

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I dreamed that many people were under surveillance and disappeared (murdered by those in power) - much in the way the Jewish people were disappearing from neighborhoods during the Nazi regime.  But this was a modern day setting, and no one knew why anyone was disappearing because there didn't seem to be a commonality among those who were gone.

I found myself staying at a hotel or dormitory setting and got to know many of the other residents.  It was understood that we were all being watched, but it had become a fact of life, and we just accepted Big Brother as our new normal.

One day a few of us were sitting in a common room chatting and watching television, when a door opened and a good friend (in my dream, unknown to me in this world) of mine came over to me and said, "I have to go.  It's my time."  He was an extraordinarily tall man, about 6'6" with blonde hair, about 35-40 years old.  His eyes looked smaller than normal, as if he had been crying, although no tears were visible as he spoke to me.  His words meant that he was about to disappear, and I stood up and gave him a long, heartfelt hug.  Another man stood with him, who was also about to disappear., but although I had seen the other man on several occasions, I didn't know his name.  This man was in his thirties, wore glasses, was average height, and looked a bit like a nerd - I got the feeling he was a techie.

At that moment, another man entered the room.  This guy was wearing business casual clothes, and looked entirely normal, except I knew he was there to escort my two friends to their deaths.  He nodded at my friends, and they both gave me one last pleading look, meaning "we desperately want this to stop, yet no one will do anything."

I woke up with the word "complacency" on my mind.  We should never become complacent about any harmful actions by others, and we should never accept brutality and genocide and inhumane actions against our fellow man, no matter how much those in charge or those around us wish us to think of it as "normal."