

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I went into a fugue state yesterday while, thankfully, sitting down. I was reading an article at the Southern Poverty Law Center's website about the white supremacist who shot three people in Overland Park, KS, because he thought they were Jewish (they weren't). As I was reading the article, what I can only describe as a psychic smell, and no, I can't describe the actual smell - it was neither sweet nor foul, but it was overwhelmingly strong - invaded my senses, I became totally exhausted and oh-so-sleepy, and I passed out into a fugue state and had a vision: expect many more shootings like this one. I woke up with a start, recorded my vision and was just extremely grateful I hadn't been standing up when it happened.

So we should expect more hate shootings. Gee, y'all, I'm begging you all to each please do your part in convincing people you know or encounter that violence is never the solution! We can't stop the hate - education, social disapproval and so on may change a few minds, but I would think that many haters will just go back underground - but we can certainly stop the violence. And stopping the violence is definitely a step in a healthy, peaceful solution for all of us. 

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