

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Earthquake Anniversary

It's been one year since we had a 5.8 earthquake here in Virginia, and our local tv station just featured a short piece highlighting the quake. I blogged about it (see and still get emotional thinking about it.

My first thought as the quake hit was that we we're about to have a natural gas explosion, and indeed, in the tv piece the reporter was shown racing out of the studio asking if the gas lines were about to blow. The sound was a roar, coupled with the house swaying from side to side as opposed to shaking. Even though I predicted the quake just a few days before and was told in my vision that it would be local, I was completely shocked that Virginia could suffer through a quake! So I was unprepared and at a loss as to what to do, and what makes me weep right now is remembering my one overwhelming thought as I realized I couldn't get The Girls harnessed and out of the house before we all died: "Oh, Jeff is going to be so disappointed," and it broke my heart. My only thought was of my husband losing all four of us because I couldn't get us out in time.

Since that day I am definitely prepared. I bought snap on collars for The Girls and have them within reach should this happen again. I know the protocol for earthquakes is to not go outside but to stay in and hunker down, but our buildings here aren't built to withstand any quakes, and I'd much rather take my chances outside, surrounded by my beloved Earth, than inside a crumbling man made structure! But I've gone beyond just preparing for an earthquake: both of our cars now have emergency bags, along with copies of The Girls' rabies certificates; we keep a large supply of batteries and water on hand (which I was thankful for when the July storm knocked out power for 6 days); I bought all three Girls their own little floater devices in case we have a flood (Jeff thinks that's hysterically funny, but hey! you never know!); we have plenty of dried beans and legumes and brown rice and all are portable; The Girls' dry food is in an easily lift able and airtight container should we need to evacuate. The only thing we really need is a generator - we have plenty of battery operated Coleman lanterns for light, but the refrigerator and fans and computer need a power source.

So get your preparations in order, y'all! If you have pets, keep the essentials in one place that is easily accessible, and the same goes for children's essentials, in case you have to immediately leave your home. Keep pertinent shot records for both pets and children in your glove compartments and an emergency file that you can scoop up on your way out. Above all, be prepared so that you take action and feel somewhat in control instead of just reacting which often leads to panic and total loss of control. The next life you save may be your family's!

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