

Monday, September 29, 2014

Update on Earthquake(s) Prediction

I don't think the earth shaking cycle is finished yet; as a matter of fact, I feel that some really strong quakes are just around the corner, although I can't give an approximate time frame for them, I just feel the large earthquakes will happen between now and November.

Meanwhile on September 4, I wrote the following: "I've felt a series of earthquakes in the last week. Three hours before the Napa quake hit, I felt it, as well, but since I didn't record it, I can't claim to have seen it coming. However, I think all this shakin' I'm feelin' may just be leading up to one big one, particularly in the US. I hope I'm wrong, but if correct, please have an emergency plan in place if you're in a quake-prone area - actually, everybody should have an emergency plan in place since it's a Murphy's Law kind of world in which we live. If these quakes I've been feeling are indeed a future event(s), I guess you can expect it to happen with the next few weeks." see

Since then, there have been several newsworthy earth movements:

California earthquake swarm:

Alaska 6.2 quake:

Japan volcano eruption:

Oklahoma 4.1:


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