

Monday, September 29, 2014

Update on Earthquake(s) Prediction

I don't think the earth shaking cycle is finished yet; as a matter of fact, I feel that some really strong quakes are just around the corner, although I can't give an approximate time frame for them, I just feel the large earthquakes will happen between now and November.

Meanwhile on September 4, I wrote the following: "I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks." see

Since then, there have been several newsworthy earth movements:

California earthquake swarm:

Alaska 6.2 quake:

Japan volcano eruption:

Oklahoma 4.1:


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Side Effects Your Doctor May Not Know About/Warn You About re Pharmaceuticals

I have a hell of a time taking pharmaceutical medicines (and am a cancer survivor), which is why I've done so much research into holistic medicines and changed my life drastically at the age of 52 when I left the legal career field and became a licensed esthetician and certified aromatherapist and herbalist. If a prescription drug has side effects - and what drug doesn't? - I'm pretty much guaranteed to have them.
Most side effects are just bothersome, with the benefit of the drug outweighing the side effect(s). But some side effects are quite stunning and fall into the "who knew this could happen?" category. For instance I have high blood pressure (hereditary) and diet and exercise have not improved this, so my doctor has given me several different medications to try. Here are the results (I can't remember the medications' names, except for the final one):
1) First medicine: Dry cough. Doctor noticed it when I went for a 6 month check up and immediately took me off that medication (the cough was severe)
2) Second medicine: Upper respiratory illness, just like the flu but without the fever. Lasted one day, usually once a week. I finally looked up the side effects, and sure enough: upper respiratory illness was a side effect. Doc took me off of that one and put me on another.
3) Third medicine: Urinary tract infection. I had not had a UTI since before my hysterectomy in 1996. I got three within 3 months of each other, looked up the side effects, and bam! UTI was a side effect. Doctor gave up looking for an alternative, but increased slightly the diuretic I had been taking for several months (I suffer from edema, sometimes grossly so).
4) The diuretic: Chlorthalidone. I had been taking this for about a year, and when I was having issues with all the other medications, this one seemed perfect - no side effects, no dehydration, no nuthin'. Except for the last several months I've been having bouts of pancreatitis. The pain begins in your upper abdomen (usually upper right quadrant) and radiates to your entire upper/middle back. It's crippling, and nothing makes it abate except heating pads or hot baths help. I had a severe bout yesterday that I felt was coming on Sunday evening, but by mid-morning, I was bedridden (again!). Finally out of desperation because I needed to know if it was drug-related or should I go to the doctor today and possibly be hospitalized, I googled "chlorthalidone pancreatitis" and found this lovely bit of news from the NIH (see below). Damn! I also found other articles that stated that of all the incidences of diuretic-related pancreatitis, the symptoms began after taking the drug(s) for at least 6 months. I didn't take the diuretic yesterday or this morning (and won't be taking it again, ever), and I feel much better already, thank goodness.
My whole point in writing this is as a warning: if you're on prescription meds and little (or large!) illnesses keep popping up on you, it may just be your meds' fault. I mean, who knew that you could get a UTI or an upper respiratory infection or dry cough or even potentially fatal pancreatitis from meds? I didn't! As for my high blood pressure, I'm still working on it from a holistic treatment viewpoint, because obviously I can't take the prescription stuff.
If you're suffering a wonky illness and are taking meds, google the drug's name followed by the illness, like I did with "chlorthalidone pancreatitis." You just may be a bit surprised at what pops up.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Note on the 13th Anniversary of 9/11

NOTE: From June 2001 until September 11, 2001, I had dreamtime visions of a hellish scenario: crowds running down a large city's streets, airplane propellers flying overhead the crowds, slicing into people. I was filled with dread in those months, a dread that I've been feeling again lately, although this dread is more universal - like, globally - as opposed to US-centered. I honestly thought a nuclear war was going to happen back then, and as the day of 9/11 wore on, I kept waiting for the nukes to go off. Thank the universe that never happened. Now with Putin telling the US to back off, Israel announcing their new nuke-capable submarine, and other countries going ballastic, my dread is like a lead curtain draped on my back. But I still refuse to live in fear, y'all: if our leaders don't start growing up and thinking as adults, we are, quite simply, doomed to repeat what has gone before - but we can gather our communities together to weather the coming storm(s).
Been watching MSNBC's re-airing of their 9/11 coverage. At that time we lived in Bluemont, on the side of Mt. Weather, which is where FEMA's main facility was located and which has underground bunkers for the high and mighty in times of national emergencies. The road leading to those facilities was directly above ours, and after I was told to go home from work and was climbing the mountain toward home, I saw that the road to FEMA was barricaded and blocked and numerous helicopters were flying all over the place. Our road was fine, but the cacophony of all that emergency traffic plus the ongoing news footage was pure hell - I can't even imagine how people felt working at or near the Pentagon or the Twin Towers that day.
Anyway, pure hell, and my heart grieved for those who were killed, as well as for our country. As I was watching the re-airing today, one thing struck me: the call for retaliation. "Retaliate" was spoken over and over in 2001. So we subsequently found out the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia mostly, with a few from Pakistan, and we "retaliate" two years later by invading Iraq and Afghanistan and lord only knows where else. We spent billions of dollars on "retaliation," bringing our country to its knees financially and thousands of dead soldiers and civilians, and the wounded soldiers came home to little resources, almost zero healthcare, no jobs, no hope, no skills except the art of "retaliation."
Now our country is calling for more "retaliation." This time it's against ISIL for beheading two journalists. The most outspoken advocate - besides Dick Cheney - is John McCain, who was photographed just last year shaking hands and smiling with those same ISIL members, and who said yesterday that the US is not safer now after 9/11. Really? We have spent billions of dollars (again) on homeland security and have given up many precious civil rights because of that security. So what the hell was that money spent on, and why did y'all insist on funding these safeguards (we sure could have used that money to help our own and repair infrastructure)? Of course he and his cohorts are just drumming up the fear factor among the common folk, and they're doing a really, really good job. Here's the truth, y'all: no country is ever 100% safe from terrorists - if someone is determined and lucky enough, the job will get done, so I'd suggest just stop being afraid; if it happens, we'll deal with it as a community because our politicians sure ain't gonna give a rat's ass about the common people - they'll want to "retaliate."
Our policy is to throw money and weapons at anyone who we think will topple a dictator who won't do business with Big Energy, et al - meanwhile, those overthrowers once in power in turn refuse to do business with the US, so we send in Big Money's henchmen - the US military - to "retaliate." When the President and Congress and the talking heads like Cheney talk about "protecting US Interests," they're actually talking about private business, not US citizens. When they talk about the "need for retaliation," they're talking about private business being pissed because all of the sudden their oil or minerals or factory using slave labor or whatever is being taken away by a citizenry who's sick and tired of being shafted, raped & pillaged by US private business OR US private business has discovered there's a shitload of oil, minerals, slave labor in that country, and they want it. All of it. They want it, demand it, feel entitled to it, and US sends in the henchmen. And forget the talking points that the US needs those resources; on the contrary, we don't. We export more oil than we use. We haven't been able to export liquid gas yet so we have a glut of it. As to the minerals, I would bet we probably have more than enough of those, as well, although I really haven't seen stats on that. Stop putting our military at harm, stop killing civilians, stop big business from taking over a country's assets, just stop. I weep and shudder thinking about that day 13 years ago here at home; can you imagine how all those people in the Middle East feel seeing their own versions of 9/11 play out every single day just because US private businesses want to own their countries?
What's one of our first lessons that we're taught as children? Seeking revenge/retaliation is morally wrong and psyche-crushing. Our country is formed to seek justice, not revenge, and our court system is set up to ensure (yeah, I know, it's fallible) that justice is served. So I'm not sure when the dialogue changed - all of the 9/11 reporters used the word "retaliate" - but it's been with us for far, far too long, and our politicians remind me of children having a snit fit. The worst? Dick Cheney. He made over $4 billion on Iraq, no telling how much on Afghanistan, and no telling how much he stands to gain monetarily on the current "crisis." To me, he is the epitome of what Hannah Arendt called "The Banality of Evil' - a pathetic old entitled power-mad, greed-filled thug who, when all the myths are stripped away, is a nobody. A nothing. Not even human (he lacks what it means to be human - he's lost his humanity).
As for me? I refuse to live a fear-filled life. I refuse to support war or fighting or whatever it's called by the power brokers, no matter what their argument is because I know it's bullshit. I'll stick with justice: if someone attacks us, do your forensic jobs, do your detective and intelligence work, and demand through international diplomacy that whatever country is holding the terrorist(s) extradite him(them) to stand trial. If they refuse, cut 'em off financially, ideologically, internationally. I live for justice, not retaliation.

Message from Beyond

During dreamtime I saw through the eyes of a victim, as I so often do. This future event was about the brakes on a car. I/the victim was driving down a hill when the car sped up and the brakes failed. I thought to myself, "Damn it. I should have gotten those brakes repaired when they first started faltering!" So if anyone reading this has faulty brakes right now, get them repaired immediately! This precog did not end well, so please, please get your brakes repaired. 

NOTE: We have a new car with no brake issues - or any other issues - so that's how I know this dreamtime vision wasn't a subconscious reminder to myself.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Messages from Beyond & Earthquake(s)

1) A couple of nights ago I had a visit in dreamtime from Ken Muldare/Muldane/Mulder? - he was in a military uniform, either Air Force or Army. If this man is one of your loved ones, he just wants you to know he's still thinking of you.
2) Last night before my head had barely touched the pillow, I was immediately taken on a "flying" journey. The only other time I've "flown" before - and flying for me is more like zoomin' around above-ground - is when the man I call Grandfather, a Dine` medicine man, has visited me. Anyway, first we flew through a swamp, then fields, trees with moss, hardwood tree forest, then up a mountain and back down and stopped at a cabin/farmhouse. The whole time I was zooming, I kept telling my guide (unseen, unknown), "I'm not understanding. I'm not not getting your point." We went in the kitchen and there was a flowered, sheer curtain blowing in the breeze coming through the window, went further into the home, and I saw a man's body half in shadow laying on the floor. I could only see his legs, clad in blue-striped pajama pants, and he was wearing brown slippers. I got the impression he was elderly. After that, we flew again, through a really nice neighborhood that looked pretty new. The homes were not McMansions but rather more one-story, well-kept chi-chi. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I suck at interpretations because these visits are not meant for me, but of course I'm gonna throw out what it could possibly mean. The man came from a humble background but ended up being well-off OR vice-versa. He was either from the South or ended up there. He may have loved roller-coasters because at times it felt as if I was on a roller coaster, complete with that little tug the coaster does when you near the top. If any of this sounds as if this man may be your loved one, I want you to know he took me on quite an adventure! I also had the sense he was a happy man, and he's still zoomin' around in the Otherworld
3) I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks