

Friday, January 30, 2015

A Visitation

My husband, Jeff, went out of town last week on a business trip. On Friday my cabinet doors in the kitchen started opening and slamming shut by themselves. I knew someone was visiting me, but for the life of me I could just not figure out who. It didn't alarm me or frighten me, it was just, well, annoying.

All through the weekend paranormal stuff happened: the cabinet door slamming continued; a wailing - the wail of a Banshee is how I thought of it - was coming from the chimney, even though even a high wind didn't make that kind of noise; someone kept "bumping" into the living room furniture; and I was charging my iPad while using it and noticed that it was losing power - the charge went from 82% down to 30% within a matter of minutes, and I double-checked the connection and power source and yadi yadi yada and it still lost power.

The morning after the iPad power issue, I received a call from one of my cousins telling me that our cousin had died. He lived alone kind of isolated in Montana, suffered a heart attack, died and his body wasn't discovered for quite some time. I instantly realized, "Oh! Now I know who's been trying so desperately to get my attention!" He and I were only a few weeks apart in age and had been in touch with each other our whole lives, even though we've never lived close to each other geographically.

But here's the rest of the story: my cousin's daughter said that she, too, had a visit from him on Thursday evening through an electronic foul up, and he visited my sister in dreamtime on Friday evening.

All of these incidences were a matter of his trying to get our attention. Unfortunately, none of us had any sense that it was him - he didn't show us his face or use any other cues that would tip us off. But his daughter said that it was so very typical of her father to be loud and bold in trying to get us to notice him as that's how he was in life.

So now we know he's in that Otherworld, humor still intact, energy zooming - quite literally! - all around us, and what a comfort that is to all of us still in this world we call life. If one of your loved ones dies, please be alert to any signals he or she may be sending - don't shrug off the anomalies, even though anomalies certainly do happen. Think about the odd occurrence that could firmly be tied back to your loved one, and take comfort in the fact that dying is not an ending.

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