The day after the September 16th earthquake in Chile, I had my first earthquake vision in over a year. I felt an earthquake, posted it on Facebook, and within a week an earthquake struck Indonesia. The only reason I can think of why my earthquake "gift" - or any of my other gifts - had been absent for so long is that I wasn't living in an area conducive to truly feeling the unseen world. Now that we're permanently settled in an old house, my clairvoyance has been rapidly increasing. Stay tuned to a return of "Messages From Beyond" and other predictions! Now if I can just remember to record everything in my notebook...!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Two Messages from Beyond and Yet More Nightmares
1. I was visited in dreamtime by Mrs. Johnnie (spelling may not be accurate - Jonny, Jonney, etc.) Finnegan. She was an elderly woman, and I heard the song "Blessed Assurance" being sung during this encounter. This may have been her favorite hymn. If she's a member of your family, she wants you to know she's doing well in the Otherworld.
2. I saw a family of four in a field with a grove of trees near the road. Their car had either run off the road and struck one of the trees or they were hiding in this area. Both parents were holding a child, one of whom was a little girl. All had bloody bandages on their heads - head trauma? - but were smiling as they walked toward me. I don't know if they died from a car accident or murder, but the smiles told me they're at peace in the Otherworld. If you know of any missing persons or have had family members killed in a car accident, this visit may apply to you.
I realize I'm a broken record when it comes to community cohesiveness, but my dreamtime visions are filled with future nightmares that will be unleashed if we don't start becoming a more tolerant, loving, empathetic society. There are several ways to start today to becoming a better human race:
Twitter: Stop name-calling. If someone disagrees with you, if you can't stick to the facts in replying, don't reply at all. If you're called slurs, laugh. You know you're a fabulous person - stop feeding the beasts of slurdom. Just reply back (if at all) and say something like, "Thank you, precious. Have a fabulous life!" and then block them.
Facebook: If you have Facebook friends who constantly post articles or memes that upset you, unfriend them. It really is as simple as that. We simply have run out of time to tolerate the intolerable. I have a cousin who continually posted totally false information (garnered from Fox News, no doubt), and I felt compelled to reply with facts. I thought I was being helpful, she thought I was being mean, and she ended up unfriending & blocking me. I'm very thankful she did - her posts drove me nuts, and my replies drove her nuts. I also learned a valuable lesson: if I see more than two posts that are totally untrue, I automatically unfriend, whether friend or family. I enjoy a good argument and relish whenever what I post is challenged - it helps me grow and learn (even at this old age!) and see where some people are coming from ("walk a mile in their shoes'). But if your argument is false, you refuse to verify your info or just spout the same tired talking points (usually spread via Big Business or Big Religion in the first place), debating with you is useless, and I ain't got time to argue. These are the two main social media sites most of us use - I also use Instagram and from time to time read Tumblr.
It's urgent that we stop the hate, y'all. We are fast approaching a time of great war, not only internationally but country-wise as well. Our politicians seem to be overwhelmingly childish; where are the adults? We have great problems in our own country, and other countries have many issues as well, so it's time to come together as adults and ensure we cause no further harm. It's time we elected people into office who are not career politicians. It's time we elected people into office who are deeply committed to Mother Earth's well being. It's time we elected people into office who are deeply committed to each of us, whether we're black or white or somewhere in between, whether we're gay or straight or somewhere in between, whether we're doing well financially or are as poor as most of the dirt in the drought stricken West. Our country needs billions of dollars in infrastructure repair; it needs pollution controls firmly set into place with criminal penalties along with monetary penalties; it needs oversight into banking and the stock market; it needs a universal healthcare system for all with insurance being taken out of the equation unless one opts for supplemental insurance; it needs a straightforward taxation system, where we all pay our fair share; it needs an overhaul of the way we educate our children and take care of our most vulnerable citizens; it needs equality for all, not just for some.
Now, some of you may disagree with me, and while I don't understand why, I certainly hope that one day you'll untether yourselves from the blinds of propaganda and research, truly research, the truth. I have yet to see one valid argument about any of the above: no, businesses won't lose money by pollution and/or consumer and/or worker safety implementation - it's all tax free and only comprises 7% of their built-in operating costs; no, universal healthcare doesn't have a death panel - almost the entire world has universal care except for us; the stock market is rigged, as is banking, and each of us taxpayers are now legally on the hook for bailing them out should they embezzle or misuse or gamble away our funds; children, the elderly, the poor and the disabled need our help, desperately - it only costs you $36 annually in taxes in which to provide for them, while corporate subsidies are in the neighborhood of $4,000 and defense spending is a huge chunk out of our paychecks; all of our wars since WWII have been fought for corporate control - oil, gas, coal, minerals, cheap labor, etc. - therefore our military is Big Business' henchmen, and we need to re-define our defense system and stop invading every country certain industry sectors want to do business in. If instead of more trade agreements we kept industries here at home, not only would our economy be booming, but we wouldn't feel the need to be so damn angry at our system because those businesses would ensure our infrastructure was kept up-to-date and we would have way less of the abject poverty seen everywhere in our country now.
The reason I just ranted above is that my visions have shown death and destruction everywhere. You will not be immune, you will not have an escape, you will not be so smug and righteous when the nukes fall or the corporations take over completely, because you, quite frankly, won't be able to afford diddly if that happens. Do you really just want to hate your way into oblivion? Not me.
So I'll continue to hug strangers with whom I talk in grocery stores or other places of business, I'll continue to coo at my plants and trees and urge them to grow, grow, grow! I'll continue to refrain from name-calling and instead sincerely wish "a lovely life" on those who are so intent on spreading their malicious hate. Do I ever get angry? Of course! I just don't let that hurtful and harmful anger hurl itself into someone else's energy field. Remember: what you cast comes back to you three-fold, so disagree with someone without harming them. It ain't easy, but it does get easier the more you make an earnest effort.
Friday, January 30, 2015
A Visitation
My husband, Jeff, went out of town last week on a business trip. On Friday my cabinet doors in the kitchen started opening and slamming shut by themselves. I knew someone was visiting me, but for the life of me I could just not figure out who. It didn't alarm me or frighten me, it was just, well, annoying.
All through the weekend paranormal stuff happened: the cabinet door slamming continued; a wailing - the wail of a Banshee is how I thought of it - was coming from the chimney, even though even a high wind didn't make that kind of noise; someone kept "bumping" into the living room furniture; and I was charging my iPad while using it and noticed that it was losing power - the charge went from 82% down to 30% within a matter of minutes, and I double-checked the connection and power source and yadi yadi yada and it still lost power.
The morning after the iPad power issue, I received a call from one of my cousins telling me that our cousin had died. He lived alone kind of isolated in Montana, suffered a heart attack, died and his body wasn't discovered for quite some time. I instantly realized, "Oh! Now I know who's been trying so desperately to get my attention!" He and I were only a few weeks apart in age and had been in touch with each other our whole lives, even though we've never lived close to each other geographically.
But here's the rest of the story: my cousin's daughter said that she, too, had a visit from him on Thursday evening through an electronic foul up, and he visited my sister in dreamtime on Friday evening.
All of these incidences were a matter of his trying to get our attention. Unfortunately, none of us had any sense that it was him - he didn't show us his face or use any other cues that would tip us off. But his daughter said that it was so very typical of her father to be loud and bold in trying to get us to notice him as that's how he was in life.
So now we know he's in that Otherworld, humor still intact, energy zooming - quite literally! - all around us, and what a comfort that is to all of us still in this world we call life. If one of your loved ones dies, please be alert to any signals he or she may be sending - don't shrug off the anomalies, even though anomalies certainly do happen. Think about the odd occurrence that could firmly be tied back to your loved one, and take comfort in the fact that dying is not an ending.
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