

Monday, October 31, 2011

Earthquake and Explosion visions

On Saturday, October 29 I posted the following to Facebook at 11:32 a.m.: "felt yet another quake last night then went to bed and was awakened at 4:30 by a heavy explosion (metaphysically) that shook the bed. The Girls - all of whom sleep in bed with me - didn't even blink. Another series of tremors, ending with someone shouting, "Kerry!" Clueless what it means - Iasked several times! - but as with all the others, we'll find out when we're meant to know. I think whoever shouted my name was just trying to hit the point home.... And yes, just as with all the other times I begged to know GPS coordinates - all to no avail (sorry y'all)" The earthquake is yet to be but an explosion happened in Kansas Saturday night that killed 6 people.

UPDATE: as I stated above, on October 31 the explosion happened in Kansas, and today, November 5, a 5.6 quake hit Oklahoma. It seems as if my visions are almost (almost, though not always) one week prior to the actual event, and this is true to that.

On October 26 at 8:16 p.m. I posted: "Earthquakes (plural). Just felt 'em - don't know where except I flashed on California but don't we ALL flash on California when we think of a quake???? And yes, last week I DID feel the earthquake in Turkey but quite honestly the visions are changing from shaking to tremors and I'm not sure if I'm getting Parkinson's or not :D. Stay tuned..." At 2:37 a.m. on October 27 a 5.2 quake struck near Sacramento CA.

In early October (I can't find my Wall post re this particular vision) I posted that I had another quake vision and the words "fog" and "Yogi Bear" were shown to me. On October 13 a 5.9 quake struck off the coast of Oregon. At around the same period a quake hit Colorado. The fog of course meant Oregon, but "Yogi Bear" to me meant Yellowstone. Colorado is close enough :D.

NOTE: I just put "Search this Blog" at the top of the left-hand column so that from now on if anyone is interested in reading past/current earthquake postings, they can just type in "earthquake" in the search field!