

Friday, November 1, 2013

Updates on Several Prophecies, Plus My Gift is Changing - Again!

Back in December 2009, before the Gulf oil spill, I had a dream of a leukemia clinic, complete with the name of the clinic - see and when the Gulf spill happened, I warned everyone that they were now at risk for leukemia. I also said, after a vivid dream re the Gulf shortly after the spill, and before the oil hit the coastline, that "The Gulf is dead." I haven't touched any seafood caught from there, nor will I ever again. Sadly, all these prophecies came true. People! If you listen to nothing else I, and many other environmentalists, most of whom are scientists (I am not) say, be warned: you CANNOT keep defiling the earth for your own selfish gain without facing the consequences. It's an ages old karmic law: for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. If we have any chance to move forward as a country, as a continent, as a one-world ecosystem, we MUST find better alternatives, and find them yesterday. Heartbreaking and so very, very unnecessary. Article:

As I was researching my blog, I came upon a vivid dream of genocide from 2010. Now, I have to tell y'all that for years I was quite taken aback by my gift of prophecy, so much so that I seemed to have misinterpreted just about everything that I dreamed. Not misinterpreted so much as to the meaning of the dreams, but as to time-lines - it seems my prophecies are not just predicting near future events, but often several years into the future - and application to what all is happening in our world today. So, I just re-read this dream of genocide, and I realized that the guy leading people away was wearing "business casual clothes" which is a big tip off as to who he represented: Big Business. Think of what all Big Business is attempting to accomplish, especially through their paid-for GOP representatives in Congress: deregulating the EPA, deregulating food safety standards, deregulating worker safety (OSHA), pushing through GMOs, demanding more drilling/fracking/coal mining, in short they are demanding sacrificing our health and well-being so that they can make billions of dollars in short-term profits. They care not in the least for long-term sustainability and growth but instead are all for the short and nasty and lethal. Add to that our government's complicity as Big Brother, and, well, times are dire, indeed:

In June 2013 I felt a large earthquake. I blogged about it ( and forgot to update that. It turns out it wasn't an earthquake that I felt right then but instead volcanic activity became quite violent during that time period ( If the earth's shaking, I obviously am unable to distinguish between earthquakes and volcanoes, although I guess geologically if a volcano erupts, it shakes the earth and can trigger earthquake activity.

And all of this brings me to my gift is changing, yet again! I'm having much less visions in the way of prophecy and much more holistic visions of plant medicines and well-being. I reckon my guides from the Otherworld feel as if they've given me (and therefore all of you) as much warning as they can, beginning way back in 2009: Anything else is just repeating ad nauseum that which if you refuse to accept it, chances are you never will. And while that's a tragedy, those of us who are looking to change our world in a positive, much more eco-friendly way, will continue to forge ahead. As so often in the course of human history, we'll change the world, and you're more than welcome to come along for the ride, even if you have doubts! But I beg of you: please stop buying processed foods, anything made in China, supporting Big Ag - they treat their animals abysmally, feed them god-knows-what, and if the animals are unhealthy, you will be as well. Know your farmer! Purchase your food from known organic sources! Your body and mind will deeply appreciate it, and you'll be supporting your local community - always a win-win! Don't want to purchase organic fresh veggies because they spoil so quickly? Fine - buy the frozen organic veggies - my favorite brand is Columbia River Organics because the veggies and fruits come from the USA and I have never experienced freezer-burn using them, unlike many other frozen veggie and fruit producers. To cook: put a little bit of water in a saucepan, add the veggies, bring to a boil then simmer for a few minutes. As they're cooking, I like to add Celtic Grey Sea Salt and Cold Pressed Olive Oil to them - yummy! Short, simple, inexpensive; I think a package of their frozen vegetables are about $2.00. Your meat is going to cost more, and if you are gluten free, coconut flour and almond flour are expensive. But in all honesty, you only need a small amount of meat a day (if you're an omnivore), and the flour should only be consumed on occasion. I also buy a big container of organic coconut oil from Vitacost, which lasts for months, and I use organic coconut milk from Native Forest in my coffee and as a substitute for all things dairy. You can even make whipped cream from coconut milk: put an unopened can (which has no BPA, by the way, in Native Forest products) in the fridge, let harden overnight, then scoop out the solids the next day and whip up with a bit of vanilla extract and coconut sugar. Not only delicious, but a wonderful treat from time to time. Whole coconut milk DOES contain fat, so be careful in not overusing. I also buy the Native Forest light coconut milk - same ingredients, just watered down a bit, unlike low fat dairy products which have a slew of fillers thrown in but which are definitely unnecessary and often detrimental for a healthy life. The cost of one can is anywhere from $2.39 to $2.99 - check your local stores to see who has the best deal! And finally, I've replaced all soy products - who doesn't enjoy soy sauce from time to time? - with organic coconut aminos. I had never heard of this, was shopping one day at the grocery store, spotted it, bought it and brought it home and tried it. WOW - it is wonderful! And of all the coconut products I listed here, the only thing that tastes even remotely coconutty is the coconut oil. It can be used for everything from a skin moisturizer to frying to recipes that call for butter or shortening. I even use it to season my cast iron skillets - no mold forms, it seasons well, a small bit covers the whole pan. I happen to like the taste because it's not overwhelming when used as an ingredient in baking, however there is a very slight coconut flavor so if you aren't a fan of coconuts, you may be a bit taken aback. And fresh herbs for seasoning food or for general health can be frozen in a flash! Just rinse, let air dry, then pack tightly in a freezer bag or shred into ice trays with water, and you'll have fresh herbs all winter long. My favorite seasonings for everything I cook are garlic (either raw or granulated), onion (same thing), turmeric, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, marjoram, and a pinch of dried mustard when I want a little heat. I also love fresh cilantro on salads and in bean soups, and use kale in smoothies. I guess the whole point of this particular post is that you don't have to sacrifice flavor while using organics. You don't even have to sacrifice your pocketbook: if you think about it, organics don't really cost that much more, you don't have to worry if what you're ingesting is chemically-laden, many organics can be frozen or stored safely for future use. If you bake or crave processed food, make your own! Cooking doesn't have to be a chore - it can be fun trying out different herbs, different combinations of foods, and so on. And quick - one meal can be prepared quickly.

My gift is also changing in that I'm now zooming into people. As in metaphysically becoming a part of them. I haven't blogged about it because I'm unsure why I'm evolving (or changing) this way. I'm already an empath and have been much of my life, but this zoomin' in (it's the only way I know to describe it) is on a whole other level. Very disturbing, very revealing, and no, I do NOT take over that person's body; I do, however, experience exactly what they're feeling and thinking and seeing at that moment. I've been doing this in dreamtime for many years - thus all my "becoming" a murder victim, finding missing persons, etc. - but experiencing it while wide awake and just strolling through, say, a mall or a crowd of people or at the grocery store, is on a level unimagined by me. If I ever get a sense into why I'm doing this now, or what it means I'll be able to divine in the future, I'll definitely blog about it. But for a now, a mystery, as life often is.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mistakes: Owning Up to the Past or You Ain't Ready for Enlightenment Until You Do

The news lately has been full of mea culpas, with a slight twist: "Yeah, I did it but so did everyone else." Look, I'm definitely not the moral authority or even anywhere near reaching an enlightened state (but I'm working on it!), but I have learned one thing from all my travels to the Otherworlds: Life Is A Lesson. All actions are karmic. The purpose of each action that you take is to ensure that you gain some sort of knowledge from that action and that you grow as an individual and as a much-valued figure for your community/ecosystem. The only way to become a more empathetic person - and with empathy comes Oneness - is to own up to what you did and not blame anyone else for your mistakes. Oh, yeah, there may have been others involved in aiding and abetting your transgressions against other beings, but you must be responsible for your own actions. So with that in mind, I'm writing a little note to certain people/institutions who have lately been in the news:

Paula Deen: Paula, I'm sure you're a nice woman as many of your friends and acquaintances have stated, and you may have grown up surrounded by racists and just couldn't/can't help yourself sometimes by becoming one yourself. But I grew up in that same era, and would never have dreamed of using the n-word back then, and today don't even think of a person in terms of race. Maybe you aren't as evolved yet, but with all your dealings with successful people of color (Oprah, Jesse Jackson, etc.), I can't imagine why you aren't color-blind, too. No excuse, Miss Belle, none. You wailed that you were innocent! Innocent! And you hate "liars and thieves" who have spread these malicious stories about you because of jealousy and trying to take your empire. Huh. I don't know 'bout those guys, but I actually read your deposition, and gurrrrrrllllll, you admitted that you are a racist. You were as a child, and you are as an adult - you're on record, on tape, on camera, admitting same, only apparently you still fail to grasp that. So, Paula, until you admit to yourself (and to whomever else you care about) that you are responsible for your own actions, the possibility that you could have turned this whole debacle around as a valuable learning tool for anyone who still may be using ugly words without realizing the impact on others, and you'll be eaten alive by the repercussions for a long, long time.

NSA, IRS, etc.: So, Mr. Snowden (and others) outed y'all. Wow - electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, spying on other countries whether allied or foes, trampling all over our right to privacy - all things many of us either suspected or knew but couldn't quite prove. Now it's been proven, and what do you do? You turn the tables to proclaim Mr. Snowden a traitor and enemy #1. You just blame the whole sorry outing on Snowden - it's called "misdirection." Same with the IRS and all the other government agencies who are caught in unethical conduct: everybody just loves to point fingers at everyone else. Well, until you admit your actions are what's bugging (pun intended) all of us, you, too, will fail to become the (I think) necessary institution that you were designed to be, you'll be vilified by the very people who are paying your salaries, and our little world - of which you all are a part! - will be that much drearier.

Congress and All Politicians: So y'all authorized the NSA to spy on all of us, and then, just as with the NSA, you, too, claimed foul and misdirected everyone straight to Snowden who, again, is now a traitor and enemy of the U.S. Hmmm, where was that outrage when Cheney et al. outed Valerie Plame? Seems to me those were traitorous actions that severely hurt vital assets in other countries, all because Dick Cheney didn't like Ms. Plame's husband's criticisms of Bush policy (note: Scooter Libby served a few months in prison for this, but I never heard anyone wanting his head or execution as they do with Snowden). As to all politicians, when you harm your constituents by passing, or failing to pass, certain laws, you claim it was the other guy who's to blame. When you're caught with your pants down, involved in scandal or ethics violations or illegal activities, same thing. "Those right wing haters are after me" or "The left wing is out to take over and ruin our homeland." Well, guess what? Until you each accept your actions as your own, you will not grow as a chosen representative into a "great statesman" and your constituents will lose any possibility of being represented in a fair and equitable manner.

Corporations: Oy vey. We are a capitalistic society. We all accept this, we just want you to act responsibly. Nothing wrong with making a good living, but how 'bout making that a good, decent living? Your actions have polluted our air and water and precious earth, you've poisoned all of us at one point or another, you make insane profits while many of us starve. And you blame it all on shareholders, employees, banking, consumers - you name it, you blame it. Here's an idea: why not turn that blame game right back onto yourselves. Karma's a bitch, Mr. Bigshot: your present day actions are causing distressing reactions all around you, and before you know it, you, too, will be unable to eat most of the available food, and the air and water you need for survival will be harming you as well. Take responsibility for your company's policies and quit bombarding the airways with heartwarming commercials making it seem as if you're the good guy and the rest of us are evil. We ain't the problem: you are. Since it seems as if you all can't quite admit your failings, I'm using my dollars to support local craftsmen and/or companies who have proven they care about their customers and the Earth and its denizens.

Religious Leaders: "God made me do it." "The Devil made me do it." "Atheists want us to suffer and become non-existent." Wow, so many outside influences over you who are supposedly in tune with the Oneness. I can assure you that nobody made you do anything except you. You decided to have an affair, you decided to bilk your congregation out of millions of hard-earned money, you decided to ostracize and alienate certain segments of our population, you preached ad nauseum about about moral obligations while ignoring or vilifying everyone else. So instead of blaming god and satan and gay marriage and extreme weather, how 'bout you just admit your actions caused attendance to suffer or people to stop using your religion as a crutch? I wish all religious leaders would wake up every morning with these words on their mind: Love and Acceptance. That's the lesson to be learned here.

The rest of us: The blame game and lack of taking responsibility doesn't stop with the above. We're each guilty of this, aren't we? Here's an idea: admit when you've screwed up. Just admit it. It's actually really, really freeing. And after you admit it, own/embrace it. Just own it and learn from it and use the next opportunity to prove to yourself that you have learned and are growing as a person and that your life can be better!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Earthquake, Missing Persons, Near Death Experience

Last night I "felt" a large earthquake. I buried my head in my hands, asked Jeff if he felt it, he said no, and I said, "Oh god we're going to have an earthquake - a large one!" As so often happens, I don't know the geographical location of the coming quake, but I have a feeling that it will be in a populous area. During meditation today I'll try to find out where it may hit and will update if I get a clue....
From time to time people ask me to locate a person or pet who is missing. (I always do this for free - I use my gift for anyone in need! - and that's why I just added a Donate button right above the Share It button at the top of the blog posts; if you feel what I post helps you or moves you in any way, please donate! I truly appreciate it.) I'll be honest: I dread these requests because if I connect with the person or pet it means he or she is in the Otherworld, and the resulting visions are often horrifying and extremely heartbreaking. Then, to top it off, I relay what I see almost robotically, so when I look back at what I've written, I feel as if I'm describing things clinically and coldly. I can promise y'all that I am not emotionless when I connect, but I reckon it's a self-preservation thingy when I describe it seemingly emotionless - ugh. Anyway, if they're alive, I can't connect, and often even if they've already passed on I can't connect - apparently it depends on whether or not their energy is strong enough to contact me. On April 15 a friend asked me to try to connect with her missing friend Terri. Here's what I told her: "Here are the images I just downloaded: a black male, wearing a white knit (almost crochet-like) top appeared out of the shadows and entered her car. When the picture was taken at the red light, I believe he was already in the car. I'm unsure whether she was strangled or had her head beaten in, but I saw both of those things happen to her. I don't think she was raped. Her body was thrown into a canal? Is there a canal near New Orleans? But her body got stuck/wedged under a barge. Her car I could have sworn had already been found at an airport parking lot, but when I went through the news articles, they all state it's still missing. I'm just about positive her car is in an airport parking lot or some other mass transit lot, although which airport/which state I have no idea (unless it's been towed by now). I believe the man who killed her is a New Orleans local OR knew her, however he may have relocated OR gone back to wherever he's from (thus the airport)."

Terri's body was found yesterday submerged in her car in a bayou where it has been for three months. I don't know if the case of death can be determined at this late stage, but obviously if she drowned, it means she was still alive when going into the water. Now here comes the freaky part, so bear with me, please: I said her body was stuck under a barge. What I actually saw was Terri's body underneath metal which I assumed was a barge, because barges are in canals. I asked my husband, who's from New Orleans, if the bayou in which her body was found looked like a canal. I'm not from New Orleans and have zero idea what a bayou looks like to Louisiana natives. He said yes, the bayou could be considered a canal - "It's a bayou! Of course it looks similar" was his reply. I told him that I had said that her car was at an airport so obviously I was wrong about that, and he said that there's a small airport right next to the bayou in which her body was found, so technically her car was at the airport. As to her body being submerged/dragged under by a barge, as I stated above I saw her body trapped under metal. Her body was trapped and submerged by metal, only it was her car and not a barge. As to her death not being accidental but a murder? My husband said anyone who is from New Orleans would find it almost impossible to go into that particular bayou accidentally. Of all the things I saw when I connected with Terri, her murderer is still fresh in my mind. If her death is ruled accidental, I will still think her murderer got away with killing her. The reason I'm telling y'all about this is because when you ask a sensitive to locate a missing person/pet or connect with your loved one who has passed, unless the sensitive can draw pictures for you (I'm really going to have to do that, then scan it into the computer and send to the inquiring person), often the information will be misinterpreted. I mean, when I said her car was at the airport, I had no idea there was an airport next to the bayou. If you're familiar with the area in which the missing person/pet lived, you need to think outside the box many times in trying to decipher the visual clues that the loved one projects. Since Terri was from the area in which she disappeared, her projections to me were in how she thought someone could find her body.
I had a jaw infection in which an oral surgeon had to cut into my jaw to clean out the infection - this was done under general anesthesia. I woke up from the operation excited, elated and giddy - forget the pain and mouth stuffed full of gauze, I felt great! I had gone to the Otherworld during my medically induced coma, but there was a twist this time: as I was in the Otherworld I suddenly realized that I had crossed over and thought, "Wow, it's true! All my visits to the Otherworld are true ; passing over is exactly like I've been shown. It's the same as I've already and always experienced it. Wow!" After I was somewhat coherent, the oral surgeon told me that I had quit breathing during the surgery for  more than a minute. I smiled, shrugged my shoulders, and mumbled through gauze, "No Big Deal!" He and his staff gave me a puzzled look, but I was still elated - I knew right then that I had, indeed, gone through a Near Death Experience, and that what I had experienced was what I had known and experienced for several years now. There was no tunnel, no bright light - I experienced that back in 1996 the first time I had a NDE and traveled to the Otherworld. Nope, this time I just was over there and continued my work in that world (I would love to explain more, but I simply can't - I don't have the language to describe what I see when I go over there nor what happens over there. Which is probably why since time memorial gurus/shaman/prophets have all said, "It's not ours to know").

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


My heart is broken for the victims of the Boston Marathon and their families and friends and for the people of Boston, whose joyous celebration of Yankee tenacity was so sorely put to the test. And tested though they were, it was life-affirming to see everyone rush to the blast sites instead of away. Many people acted heroically to ensure the victims were not only aided but were not alone in their moment of despair; they came together as a true community of kindred souls proving that empathy and compassion and love are of the utmost importance during times such as this.

So what can we all do to act in a proactive way instead of a reactive way? We have many more tragedies in front of us in the coming years, y'all, both natural disasters and manmade disasters. As I've said time and again, we must come together as a community (as we saw in Boston yesterday). Here are some suggestions:

1) Donate blood, today and in the future. Help keep our blood supplies full and ready to use.

2) Pack an emergency kit in your car and at your home. Along with bandages, keep some duct tape on hand - it will cover a wound and keep bacteria out, plus it can staunch the flow of blood. It's obviously not sterile, but it's a whole lot better than leaving a wound open and festering. Pack a small bottle of witch hazel: this will clean and sanitize open wounds. Pack a little honey (raw buckwheat is preferred, but whatever you have on hand will do): it's antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and keeps wounds moist while smothering bacteria. Pack a small bottle of lavender and tea tree essential oils - a few drops of each in the witch hazel doubles the antiseptic effect. A small pair of scissors will come in handy, as will any clean cloths. Advil, aspirin, NSAIDs are also a good idea and anything else that you feel will be beneficial. Every six months or so replace the NSAIDs, honey, essential oils and witch hazel to ensure optimum freshness.

3) Learn First Aid. This is vital!

4) Learn CPR - again, vital!

5) If you're traveling, find out where emergency rooms and urgent care centers are in the areas in which you'll be. That thunderstorm you spot in the distance can become a tornado in the blink of an eye, and cell phone coverage may be nonexistent when you want to call for help.

6) Keep a blanket in your car at all times. Shock victims especially need to be kept warm since their blood pressure and body temperature often dip precariously low.

7) If emergency responders are on scene, ask what you can do to help: direct traffic, hold a victim's hand, help lift a victim onto transport. If the responders tell you to back up, back up! Let them do their jobs; after all they train rigorously for emergencies.

8) Keep calm. I know this sounds way simplified, and when you're in the midst of an emergency, it's a pretty difficult task. However, get your mind set on helping others, and start using that brain of yours for solutions. Once you get over the initial shock and horror, spring into action! Place your focus totally on helping instead of blaming - it matters not one iota who did what because the damage is done, and it's time to think of the victims' welfare. Let the police sort through who dunnit - your job in that moment at time is to help the victim(s)!

9) Project love at the scene. That loving energy will now be zooming around instead of sheer terror and horror. The dark can only be vanquished by the light, so as you help your fellow souls, go ahead and project love and empathy and compassion. The victims will feel it, it gives them hope, and it helps dispel the dark if only for a moment at a time. But those moments are precious, y'all! Project the love.

Monday, April 1, 2013

MUST READ - 2 Seers, 1 Vision

On February 8, 2013, I wrote the following on this blog: "So, I know you're asking, "but why do you think it's too late?" And the short answer is that we are entering an Earth cycle change. This is a cycle that happens every so often, but now it has a curve ball thrown into the mix: our precious Earth can't defend and repair itself against the onslaught of extreme weather that is happening now and is to be when she is already weakened, damaged and poisoned. It would be the same thing if you were to have cancer and then catch a cold: your immune system can't fight off those little bitty cold bacteria that any other person could handle with no problem. We're entering an age of great change, great upheaval, and that flows directly into:

A Celestial Event: My Navajo grandfather visited me several months ago (and continues to visit intermittently) and told me to "look to the night sky." As a note re my grandfather for those unfamiliar with him: he first visited me back in 2006 and was a Navajo medicine man in his life on Earth. We speak in the Navajo language (which I have to write down phonetically when I awaken and then translate using the Navajo Code Talkers website). He's shown me many future events, some of which have since occurred, and is my primary guide in the Otherworld. I'm uncertain whether or not he was actually my grandfather in a past life, but it seems as if he was since that's the sort of loving, familial relationship we have in dreamtime. Anyway, he told me to keep watching the night sky, that a great "celestial event" will occur that will give me proof that the new time is beginning. Now, unlike many seers and New Agers who think we are entering into a time of enlightenment, I disagree completely. There are millions of people right here in the U.S. who cling desperately to their present way of being and refuse to change, adapt or even consider the possibility that great harm is being done to them at the same time that great harm is happening to Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean and all their inhabitants. Our hatred, fear and loathing toward our fellow man and all other beings is palpable. Go to any conservative website, read the comments, and you'll get a good idea of what I'm talking about. Grandfather told me: This hatred must stop. This hatred toward all, including ourselves, must end. We cannot survive while harboring so much hate and greedWe cannot survive while killing Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean. We cannot survive massive greed to pervert Mother's gifts of minerals for our own selfish ends. Mother and Grandmother need healing. Mother and Grandmother are crying for help, and their tears are like salt in the wound of a gangrenous sore called humanity. It's imperative that we become a community again, y'all! I am not saying that I was shown the end of the world; quite the contrary, the world will not end in the near future. But our present way of living will end. We will see fire, drought and flooding (more earthquakes! larger storms!) unlike any we have seen in the past, and it will affect millions of people. We will see coastlines going under water, and a shift in population centers. We must come together as a community to help each other through the Earth changes: neighbor helping neighbor. We must insist that Congress strengthen and pass new environmental protection laws. We must stop the reckless use of throw-away objects that we never even gave a second thought to in the past. And first and foremost we must prevent further toxicity of our land, water and air. Mother and Grandmother need to heal; we cannot survive in future time unless they heal, it really is just that simple."

So fast forward from February 8 when I wrote the above to last night. I received an e-mail last night from the seer John Hogue. John is often called the Modern Day Nostradamus and has been featured on The History Channel and numerous radio shows. His visions are (I think) about 90% accurate, and he fully admits when he's wrong. Not only that, but he has 100% correctly predicted the presidential winners for several decades now. The reason I'm going on and on about John is that several months ago I felt compelled to sign up for his periodic newsletter. He's politically savvy, satirically brilliant (some would say "snarky"!), and I keep wondering what took me so long to "follow" his writings. Every year he publishes his predictions in the form of an e-book, and asks only for donations of $12.50 or more in order to receive any of his books. This is how he supports himself, and quite honestly, that's a freaking bargain when you consider how accurate he is and the outrageous fees other members of the metaphysical community are so fond of charging. He's been meditating for decades and receives his information from a guide(s). I've been meditating for "only" 8 years but also receive my information from a guide (no, it isn't the same one!). His prophecies are finely detailed; mine are much more generalities. In short I'm in awe of his connectiveness to the universal energy. Naturally the next question y'all may have: aren't you the tiniest bit jealous? I can honestly say I am not. Not one iota! Rather, I look at both of our visions as confirmation of each other. Y'all know I try to verify everything I've been told and shown, and if it can't be verified, I feel - even though the event may have happened unknown to us - that it makes my prediction less than accurate. I fully admit when I'm wrong, although I'm elated when it's dead-on, and I probably have a 90-something % success rate as well. Again, my visions are much more generalized, so that's not as impressive as John's success rate in my opinion. What I'm trying in such a laborious manner to say is pay attention to our visions!!! If you believe nothing else, if you think all of this is the biggest bunch of bullshit you'll ever see/hear/read, believe us. We had the same vision. This is HUGE in the connecting energies of the worlds. 

When I read last night what he had seen/been told in meditation, I wept, I had goose bumps, I wept some more. We have 18 months, y'all. 18 months to get our shit together and try to get along and stop torturing Mother Earth. I knew it would be in the near future, I just didn't realize how near. Oh, and this also means to leave your damn guns at home. We must come together as a community, not a bunch of shoot-em-up wild west jerkoffs. Your guns will probably be destroyed by Mother Nature, so when/if you make emergency preparations, factor the weapon out of your mind. If you come into your community meeting with guns strapped, you are now the problem; get it?

Here's what John wrote, and I've included his link right below that. It'll take you to what I've quoted from his e-mail, and there is a space to advance purchase his e-book on that page:

"Now at last I understand why this book of annual prophecies has been so often delayed. It has a greater vision to share. Far more significant than a journey through the 12 months of a year is another unit of time, beginning on the  first  day  of  May  2013 and ending in the final week of December 2014.
This book goes beyond 2013. It is about the most important 18 months humanity has ever had the opportunity to experience. It comprises the climax of Saturn’s karmic 28-year cycle – its passage through the sign of taxes, the portent of the bill coming due, presenting what future we wish to inherit. It is about what lies beyond the death-numbered year 13 of the 21st century.
In these 18 months the old way humanity has solved problems and defined itself must change. That in us which is preventing this transformation must be burned down by the fire of an awakening consciousness in each and every one of us, high and low, leaders and led. That fire must burn a new destiny into us, rendering our past-oriented and habitual ways of thinking and doing into ashes so that a new understanding and a new direction for humanity can arise phoenix-like and fly again.
This eBook will expand my Oracle’s gaze into events of 2013 and Beyond: all the way to the end of 2014 so it can foretell and enlighten you about an opening, an opportunity taken hold or wasted, for the current human globalizing civilization to either change course consciously or pass through an apocalypse of unconsciousness.
May 2013 to the end of December 2014 is the LAST CALL of destiny for human beings to set in motion fundamental reforms. This is our last chance to peacefully alter human destiny by redefining what it is to be human in all aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, economic, and political. It is our last chance to redefine and at last take up our role and responsibility to care for the only planet upon which we exist.
A temporal doorway the width of 18 months has opened. If humanity can start walking on the path of re-membering, becoming one, uniting, undivided, if all of us can set forth finding common ground and purpose, we take our civilization on the ascendant path of balance. If in these 18 months we can take the first step, we will find ourselves and our civilization already half way through the journey upon a new path into tomorrow where awaits a golden future. From a future path that is pathetic, we could stride along a new path of empathy, of harmony, co-prosperity, love and compassion. If we take this new path many of the horrors and catastrophes of the coming decades can be greatly reduced and our journey to a golden era of peace will be far shorter and less irrigated by blood and tears.
Yet if we let our stupidity rule the day and procrastinate; if we keep kicking our unsustainable core problems down the road of the next 18 months, we still might be reformed and reborn as a mature civilization someday, but at a devastating cost to all of us and to this beautiful planet, because the redefinition of humanity will not be empowered by us but empowered by the forceful consequences and momentum of our stupidity and unconsciousness.
If we continue on the path we are on, a good number of you reading these lines will not see the golden age that could come soon if right choices and actions are not embraced right now. Time is running out to stem the tide of economic collapse, resource wars, political elitism and gridlock. There is soon to come beyond the end of 2014 a general social breakdown of civilized society. There will be ignited a new wave of global fascism beyond 2014. Much of these tragedies, plagues and terrors will be the result of a planetary climate crisis that we not only deny is upon us but is hastened and strengthened by our own greed in the service of unconscious, coveting hands.
Saturn in astrology rules Reality.
Saturn reveals to us the extent to which we limit human potential by blindly sustaining our illusions and lies. Heed well and understand through this book of prophecies, how postponement in facing ourselves can postpone a golden age. This book will shine prophecy’s light upon what we need to encounter, what doesn’t work – what is stupidity hiding under the cloak of religion, economic systems, politics and other fossilized foolishness masquerading as hallowed traditions of the past. These cannot and will never carry us over this abyss of looming planetary crisis to prophecy’s promised golden future.
We have 18 months left in Saturn’s passage through the sign of engagement, death and resurrection. In this book are the signs of how we can waste this opportunity or grasp a golden dream and work together to make that future our reality."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Aging Right Along With Feng Shui Maggie

My long-coated chihuahua, Maggie, turns 15 years old tomorrow. She's healthy, vibrant and still leaps into the air around my legs as I stand at the kitchen counter preparing her (and our other two dogs') breakfast and dinner. But her age is evident in so many other ways, and I'm finding that for the first time in being a dog mom to several really old pets in the past I'm totally understanding what she's going through and I'm totally fascinated that I totally understand her!

We've been calling Maggie "Feng Shui Maggie" for the last year or so when we switched to a mobile groomer who is of Asian descent. Maggie's hair is comparable to a Papillion's and is hysterically mussed up when she awakens from a nap or from a good night's sleep. Our new groomer didn't find it as cute as we did, and said "She needs balance. She's out of balance." So he clipped her hair in what can only be described as The Feng Shui Way. Here's a picture of her taken earlier in 2012 - before she started being feng shuied - right after she woke up from a nap:
And here's Feng Shui Maggie as she looks today:
Ain't no doubt - she IS perfectly balanced now, although not nearly as hysterically cute as she was before. But as I look at her, and continue to book future appointments with the same groomer, I'm reminded that not everything that is in harmony and balance needs to necessarily be hysterically cute. Rather, it's much more important to be endearing and enduring and life-affirming than just plain old cute.

Maggie is probably 90% blind, and her hearing is greatly diminished. She most likely only sees light and shadows and hears only loud noises, with everything else a muffled drone. She has cataracts, and I do, too. Although my vision isn't as impaired as hers, I have problems with seeing at night, double vision and general, all around blending of objects. I might have to stare at something for several seconds in order to delineate its boundaries and then comprehend what that object actually is - Maggie no longer tries to understand what the object is but instead relies on me (and to a lesser extent, Jeff) to keep her protected from the object.

Our backyard has a large area between the storage shed and the fence to a neighbor's yard; the fence is virtually non-existent in that area because the neighbor's tree grew so large that it overlapped the boundary line. Previous homeowners have piled gardening debris (unused pots, etc. - we recycle ours!) to form a sort of barrier between the yards. It wasn't enough to keep our three dogs from straying from our yard, so we plugged up part of the area with an unused white child's gate. It's weatherproof, durable and although aesthetically kind of tacky, okay, it's really tacky, it does the trick. Several nights ago Maggie went outside, did her business and instead of walking back toward where I was standing by the deck waiting to carry her inside (she's no longer willing to climb stairs), she went running right to the child gate. Huh? Then I realized it's short, wide and white (a LOT like me - ha!) and was patiently standing there waiting for her to finish (again - a LOT like me!). In the past I would have thought she was suffering from doggie dementia or Alzheimer's, but now that I, too, have vision problems, I understood her confusion. Here's a picture of the tree, shed and gate from where Maggie had "finished her business":
On many occasions after Maggie has finished (obviously she likes to use the back of the yard as her personal bathroom space) she has headed straight to the now fallow, and still filled with last year's herbal debris, herb garden. So, I started to look at the garden from her view; again, I totally understood: one of the herbs that needs to be cleaned out before Spring is a clump of echinacea - it's tall for a plant but still short enough to be me, and it's wide and light-colored (like me!). Here's the fallow herb garden as it looks right now from her view:
She won't climb steps anymore because she misjudges the depth and height of each step, and that probably causes her to suffer a little bit of vertigo. I have vertigo, as well, and steps are a huge problem for me, except more from a total height situation: it makes me panic-stricken and dizzy and wobbly to be up high. As long as steps or a staircase is enclosed, I'm good to go, but if it's an open stairway, fuggetaboutit, I just can't do it. Again, I totally understand why she's frightened of the stairs. And snow and ice? She's afraid she'll slip and fall - I am too when I walk outside during winter; I take baby steps, testing each area in which I walk in order to prevent my falling. If Maggie slips, chances are that she won't be hurt, but she will become disoriented. I have osteoporosis, so if I fall, chances are that I'll have a serious injury. But I get her reluctance and hesitation and worry and fear.

I'm thankful and grateful that after half a century (including my childhood) of pet ownership that I have precious Maggie with whom to age alongside. It's been fascinating, eye-opening, heartwarming, heartbreaking and hysterically funny, often all at the same time. So happy birthday, Feng Shui Mags, happy birthday! May you continue to show me how to age gracefully and with dignity and laughter and a joy for life, and how deep, true love is truly the only thing that matters. Well, that and being balanced ala feng shui :D.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

High Pitched Tone

I was outside and heard, very faintly, a high-pitched tone. Right when I started thinking, "I wonder if Jeff has something in the microwave," the dogs in my neighborhood all started howling. Have no idea what it means, if anything, but I'll be watching the news to see if any earth changes or astronomical events have been happening. The reason why I'm even noting this is because of my tendency to not record what I hear, only to discover later that some type of event happened at that exact moment (or within days), so better to be safe than sorry. Oh, and no, Jeff wasn't even near the kitchen!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Migraines, Food Allergies, Salt, and Honey

For the past week-and-a-half my hubby, Jeff, has suffered from crippling cluster migraines. The last time he went through an episode like this was 13 years ago, he had just started a new job, and he was under a tremendous amount of self-induced stress trying to make a good impression on his new co-workers. Needless to say, having to miss two days of work was a bit counterproductive to what he was trying to achieve. Back in 2000, he went to a neurologist who prescribed Imitrex and Prednisone to treat the migraine; both treatments worked really well, and he was back to work with a new-found appreciation for how the mind can wreak havoc on the body.

This migraine episode was different. He went to his Primary Care physician, an internal medicine specialist, and he wasn't under any more stress than he normally has been. The doctor took a sample of his blood to see if he had an inflammation - which would warrant Prednisone - but his sediment rate was low, indicating no inflammation. She prescribed a few Imitrex pills, and then explained to him about food allergies in relation to migraines. Jeff took all the Imitrex and was still in agony. We both tracked what he ate, how he felt afterwards, and tried to narrow down what was triggering the migraine. But he had lapses of judgment: the doctor told him that among other foods, sugar, red wine, and aged cheese were culprits, so on Friday night instead of having his nightly glass of sherry, Jeff bought some rum and ordered pizza for dinner (wait, what? I was stunned, but I thought he'd have to find out on his own that that was not a good idea; rum is loaded with sugar, and cheese comes with pizza - I'm pretty certain almost all cheeses are aged to some extent). Sure enough, the next morning his migraine was back in droves, and he told me he probably would have to go to the emergency room by that evening if he couldn't get relief.

I searched the internet to see what it is about the foods that could trigger a migraine, and found out that the body gets overloaded in histamine: the arteries dilate, become overloaded and inflamed, then contract, then dilate again releasing all that histamine. Now, I know that allergies are caused when too much histamine is produced by the body in response to the allergen, but I never equated a migraine with histamine. I don't know why, just never occurred to me, and all the websites, both medical and holistic, never once mentioned taking allergy medicine, like Benadryl or Clarinex, when suffering from a migraine. To me an allergy, even a food type allergy like with peanuts or shell-fish, triggers hives, swelling, shortness of breath, etc., but rarely a migraine. So I had an eureka moment when I figured maybe taking some Benadryl might help his migraine since migraines cause such a big buildup of histamine, and Benadryl is an anti-histamine. I keep a supply of Benadryl on hand since I'm so allergic to poison ivy and insect bites, and I gave him two pills and said, "Let's see if Benadryl works." Wonder of wonders, it did, thank goodness! By Saturday night his migraine was almost completely gone, and a few more doses of Benadryl on Sunday wiped it out totally. He's keeping a bottle of Benadryl at his office now in case he feels a migraine coming on, and he swore to me that he's cognizant of what all he eats (uh huh, sure he is - this is the same man who doesn't think twice about eating a hotdog or ham sandwich from a gas station's food section).

So for anyone out there who suffers from migraines that are most likely triggered by certain foods, try taking Benadryl (we use the Benadryl in the pink box). Just follow the package instructions, and see if it helps. If you suffer often from food migraines, you probably should keep a food diary to see what exactly is triggering them as well. As we age we become less and less tolerant of foods and environmental concerns than we used to be - I didn't become intolerant to poison ivy or bugs until just a few years ago! And if your migraines aren't helped by using an anti-histamine, by all means please go to a doctor; you never know what other conditions might be setting them off! NOTE/UPDATE: It's Monday evening and about an hour ago Jeff's migraine came back in full force. I asked him what he ate, he told me, and then added, "Oh, and some crab." I know that shellfish can trigger food allergies because they often contain preservatives and additives, and sure enough, I looked at the "fresh" crabmeat label and it's FULL of chemicals! GOOD GRIEF JEFF! Oy vey and pass the Benadryl, please. I'll send him an e-mail tomorrow (when he no longer has the migraine) and remind him to read the damn labels!

In addition to a list of foods given to Jeff by the doctor, she also told him to avoid salt and sugar. Jeff told her that we haven't used regular table salt in years, that we use Celtic Grey Sea Salt. She replied, "salt is salt." While this is certainly true, regular table salt - the white, finely ground stuff - is mined from salt pits in the earth, stripped of any and all minerals it may have once contained, preservatives and unnecessary fillers/additives are mixed into it, and refined to what you see in those shakers. Celtic Grey Sea Salt is unrefined with no chemicals, preservatives or any other additives. Here is a list of its benefits: So, while the doctor is partly correct, there are a lot of health benefits from using Celtic Grey (even above other sea salts). I'm sure regular, refined table salt not only is a factor in migraines but also high blood pressure; anything that's refined should be eaten with an abundance of caution! But since we only use the Celtic Grey, we knew that wasn't causing his migraines, and indeed, he's had several meals using the Celtic Grey since the migraine stopped, and he hasn't had a recurrence. I order all of our salts (I use an Hawaiian Red for skincare preparations) through Salt Works, based in Seattle: This salt comes in several different grinds: fine to coarse. Note: I'm not paid to endorse Salt Works; I just thought some of y'all might wonder where I get my own supply! 

Another thing the doctor told Jeff when he told her we usually used raw honey as a sweetner: "sugar is sugar." Again, true enough; honey definitely is a sugar. But raw, unfiltered, unprocessed honey is an anti-inflammatory, probiotic, anti-microbial powerhouse. With an upset stomach, cold, or just about anything that's ailing you, take a spoonful of raw, unfiltered honey and that "bug" that's causing so much havoc will be vanquished! Diabetics should use caution when using honey because it is, after all, a sugar, and infants less than a year old should not be given honey. But it's a true miracle food for just about everyone else, and I cannot recommend it enough. It's also one of the best topical wound-healers available since it kills germs on contact, seals the wound from any more bacteria entering, and keeps the wound moisturized (vital for no scarring!) while the skin is recovering. The best type of raw honey for skin care/wound care is the dark buckwheat honey. It's also an excellent remedy when ingested but many people don't like the strong flavor (I LOVE it!), so any type of raw honey is good. Just make sure you get your honey from a reputable beekeeper; many U.S. honey companies use a mixture of U.S. and China (yep, China) produced honey, and China has a tendency to add all sorts of awful additives to its products. I personally get all of our raw honey from The Mohawk Valley Trading Company, located in New York; it's simply the best honey I've ever tasted. You order through company e-mail (instructions are on their website), and they ship the same day payment is received - can't beat that for customer service! Here's their website, and you're more than welcome to tell them that Kerry Murphy referred you (again, I don't make a penny for referrals, but it might please them to no end that a happy, happy customer is recommending them!):

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Meteor over Russia

I have a metaphysical tale to tell re this: Yesterday evening I was outside star and moon gazing when I heard a far-off siren that sounded like a higher pitched air raid siren without a dip in tone. I listened and listened, thought about getting my recorder but sat on the deck straining to see if I could discern where the sound was coming from (couldn't tell but it sounded north east). When it ended a minute or so later, I ran inside to see if there were any news flashes. Nada. I told Jeff about what I heard and that I thought it was a case of clairaudience* as opposed to an actual air raid siren going off in D.C. Since my gift seems to be changing on a rather monumental scale - at least for me! - and I can no longer tell if what I'm hearing (and smelling re petroleum spills!) is an actual presently-occurring event or a future event, I gotta tell you I had major goose bumps with this one! The sound alone caused my skin to crawl and every hair to stand up on end; truly, truly freaky. I was going to blog about this last night, not only to have a written record of what I had heard, but as a prompt to keep googling "air raid sirens D.C. 2/14/13." As I've mentioned in several past blog posts, my short term memory is pretty much non-existent - the events themselves are always remembered, but a reminder to blog or write down what I witnessed are often forgotten, with the reminder hitting me at some future point (and then while I'm on my way to write it down or blog about it, I get distracted and forget again! oy vey). Luckily I was on the internet at about 1:00 am this morning when the first news reports came out about the meteor, and I immediately wrote about what I had heard on my Facebook Wall. But again, I'm writing this now, 17 hours or so after I wrote about it on Facebook, because Jeff asked me a few minutes ago, "Did you blog about hearing the sirens?" Extremely frustrating (but still makes me laugh because it's such an old lady cliche' to have "senior moments"). I think what is important to emphasize, though, is that according to the current news' reports on this meteor, I heard the sirens at the same time the meteor was falling and exploding over Russia. Truly, truly freaky, indeed.

If anyone reads of any event that happened in D.C. that would warrant a high pitched air raid siren, please let me know. Otherwise, I'm guessing what I heard was a case of clairaudience* of this meteor and the Russian emergency warning system being activated.

*"Clairaudience is the gift of hearing voices, music and sounds that are not audible to the normal ear and may not be of a physical form. "Clairaudience" comes from the French word meaning "clear hearing" and is often intermingled with other basic psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance and clairsentience. Yoga describes this as the siddhi and is experienced when the fifth chakra is acted with is located in the throat. Clairaudience is normally experienced in dreamtime and related states of consciousness.... Shaman, prophets, priests and so forth have been documented to have had clairaudience which would lead to certain events." Best definition of clairaudience that relates to what happened to me last night, from the website:

Here's a recent article about the meteor:

UPDATE 2/28/13: CNN just published an article titled, "Planet of Sound: Meteor Blast Resonated Around Earth" about the sound waves caused by the meteor. So, I reckon what I heard was the meteor, instead of an actual air raid siren with no dips in tone.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Message from Beyond, Smudging, Dreamtime, A Celestial Event

Message from Beyond: A woman appeared before me in dreamtime and said, "Confirm for your Aunt Andrea Lowery that you've [lost weight? stopped smoking?]" The reason I'm confused about this is because I believe she said both of those - I wrote both phrases down, however I don't remember the inflection used to emphasize one over the other. AND, I actually googled "Andrea Lowery obituary" and came up with nothing. So now I'm thinking that there should be a comma after Aunt, as in "Confirm for your Aunt, Andrea Lowery...." Therefore (hahaha - clear as mud?) this message is either from an Aunt named Andrea Lowery OR for Andrea Lowery whose sternish, kind of judgmental aunt is doubting from the Otherworld your claims that you've lost weight and stopped smoking! Although it IS unusual to receive visitations from loved ones who cling to this world's judgments, opinions, and so on - in the Otherworld, everything JUST IS since, although we each have our own individual journey to experience, once we're in the Otherworld it all becomes part of the whole, the Universal One Energy - it does happen from time to time. My suggestion for anyone who receives these types of visits, which to me are more harmful than good (don't we get enough negativity in THIS world? Just don't need to hear it from the Otherworld, too!), is to smudge* their home. The sage will keep the negativity and negative beings from reaching you. You know what your vices are and are in charge of your own well-being and journey; I don't think you need one more voice, even if it is from beyond, passing judgment!

*To smudge: get a sage (called "smudge") stick, light the stick then blow it out so that it's smoking (like incense), begin at the right corner of your front door, and in a clockwise manner hold the stick to each corner you encounter as you smudge the entire home. As you hold the stick in the corners, talk to the negative beings saying something like, "You are not welcome here. Anyone who doesn't have my best interest and wellness at heart must leave. Everyone else is welcome!" End the smudging at the left corner of your front door. If the stick goes out while you're in the middle of smudging, just re-light it, blow it out, and continue smudging. This has not happened to me, I think it's because I let the stick burn for quite a few seconds before I blow it out. When you're finished smudging, dunk the stick in a bowl of water, shake it out and let air dry. When thoroughly dried, place in glass container to use again. Some practitioners won't use the same stick twice; I think that's a waste of sage, after all we're here to protect Mother Earth and her resources and use each resource sparingly. An object or being only has power if you allow it so; you're giving the sage new power during every use, regardless of whether it was used previously or not.

Dreamtime: I had a dream, and I thought it was "just a dream" as I was seeing it played before me (when I have visions, I almost always know that it's a vision and I need to pay attention), that I was speaking to some men in hazmat suits. I did not feel the least bit alarmed nor any sense of urgency, and instead of a chemical warfare attack - which is where my waking mind goes when I see hazmat suits - these guys were wearing the suits because of pesticides, herbicides and chemical spills. I asked one of the gentlemen, "Well, shouldn't we all have our own chem gear?" He answered affirmatively, and I started doing the math in my head: 330 million people times whatever amount each hazmat suit cost. As I was mentally multiplying, I awoke with a start and realized, "330 million people? The entire United States?" So my "just a dream" in that moment became another vision. One of pollution, toxicity and  chemical-filled nightmare. My heart broke right at that moment. We've gone past the point of no return, y'all. This is not an alarmist post, I promise! The U.S. has reached levels of toxicity as we saw by the 1950s/60s. We passed numerous laws and regulations and deployed countless numbers of workers and volunteers to clean up the toxic waterways and dump sites, and we can do it again. But this time is different in that Big Energy and Chem companies and Big Business have bought our politicians lock, stock and barrel. Instead of strengthening those laws and regulations ensuring clean air and water that were passed 50 years ago, our Republican-majority Congress, with the help of some Democrats, has slowly but surely disassembled much of which was giving us some sense of safety and protection from corporate greed and waste and pollution. As an example, this morning I found out that my U.S. Senator, Mark Warner, had signed a joint letter to the President urging he approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. I almost fainted; this was my confirmation that my "dream" was actually a vision. In case you don't know anything about Keystone (except it's controversial!), here is a good overview of what it's all about (hint: it won't benefit anyone except Transcanada and the Koch Brothers, and indeed will harm aquifers and pristine ecosystems): And here's an insightful piece:

So, I know you're asking, "but why do you think it's too late?" And the short answer is that we are entering an Earth cycle change. This is a cycle that happens every so often, but now it has a curve ball thrown into the mix: our precious Earth can't defend and repair itself against the onslaught of extreme weather that is happening now and is to be when she is already weakened, damaged and poisoned. It would be the same thing if you were to have cancer and then catch a cold: your immune system can't fight off those little bitty cold bacteria that any other person could handle with no problem. We're entering an age of great change, great upheaval, and that flows directly into:

A Celestial Event: My Navajo grandfather visited me several months ago (and continues to visit intermittently) and told me to "look to the night sky." As a note re my grandfather for those unfamiliar with him: he first visited me back in 2006 and was a Navajo medicine man in his life on Earth. We speak in the Navajo language (which I have to write down phonetically when I awaken and then translate using the Navajo Code Talkers website). He's shown me many future events, some of which have since occurred, and is my primary guide in the Otherworld. I'm uncertain whether or not he was actually my grandfather in a past life, but it seems as if he was since that's the sort of loving, familial relationship we have in dreamtime. Anyway, he told me to keep watching the night sky, that a great "celestial event" will occur that will give me proof that the new time is beginning. Now, unlike many seers and New Agers who think we are entering into a time of enlightenment, I disagree completely. There are millions of people right here in the U.S. who cling desperately to their present way of being and refuse to change, adapt or even consider the possibility that great harm is being done to them at the same time that great harm is happening to Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean and all their inhabitants. Our hatred, fear and loathing toward our fellow man and all other beings is palpable. Go to any conservative website, read the comments, and you'll get a good idea of what I'm talking about. Grandfather told me: This hatred must stop. This hatred toward all, including ourselves, must end. We cannot survive while harboring so much hate and greed. We cannot survive while killing Mother Earth and Grandmother Ocean. We cannot survive massive greed to pervert Mother's gifts of minerals for our own selfish ends. Mother and Grandmother need healing. Mother and Grandmother are crying for help, and their tears are like salt in the wound of a gangrenous sore called humanity. It's imperative that we become a community again, y'all! I am not saying that I was shown the end of the world; quite the contrary, the world will not end in the near future. But our present way of living will end. We will see fire, drought and flooding (more earthquakes! larger storms!) unlike any we have seen in the past, and it will affect millions of people. We will see coastlines going under water, and a shift in population centers. We must come together as a community to help each other through the Earth changes: neighbor helping neighbor. We must insist that Congress strengthen and pass new environmental protection laws. We must stop the reckless use of throw-away objects that we never even gave a second thought to in the past. And first and foremost we must prevent further toxicity of our land, water and air. Mother and Grandmother need to heal; we cannot survive in future time unless they heal, it really is just that simple.

NOTE: Last week as I was reminding myself to write my visitations down in this blog, I was quite shocked to read that a comet - Comet ISON ( - is approaching the sun, is now being watched by astronomers and will be best viewed from November 2013-January 2014. I had no idea this comet was approaching, so that in itself proved to me that Grandfather was accurate (not that I ever doubt his teachings, but I like to have "proof" for all of you!).

Friday, February 1, 2013

Two Messages from Beyond

While meditating this afternoon, I had two visits from the Otherworld.

The first was a dog, a brownish color. He wasn't dark brown but rather a rich medium brown that could look a little gray in certain lighting. He showed me his profile, and I saw that he was wrinkled which probably meant that he was old when he passed. Short hair, brown, with a wide head, much like a male lab or bulldog breed. His eyes were light in color - perhaps he had cataracts? His eyes also reminded me of an elephant's eyes - maybe signifying he had an excellent memory? Anyway, he's very, very calm and restful in the Otherworld but wants his family to know that he's still watching over them!

The second visit was with an older gentleman who was insistent that I tell his family that he's doing well and anticipating seeing his wife in person again, but that he's visiting her in spirit form. He spoke these words, "HGV giant." So I googled those exact words and found several news obituaries in Wales detailing an "HGB boss described as 'gentle giant' by his wife." His name is Brian Williams, and he died in a traffic accident in 2010, crossed over, and continues to lovingly pop in on his family. Here's one of the articles:'GENTLE+GIANT'%3A...-a0216255795

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Message from Beyond

This message concerns an older man who went by the name "Wilkerson." He died of a lung ailment from smoking, such as lung cancer or emphysema, and he visited me in a scenario that looked and smelled like an old timey gas station. He was with three or four older guy friends, and they were chatting while standing around an old pot-bellied stove in the center of the gas station's office. He knows his loved ones have been very concerned that he'd be lonely in the Otherworld without his family helping him, but he wants you all to know that he's with a group of his buddies, and they're having a "grand time!" He loves you, is checking on you from time to time, and he'll see you all soon enough, but meanwhile he's hanging out with his friends, so stop your worrying!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Message From Beyond

I kept hearing "Taps" being played by a lone bugle. As I was laying in bed listening, I thought, "I'm sure this is a message, but I need a name!" My attention was immediately drawn to a group of people where one was exclaiming, "Natalie is coming this way!" and everyone excitedly started speaking about Natalie. So if you have a loved one named Natalie who recently crossed over or is on the threshold of the doorway, you can be assured that she'll be lovingly taken care of in the Otherworld. If you are Natalie and have a loved one who recently passed or is about to, please know that the same applies: your loved one is in strong, loving hands.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Message From Beyond

Message from Beyond: A loved one (I think she's a she) came to me singing in a loud, clear voice the song "Shoo Fly." She placed special emphasis on the following snippet of the song: "I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like the Morning Star!" Her smile was radiant when she sang that verse, and she wants you to know she's still with you in spirit AND is completely pain-free and untroubled.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Smell of Petroleum

Yesterday, 1-9-13, at about noon I walked outside into the backyard and smelled petroleum. Just as in the last times I've smelled it, I'm hoping it's a real smell as opposed to a metaphysical/prophetic smell. I'll post updates below if an oil spill (or any other type of Big Energy disaster) happens.

UPDATE: 1-27-13: Barge carrying oil spilled on the Mississippi (there may have been other incidences prior to this, but I kept forgetting to check. Sorry):

Mississippi River Barge Crash

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Dream Vision, a New Year of Change

First of all, happy 2013 y'all! I, personally, feel optimistic about 2013, but perhaps not in the way most of you reading this will feel. For the future, I've been shown much loss, much sorrow, more violence, more war, a lot of earth upheaval - particularly flooding and drought and earthquakes (natch :D), and yet I've seen the changing, little by little, of our collective humanity. This past election caused me to (quite literally!) stroke out, especially after reading months of racist, homophobic, pro-war, pro-weapons, the emergence of a fanatical religious wave - whether Christian or Muslim - denial of climate change comments under political articles referencing those topics. I simply could not believe (or, rather, did not want to believe) that so many of my fellow citizens could be so callous, so filled with fear about their neighbor, so obtuse when it came to the Earth-raping by Big Energy and climate change caused by same in conjunction with Big Business, so judgmental where it concerned their less-than-fortunate neighbors, so unenlightened in their belief that those who follow a different or rather same-sex gender preference when matters of the heart sing are evil, as well as the belief that women are still "less than." It sickened me and caused my own mind to reel from the utter hatred of it all. But along with all that mind-numbing insensitivity, I've witnessed little things that have given me great hope and a tiny sense of peace that can be ours if only we allow it to be the "new" norm: neighbors helping neighbors during a calamity, ordinary people taking a stand against the bullies in their communities, businesses giving charitably to their communities without any thought of reward, the lone individual who, tired of seeing her children sickened by a fixable problem caused by drilling or mining or tainted vaccines or chemical/agricultural waste dumping, taking on a giant industry...and winning. All of these fill my heart with hope and the realization that each of us has the power to change that which we can no longer tolerate because it isn't beneficial to us all. Oh, it takes a village, for sure, but it always starts with that one individual who says, "I'm not taking this anymore; something has to be done." And armed with a solution to replace the old paradigm, the chances of change are infinite, because it's one thing to bitch about a problem, but it's quite another to solve that problem. Anything else is, just, well, bitching, which doesn't cause the problem to go away or cause a company to change its business model.

With that thought, that one person, supported by a community of activists, can make positive, lasting changes, here's my dream vision of last night. Please keep in mind that when I dream of myself, "I" am not "me" - I may be the actual victim if it's a murder dream (as I was in Laci Peterson's case), or I might be in the body of a killer (as I was in Casey Anthony's case) or I might represent the collective whole for other types of dreams. In this dream, I represented the Shaman/connector but also the individual:

I was in a future time in which religious zealotry ruled. This future was similar to ours in that One God was the choice of the zealots, and I remember thinking that these people also were fanatics of the Christ. I was shoved into a huge tent, decorated all in white with gold accents: gold ribbons, gold carpets, gold chairs and couches. A woman appeared, dressed in white, and smiled menacingly at me. "You do not believe?" she asked. "No," I replied, adding, "I know there is no 'god' but rather the power of the universal One." "But, are those not the same?" she asked. I replied, "No. By universal One, I mean an individual as part of the whole. Each of us has the power to be god. Each of us is our own savior. Each of us has the power to change that which we cannot tolerate as a society, as a human, as a compassionate, empathic soul and as a sentient being. We are the universal One." Laughing, she told me she'd show me the power of God. She threw her arms open wide and manifested a being shaped like a ball but covered in feathers and threw it at me, shouting, "My God is more powerful than you, Shaman!" I was a bit awe-struck when I caught the ball/being. I marveled over its feathers and shape, and then I became very, very afraid. For whatever reason, I knew the ball/being meant me harm and was very powerful, indeed - just as organized religion of any faith is in our world - just as any big corporation is in its business practices. I tried to throw it back at her, but it was as if the ball paralyzed me. Knowing I was about to face imminent death and had no power to challenge its superiority, I thought, "Huh. I reckon he is." Then I felt a hand on my arm, then many hands, and I felt no longer paralyzed, and we, the universal One, threw the ball/being back at the priestess. I said, "Your god has no more power than any one of us here." As the vision faded, the woman's expression was one of shock, dismay and sadness that her challenge was defeated, and the ball/being growled, "God." (Still gives me chill bumps to think of it.)

It's a hard lesson when we've learned that the dogma we've been taught as a child is erroneous. Jesus, the Buddha, and others have tried to teach us that we each have the power to harness energy and use it beneficially for all; religious leaders have, for the most part, twisted and perverted that knowledge into worshiping a certain person, a certain god, a certain philosophy, whether it benefits a few or not, and usually it only benefits those leaders' pockets. It's a hard lesson when we learn that our parents aren't really all that powerful after all, and that businesses and politicians lie and would stop at almost nothing in order to hold power and influence in our daily lives, often when that very same power and influence harms many. The whole point is that we shouldn't be worshiping any thing, nor should we ever believe that one person/thing is superior to us. We should be celebrating life and each other, whether through the yin or the yang. Stop being so afraid or resigned to the status quo; that powerful entity (whether corporate or a person or a god) is not more powerful than you! Stop being paralyzed into thinking that you have no power. Celebrate that you have the power to challenge that which most believe is superior; make a change for the better! You, and your community, and therefore the extended universal One have all the power and energy to harness at your disposal, if you just tap into it. The next time you feel afraid or unworthy or abandoned, remember that you have the power to change that. Same thing goes if you see an injustice being committed or a person who just needs a shoulder on which to lean: stand up for the person/being who is harmed, lend your shoulder! Don't accept the corporate/religious/political line that there is only one way/one solution; just as there are many ways, many solutions, there is more than one hand on your arm - there are many, but you must take that first step and connect.

This year when mama nature or our politicians or Big Business throws atrocities at us, we will desperately need our fellow mankind to come together as One. One arm, many hands: much more powerful than most people realize and accessible to all.