

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A dream of religion and art

I dreamed I was visiting some friends (unknown to me in the waking world), one of whom worked for the Catholic Diocese of New Orleans as a social worker and counselor and who traveled extensively all over the world in her position.  Over the years she had sent me numerous brochures, postcards and pictures representing different artists' views of Biblical scenes and figures as displayed within the world-wide Catholic communities.  I then would turn the media she sent into art: collages, picture quilts, huge paintings using mixed media, and on and on.

I woke up with this thought: I'm turning one man's religion into another man's art, and it all has a divine purpose.

After much contemplation, here's my interpretation of the dream: I've definitely had enough with the religious wars and holier-than-thou attitudes: how am I going to Hell when I die when I know that Hell is this life on earth and definitely not in the next plane of existence?  Why on earth would you pray for my soul, when my soul is happy and laughing and wonder-filled with all that is?  Why is your religion a one-way ticket straight to heaven and therefore your God, when God is actually right here in each of us, and we have the power right now to be connected to each other and perform divinely instead of waiting an eternity for a deity to come to humanity's rescue?  You and your divine connection to each of your fellow beings is the deity who will rescue you - that's the lesson and the learning step God has implanted in each of us.  I've also had enough of why is one religion being thought of as more favorable over another and why are most organized religions trying to suppress what is unique in each of usGet over yourselves!  We are each uniquely divine and a work of art, some starting off as mere images, while others part of a cohesive whole.


  1. Wonderfully said Kerry! I couldn't agree more!

  2. thanks sweet girl! The odd part of all this is that I must have been guided by my peeps in writing this - I re-read what I wrote, and I honestly don't remember writing much of it. Hmmm, I must have still been in the dream...! The peeps knew I'd record it one way or another, lol
