is affected and will continue to be affected by her actions. What goes around comes right back around to smack you in the face; so at the same time you're demanding justice for Caylee, remember that Caylee has forgiven her mother, but Casey will never be able to forgive herself - perhaps the harshest judgment and punishment of all.


My next door neighbor has issues about mowing his yard - he doesn't do it. It drives me literally nuts! OH! Um, so actually this makes me the one with the issues - it doesn't bother him hahaha! This neighborhood, although distinctly middle-class, is so close to D.C. and so desirable that even the small homes are sold for hundred of thousands of dollars and often renovated by new owners into larger, newer mini-mansions. Our own home is small, not renovated (although the kitchen has been remodeled!), and our next door neighbor's home seems to be falling apart, exclusive of the unkempt yard. Our neighbor even has to walk his dog several times a day although he has a fence surrounding the entire property - apparently he's too apprehensive to let his dog out in all that chaos.

There's about a three-foot section of (unmown!) grass that adjoins his frontyard fence and the street. There's also an open (unmown!) area of grass next to his driveway, joining our property. So instead of continuously bitching about his neglect, I now mow both of his grass patches - the one next to mine by his driveway and the strip along the street - once a week while I mow my own yard.

I've never told him it's me that's mowing his patches of grass; perhaps he thinks that the grass fairies are doing it :D. But it keeps me peaceful and calm, and it keeps my immediate area uncluttered and chaos-free. Why is this important? When your yard or your house or your work area is filled with chaos, so goes your life. Negative energy is attracted to chaos. Always! My own home is cluttered but not overwhelmed. I no longer hoard those things that seemed so important just a few years ago. My husband has a tendency to cling, but I surreptitiously recycle or give to charity those objects of his hoarding (magazines, books, papers, socks, jeans, etc.) behind his back. He's never questioned my actions nor has he asked where those items are; the peace of a chaos-free environment soothes his soul.

If you think your life is out of control, or you're suffering negativity at work or home or in your feelings or, well, anywhere, take a look at your environment. Start cleaning! Get rid of all the extraneous things in your life, whether they're material possessions or overgrown yards or people. Don't let someone else's chaos invade your peace. Start cleaning!